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Runes: Rank 1 Karthus Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Karthus Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The Power of Jungle Karthus
Welcome to BeHumbleFriends Offcial Karthus Guide.
Karthus in the current meta is VERY strong. He has the ability to duel most junglers if played right at the same time as clearing and powerfarming faster than any other jungler.
This build teaches you:
Macro/Map control
How to play teamfights
I have played a lot of Karthus jungle over the years, and I hit rank 1 Karthus just a week ago and have maintained top Karthus in NA and second Karthus in the world.
In this section, you will learn how to outpath almost any jungler and not die to those "oppressive" early game junglers. Karthus can solo clear any camp/buff, and can start on both sides of the map, this is very important to keep in mind when you're considering certain matchups. Lets create a scenario to help you invision what I'm talking about. Say you're on the blue side of the map, jungling into a Lee Sin. You know Lee Sin will most likely start on his red, the top side buff. To ensure you never have to see Lee Sin, ensure your botlane wards deep into his blue or even in the river if needed. Then you proceed to topside and place a ward in the river brush and start your blue. This path allows you to mirror Lee Sin and always know when he plans on invading and helps you Counter-Gank and powerfarm more safely. For how to kite and jungle clearing tips, check out my video check out my video
There are many ways to play Karthus, but for the most success and highest results he is best played as a oppressive 2v2 type jungler. This means you often with your mid laner look for invades and 2v2s to allow yourself a lead and snowball the game.
The best start for Karthus is walking with your top/mid to their top side buff and trying to secure it. Karthus excels in camp clear speed and can take all of a junglers buffs before they have even finished their 3rd camp. This allows you to get 3 quadrants of the map and have a very huge farm lead on your opposition.
The best start for Karthus is walking with your top/mid to their top side buff and trying to secure it. Karthus excels in camp clear speed and can take all of a junglers buffs before they have even finished their 3rd camp. This allows you to get 3 quadrants of the map and have a very huge farm lead on your opposition.
Hey! I hope you all enjoyed my guide for how to play and win on Karthus Jungle in season 9. I'm rank 2 Karthus in the world right now and soon to be rank one with my 90% Masters account. If you ever need more information please feel free to visit me at My Twitch or My Youtube
I hope you all enjoyed my guide and good luck on the rift!
I hope you all enjoyed my guide and good luck on the rift!
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