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Rumble Build Guide by Dharcness

Rumble In The Jungle

Rumble In The Jungle

Updated on July 14, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dharcness Build Guide By Dharcness 6,024 Views 0 Comments
6,024 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dharcness Rumble Build Guide By Dharcness Updated on July 14, 2016
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hey there, i have been playing rumble in the jungle before it became meta a couple of patches ago. i always thought it was funny and with his aoe clear it was very effective and now i thought of making a guide out of this so here it is c:
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How do i jungle with rumble?!

well at the start of the game start Q and just spam it, around 50 heat you should stop and wait till it cools down around 30-40 so you wont overheat as fast. Your Q will do +50% dmg if its up there. at 50 heat all your basic abilities will have an improve effect;
Flame Spitter (Q) - +50% DMG
Scrap Armor (W) - +50% Shield & Movement Speed
Electric Harpoon (E) - +50% DMG & Slow

do not fear getting into 100 heat and overheat as it will do more dmg on your basic attacks
so a good thing is to get 70-75Heat and use your Q & W as that way you get the most of our your heat, so you will have your flame spitter up with a shield and strong auto attacks to monsters
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How do i gank?

well you should have your bar at 60~ when you walk in with all your other abilites up
you should W your way to the lane as it gives movement speed and then start roasting them with Q as it goes through minions (handy right?) and hit him with the harpoon when he/she is out of the minion wave and once you overhead just try to auto attack them or use the protobelt as its really strong
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What if im behind?!

try to farm up again, buy some cheaper items like voidstaff over deathcap and try to gank other lanes whenever you have ult up
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I Dont believe you are doing good with rumble in the jungle!!!

this is fine damn streak i might say with good KDA aswell its also quite fun
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