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Kha'Zix Build Guide by pdumpster

Jungle "One By One" Phase Rush Kha'zix

Jungle "One By One" Phase Rush Kha'zix

Updated on June 22, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pdumpster Build Guide By pdumpster 9 0 28,723 Views 0 Comments
9 0 28,723 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pdumpster Kha'Zix Build Guide By pdumpster Updated on June 22, 2020
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Runes: Sorcery and Domination

Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

"One By One" Phase Rush Kha'zix

By pdumpster
Evolve Order
Q first for jg clear and duels, R second to make it much easier to pick someone off and get out or move on to another target, and then E last for the resets.
Jg clear
If you're on red side go:
and since kha'zix clears fast you can hop over baron wall and head to their red to try and kill the enemy jg or if you think they started red or you don't win the 1v1 after blue look for a gank or take gromp then scuttle.

If you start on blue side go:
and then go to scuttle or look for a gank.
Pros and Cons
Fast jg, drag, and herald clear especially after evolving Q.

Great at picking off 1 or 2 targets and getting out.

Phase rush helps with chasing down or escaping if you used E to engage.

Can move around the map incredibly fast thanks to boots of swiftness water walking and celerity.

Slows are practically nonexistent due to boots of swiftness and phase rush.

Lacks a little bit of burst in exchange for mobility

Can't move as easily from one target to the next early game due to late E evolve.

Still gets countered by hard cc.

True sight like TF ult or Leblanc chains makes Kha'zix ult nearly useless.

If Kha'zix falls behind it's very hard to get back in the game.
Invading a lot with phase rush is great since even if you were to encounter the enemy jg you can quickly hit them with an AA , Q , and W to proc phase rush and run away. In addition duskbladeduskblade and Kha'zix passive both apply a slow making it hard for them to catch up especially if you have E or R up.

You want to try and look for skirmishes in the jg since what Kha'zix excels at is picking off isolated targets and then quickly escaping or moving on to the next target.

Team fighting on Kha'zix can be difficult since most of the time people won't be isolated and carries will usually be by their sup or a tank. Ideally you don't want to be the first one going in since you'll probably get locked down and killed before you can do much. Instead wait until you see them use key cc moves and try and go in then. Also the longer a fight goes on the more likely it is people can get separated from each other allowing you to kill people much faster and swiftly move on to the next.

A big part of playing Kha'zix is in the way you use his ult, and with R evolved it becomes even more useful and important. Since you give up the resets until level 16 you have to make the most out of your evolved ult. One way to do this is through ganks, with celerity boots of swiftness and 2.5 seconds of invisibility on your ult you can practically be on top of anyone before they even see you. In skirmishes it's also extremely useful because while jumping from person to person with evolved e is good they are able to see you allowing them time to flash or dash away while with evolved R you can kill one person and then with the ms boost from phase rush and the
extended duration of ult be right on top of another before they even see you again giving them less time to react. another benefit is that evolved R is safer than evolved E since if you are unable to get the kill after using evolved E you have to rely on the 2 charges lower duration ult compared to the 3 charge longer duration ult to help escape.
Kha'zix Mechanics
One important Kha'zix mechanic is being able to buffer abilities while in mid air. You can use Q and W in the middle of your E . With this you are able to perform double jumps if your E is evolved and perform combos faster since part of if has already been done before you land.y

Another thing worth noting is that after you have evolved Q you are able to auto and Q through thin walls.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pdumpster
pdumpster Kha'Zix Guide
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"One By One" Phase Rush Kha'zix

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