This Champion is stupid, mega lane bully, Ghost means you die, take Fleet and buy Boots of Swiftness early, E max, if he Es your E your're dead, Q first to minimalize his E reflex time, focus on farm and roam mid or help counter jungle or deep ward when available.
While not too difficult, you cant roam much. Save E for his W, and ask for gank or roam when available if he has ult.
This champion is stupid, we all know it, proc his passive when possible, stay on bushes or riverside and not atop minions so he either choses to Q you or the minionwave, W often against ganks, his Q3 cancels your E and he kills you, if he has no W punish him.
Not too large of a threat unless he has ult (he cancels your E and you're dead), I recommend checking his cooldowns pregame
This Champion is stupid, E max, if he hits his W either E instantly or dont E, dont E into his Qs, grievous wounds works wonders
If you E she can still Q you in that split second, dont E into her E, can E during her W to punish, care not to E while you are close to her Ult's walls, you get it: Use E vell and win
W max and some DPS to melt him down, save your E for his Q
Dr. Mundo
Stand on the opposite side of the minions to block Q, he either uses E against you or the wave, save E for his engage (you can drop his passive by a Q E)
W max and early boots to kite her out, dont prolong your engage, proc PTA and farm, Grievous works wonders, save E for her engage and you'll be fine, just care for W stun
He'll W your Q, always have the push against you, and will kill you whenever but he is also squishier than most top laners, ask for ganks or lay down to farm and roams
Garens are dumb, and every Garen is the same, go boots and kite him, dont get caught into his E, and only E if he is already close, Q before you E to minimalize his Stridebreaker or Q silence reflex time, you can max Q since he clears the entire wave with E and you need to counter his push somehow
Always stay behind minions, your E stops his E, and if used well you'll never be between him and a wall for his R, Mega Gnar is easier to kite down, when he is mini focus on the farm
His E cancels your E, stay opposite to the minion wave so he has to use his abilities against you or the minions, I say W max and play around your passive to conserve mana and punish him when he is low mana in the early game
Punish her when her W is down, if she has Q stacks dont E in since the animation still goes and you get git by the true damage, Swiftness Boots against her R and E against her Ghost
This champion is stupid, Boots of Swiftness is key since you basically have to dodge everything, dodge E at all costs, dodge Qs by stayin near the wave but not inside, kill off tentacles from afar, E her Ult and DO NOT fight in her ult
Skill Matchup, your E cancels his Q, but his E blocks basically your entire damage, punish him when his E is down and play around cooldowns
Swiftness boots to dodge his skillshots, W max and play from a safe distance and try to kite him down
Watch out for your minions' healthbars against her Q, she can easily kill you at anytime, if she does engage, try to have her take as much damage from your minions as possible, swiftness boots for sure, save E and ask for ganks or roam if she sets up a good freeze
This is a weird champ, stay besides the minionwave to split his focus on the minions or you, he is overloaded and has a lot of abillities and recasts, go for a sustain build and try to deplete his mana
As any Kayle matchup does, get at least a couple kills in the early game and dont roam as much allowing her to scale, ask for ganks and keep her of the wave for XP and gold
This is a unique matchup, the trick is to first get his mount to minimal XP but not get him dismounted, when your cooldowns are reset you can engage him when he goes for minions, he will likely remount at first but you can repeat the process
He builds armor and you cant kill him, then Ult you and you die, try to roam around and lay to farm to prolong the game where you can then go against other opponents, maybe even ask for a swap
Mercury doesnt clear his ult but chances are there is some CC somewhere else so I go for it second item, the Life Steal gives valuable sustain and MR means he can rarely solokill you, W max, kite him down, stay in a safe distance, and W against ganks when enemy jungler is topside
This champion is stupid, Fleet footwork and boots of swiftness is a must, his W is too much of a slow for too long of a time and his Q still outdamages everything you do, Grievous Wounds is a must, can E when he goes for cannon otherwise save it for his W, if he has ghost and ult you are basically always dead
Stay besides the minionwave so he either Qs your or the wave, save E to keep distance, can go grievous wounds early, note that your E is your disengage tool, not CC
Placement is key, stay besides minions so he splits focus between you or minions, dont stay near walls or his Q, Edge of Night means he never kills you, he'll likely Q max and farm safely, respect his peace, he is a an old god, go roam mid or help your jungler
While melee, watch his Q range, only engage if his passive is down, he can Q during your E, watch for ganks with W, Edge of Night massively decreases his kill pressure if you space well against his Qs, note that he can and will oneshot you, care for his Ult, he can roam too.
W max, Fleet Footwork and Boots of Swiftness and you'll do fine, if he Es in Q, then E so he cant W your E
Rengar Top means death, W max and ward bushes, stay safe and call for gangs, E during his leap and lay down to farm, roam as much as possible, Edge of Night will highly neglect his kill pressure and your R outruns his R
Stay near minions against his missiles, but not too inside so he splits his Q damage, his W shield will lessen your burst so W max and go for a sustain DPS build with some durability and MR, save E for his Engage
This champion is stupid, but Quinn punishes him soooo good. W max and hunt him down, W passive MS is highter than his Q MS, the only thing to watch for is that his E cancels your E, and his W range is slightly longer than your Vault so he will damage you even if you E out during his W channel, Edge of Night and he can never kill you. W against ganks and go for a DPS focus
Dont E into his E, and his W blocks all AA damage, dont stand between him and his Spirit Blade, and roam often, save E to punish him when he has no E, or to cancel his ult, he will help other lanes, so should you. Either punish when he is gone or also roam.
While a minor chance, he can E your E and distrupt you greatly so try to Q before you E, his Ghost R movement speed is great but hey you are also fast to kite him out
Your E will cancel his Q but cast it quickly otherwise he will cast it while you are midair and do his full combo on you, care for his ult and go for DPS build he will eventually outscale you so roam around and help your team secure a lead
Tahm Kench
This champion is stupid, Tahm has insanely high base armor and will go for armor, you have to dodge his Q and opt for DPS, your E cancels his W channel but if you get caught then E out immidiately, he will buy heartsteel and just run at you, play around your minions.
Q before his Q then you can basically full combo, otherwise his Q blocks your damage entirely, roam around a lot and ask for ganks
He will W + Ghost + R into you whenever possible, Trundle is likely the fastest turret taking champ in game so roams are no-no. His E can cancel yours, so Q beforehand
If you keep him off the minionwave his threat is minimalized a lot, Fleet + Swiftness Boots and W max will work wonders, Grievous Wounds can help, if you get slowed by his W and he Ghosts and runs at you Wait for him then E, he will dive you with R but you can outplay with Q and some smart movement
You outrange him greatly, go boots early because if you dodge his skills he is an easy kill, watch for ganks and play around cooldowns
If you time your E well you can dodge his E, your E out if he closes in with Q, you need good spacing and footwork but very killable
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