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Recommended Items
Runes: runes page 1
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Junkyard Titan (PASSIVE)
Rumble Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Items Information
"Zhonya's is for armor if you play vs ad champs , you HAVE to buy it when you play vs FULL ad team or if they had a fed zed , talon , or what ever champ that deal physical damage and fed" /
"Banshee's if they have magic damage , it will give u alot of magic resist and a shield that block any type of magic damge , again you HAVE to buy it if you will play vs FULL ap team or if they have fed ap champs such as lux , syndra , or whatever champ that deal magic damage" /
"Morellonomicon for magic pen , and it will make them heal less for 3 seconds after damaging them" /
" Void staff is for tons of magic pen , its a great choice if you are playing vs a team that have a lot of magic resist" /
"Rabadon's deathcap is for TONS of ap and magic damage , mostly you will buy it as your last item" /
"Rylai's is for slows (its good with your ult slow" /
"Hextech protobelt is good for the mobility and its like an ability , it give you a dash and in the same time you shoot bullets that deal magic damage"
"Banshee's if they have magic damage , it will give u alot of magic resist and a shield that block any type of magic damge , again you HAVE to buy it if you will play vs FULL ap team or if they have fed ap champs such as lux , syndra , or whatever champ that deal magic damage" /
"Morellonomicon for magic pen , and it will make them heal less for 3 seconds after damaging them" /
" Void staff is for tons of magic pen , its a great choice if you are playing vs a team that have a lot of magic resist" /
"Rabadon's deathcap is for TONS of ap and magic damage , mostly you will buy it as your last item" /
"Rylai's is for slows (its good with your ult slow" /
"Hextech protobelt is good for the mobility and its like an ability , it give you a dash and in the same time you shoot bullets that deal magic damage"
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