Ahri is quiet a skill match up since you can't just W around like a maniac. You must always watch out for her charm since it can stop your entire engage. On the other Hand has Ahri not enough damage on early levels to kill you.
Abuse this Matchup hard. Whenwver Akali reactivates her E to jump on you, use your W AWAY from her best case under your own turret. If shw doesn't flash out in time it will be a 100% safe knock up or even a kill! Same goes for her second ult pr her E again with your ultimate. It is always a risk for her to hardengage you.
Akshan can do you pretty dirty in lane. He has his grabbler and movement speed from Q and passive to always escape from your W. Also you cant really stop his hard engage pre 6.
Anivia has quiet big problems here, since you can Dodge half of her spells with a single W. You can even tur on her while she casts Q to deal with her and interrupt her R also with W or Ult.
That Girl can be pretty annoying. She can easily stop your engage and has goodself protection.
Aurelion Sol
Its almost the same as Anivias problems only that he is quiet busted. Q can get interrupted with W. You can dodge almost all spells from him.
Alll I gotta say is - Watch up that he doesn't insec you under his turret.
Cassio can be super awkward to play against, since she can make 3 of you spells useless. Yet she is quiet vunerable against the cc and good teamplay.
Corki can be a bit annoying, since he can just jump out of your W range very easily and also with the latest changes, he is quiet the lane Bully, but we'll see if he holds his position on mid.
There aren't many ways that anyone dies in this laningphase by default. You both shield like stupid amounts, and you cant engage each other withlut getting a trauma.
When Ekko engages on you with his E, you can surely knock him up with a self W, also your CC can make his ult useless if you have enough burst.
Fizz has enough spells to get out of your cc, but he has not enough burst to destroy you, even after 6. You can just W away to Dodge his Ult or if it hits you still drag it under turret. If he dives, he might die due to your ult.
Basically unkillable for you. He has everything to make your engage useless. Laningphase is boring af.
I mean its Irelia. But yeah you can kill her pretty decent. Since those players are greedy af.
He has nothing to stop you, you outheal him, while he goes oom.
The lane is easy, but he will outscale you and you can't comprehend if your Team is not 100% playing with you.
Tbh, there is no easier matchup than this one. She cant pop ur passive easy, her daggers are free w hits and your kit makes her Ult useless.
This matchup is such a fiesta. You have to coinflip your own on her and hope she doesn't W back. After 6 you might get a Chance if she goes to hard on you. Also her New AD Build makes her even more threatening, since she doesn't need to W into you anymore!
Lets say, Lissandra usually counters assassins, but she cant live with the sustain of Rakan
The lane is pretty boring since she just spammes E and waits to stop your W with her Q. Hard engage is possible but not really easy to setup.
Malzahar cant really stop your hardengage, or not so fast that he cant return kill you.
Neeko does equal to Lux with her root, yet she is easy to kill if she messes up, since she has way less range.
Orianna has basically nothing to stop you. Her poke is barely enoigh to breake your passive and her ult isquiet easy to Dodge with W.
It all adds up to the point, if Pantheon stops Rakans W or not. Either way later you can clean one shot him.
Legit easy, as long as she has no water W she is free af. You can freely engage on her, you can counter her engage, you have enough to make Qiyana cry.
I cant really say much to Ryze, since I have played barely against him. Yet when I played vs him, he couldn't play at all.
Just wait for her to use the double spell and then go hard on her, since she cant stop you. At least if she stays safe, take the advantage and give your jgl opportunities.
Pre 6 he is a free kill and you can dodge almost all spells on default. After 6 play with ur W for a disengage so his Ult gets useless.
Sylas is equally to Diana in terms of sustain, but he is a bit easier to kill, since you can disengage him very easy.
There is legit no way you can W on her. Her E makes it unplayable, yet if you manage to reach her, she is in danger.
If you think this lane is doomed, because of her W and E than you have no idea. Taliyah has no back trading against you, especially on early levels. W does the knockup still, even if she casts her own W or E shortly after.
