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Ryze Build Guide by Elite Member

AP Carry Ryze

AP Carry Ryze

Updated on March 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Elite Member Build Guide By Elite Member 4 12 40,430 Views 3 Comments
4 12 40,430 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Elite Member Ryze Build Guide By Elite Member Updated on March 21, 2013
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Hi, you are playing one of the most OP stronk mid champs, What do you do?
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Self explanatory
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Maximizes CDR with utility.
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Why not Furor Boots?
It is generally better to have a flat movespeed increase with Alacrity, or a huge fountain boost from Homeguard to get to your lane faster/roam.

The item build isn't done as you can see, because its entirely situational after that.

Some items to consider:

Abyssal Scepter
Void staff
Liandrys torment
Banshees Veil
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Creeping / Jungling

Having ulti while farming jungle is recommended, although it isnt needed
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After you get cdr from Glacial Shroud(which you should have 35%~ cdr), you should be using your Q inbetween every other spell to fully utilize his passive
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Pros / Cons

Has a triumphant ryze skin which is great

Triumphant ryze is riot-sponsored-controlled
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Horrible AA cser, bad mana sustain early game, but mid-late you should be fine

After you get your tear you should aim at farming with your Q if you know you have enough mana for other situations
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Team Work

Aim at staying near the back of a fight like a normal AP carry would do, make sure you spam all your spells
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Ranked Play

A Great safepick
Great CC
Great AOE in teamfights
High sustained damage

A Great champion all around for competitive play.
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