Its almost the same as for Akali, when you see him jumping on you, W AWAY. He has quiet damage to kill you, so play it around his W adn the passive stacks.
She wants to hardengage?
Easy disengage and Q for sustain. Chill she'll push on default and wait for your jungler.
Twisted Fate
There is legit only gold card that can stip you, if it is on cooldown, you have freeticket to go all in.
Its pretty boring to play this matchup, he is like super vunerable, yet his cage makes it sometimes really hard to reach him.
Her Fears can delete your whole combo, yet you have free all in if its on coldown. Read it on the bar under her Manabar.
I basically hate Viktor on default, but he is pretty easy to play against. He hates hardengage.
Vladimir is like one of the only champs that you can run down on level 1. He has no Chance against you. Since your Q heal is stronger than his own Q heal.
If you have half a brain, you just run him down. He has like no way of killing you. You can Dodge all of his Qs and you interrupt his E while W knockup.
Just a bit harder than his salty brother, yet not hard either. You just play around his Q3 and you'll win for sure.
He has nothing to trade you back, hard engage him all the time when he used his Shadow. When he ults instantly stop him from acting with Ult and W.
Alsmost the same as for Xerath, but he has a good disengage. Wait for a good opportunity and hardengage.
Its annoying to W aggro and than get bubbled mid air. It can cost you your lane. So beware of those bubbles.
Naafiri seems to have a rediciolous amount of damage. Watch up for her Qs!
If she dares to engage on you with her W do it just like with Akali or Talon, jump away with the W and get a guaranteed knock up!
If I could tell which E spell he is using, he'd be a minor matchup, but it is so hard to tell, if he just casually fears you while you are in the w. On the other side, he is still super immobile.
Literally 2 dashes on basic abilities to dodge Rakans W and let's not talk about the ultimate, which disables your W/Engage.
Doesn't matter if he is top or mid(or jungle) if he swings in, you have free follow up with ur E.
Basically alll hardengage supports are here.
Blitz is a bit different, since he is almost the only one that can deny ur w hit when he hooks.
Its just the CC.
Morgana does to Rakan, what he always says, but never is. Unstoppable!
Pyke can do it equally to Blitz, tho Pyke can better follow up or engage with Rakan.
Sejuani is a decent jungler for Rakan, since both together have a stupendously amount of cc.
Don't fall for that trap, Yasuo players are never trustworthy.
I mean, yeah, they are made for each other. Nothing more to say.
I love to have a good Zyra as Rakan, you can just play the enemies like they are jumping on a trampoline. Also the damage is quiet decent if you combine those 2.
Diana pulling the enemies together.
Rakan knocking them all up.
If Sion runs in the enemy Team, Rakan can take that advantage and E him while ulting, its a really huge gap close.
The better hook, doesn't fuck up the W.
Thats basically the best hook from all for Rakan.
Invisiblie Rakan E? Rito got you covered! Just take an Evelynn or any other camouflage Champion and you're good to go!
Not good, but better than his drunk brother.
Doesn't matter if he is top or mid(or jungle) if he swings in, you have free follow up with ur E.
Basically alll hardengage supports are here.
Blitz is a bit different, since he is almost the only one that can deny ur w hit when he hooks.
Its just the CC.
Morgana does to Rakan, what he always says, but never is. Unstoppable!
Pyke can do it equally to Blitz, tho Pyke can better follow up or engage with Rakan.
Sejuani is a decent jungler for Rakan, since both together have a stupendously amount of cc.
Don't fall for that trap, Yasuo players are never trustworthy.
I mean, yeah, they are made for each other. Nothing more to say.
I love to have a good Zyra as Rakan, you can just play the enemies like they are jumping on a trampoline. Also the damage is quiet decent if you combine those 2.
Diana pulling the enemies together.
Rakan knocking them all up.
If Sion runs in the enemy Team, Rakan can take that advantage and E him while ulting, its a really huge gap close.
The better hook, doesn't fuck up the W.
Thats basically the best hook from all for Rakan.
Invisiblie Rakan E? Rito got you covered! Just take an Evelynn or any other camouflage Champion and you're good to go!
First of all lets start in the pick and ban phase. Since you may have Seen the threat list, you might think you need to ban one of the 6 hardest matchups. I say no to that. There is no real target ban as you play Rakan Mid. But if you want to be 100% sure just ban Kassadin because he is basically the worst or Syndra since she is really popular currently. When the picking phase begins, there are 2 ways to go. First you just swap with your first ally and blind pick him. This gives your mate a lot more freedom and the enemies won't know you play mid, so its most likely that the enemy will pick a Counter for Rakan on botlane, like Nautilus. Then the enemy midlane is a totally random pick since it doesn't know who he is against. So you can either pray for an assassin that you can hars counter or you get a more hard matchup.
The second way is, possible if your teammates can counterpick and safe your pick to make sure you won't play an unplayable matchup. Both ways are good for you or your Team.
Early Game
Your early game is hilariously strong. On Level 1 trade your opponent with Auto attack WAuto attack, Electrocuteprocs and you basically deleted a third of his HP bar. Level 2 is even easier, since you now have your Q. So W on the Opponent Q and Auto attack. This does even more damage and if you opponent tries to trade back, dont you worry, your Q heal is charging to give you a ton of HP back. Lane like this until 6. You might Bully the enemy out of lane with that or even kill him with Ignite.Don't forget if your opponent plays safe that you cant W him, just clear waves and start to push, so you can give your jungler some opportunities. Whenever the opponent tries to trade with you while your W is on Cooldown just trade with your Q and sustain yourself for a healthy lane.
After Level 6
There are now multiple things:
First if you are already snowballing, then keep going, keep the opponent under control, if you have the opponent roaming or recalling, then go roaming yourself! You are super strong. You got enough damage and you can keep your Team alive. Which most midlaners can't!
Try to catch enemies offguard, especially the junglers when your Team does the Dragonor Herald/Baron, you dont need to kill him, just distract him from his job.
2-3 Item Powerspike
You can now basically run down half of the enemy Team on default. You just Ult W on the ADC or the Midlane and delete him. Don't hesitate to flash on them since now you want to play for teamfights.(Obviously you still can make solo picks) You have 3 Dashes,even 4 technically so with these you should reach the enemy fast.
Lategame (4-6 Items)
Congrats you made it this far, now you have to change your playstyle a bit. Since your all in gets weaker, your shields and heals get stupendously strong. So you can still play for a onehit on a carry, but make sure you can E out in safety. After peel your team and give them as many opportunities to push and kill opponents as possible! I can say Rakans Damage is quiet broken in all Game stages, but he needs to hold back later since he gets vunerable.
The forbidden Laningphase
if you still want to play it, all Items are mentioned in the following text.
So basically you can choose between a D-Shield or a D-Ring as a start. The goal of th Lane is to survive and cs savely. You can do some early trades against some Laners, that are not bullies like Fiora or Darius. You have some good Lanes against Dr. Mundo or Cho'Gath, etc. Prepare ganks and roams for your jungler, also ditch the wave for him if he is topside in a contest. With 2-3 Items you have most of the stats you need: Movement speed, AP and some tankiness. Look for a roam/teamfight with your mates and set up Kills for them. Whenever you Ult W someone also use the Stridebreaker passive to put a huge slow on them while you run for the next target to charm with the Ult or to go back to safety with E. Cosmic drive stacks more movement speed and gives some nice AP and Dead mans Plate gives the charge of movement speed and some tankiness. The more Items you get the more you can do for your job. With the Trailblazer you can be basically jump one the enemies from out of nowhere and the Imperial Mandate doesn't also give you a bit more move speed, you also put that damage Mark on the enemies for better teamfights and more burst.
Full Build S14 be like: Cosmic Drive
Stride Breaker
Dead Mans Plate
Trail Blazer
Boots of Swiftness
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