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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Gyldartz



Updated on August 29, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gyldartz Build Guide By Gyldartz 12 2 24,502 Views 2 Comments
12 2 24,502 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gyldartz Kha'Zix Build Guide By Gyldartz Updated on August 29, 2021
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Runes: 🔥Dark Harvest🔥

1 2
Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Gyldartz
Who is Kha'zix
Who is Kha'zix in LoL?
Kha'zix is ​​a champion in League of Legends, he usually plays in the jungle (see lesson: The Jungle in LoL) and is capable of dealing impressive damage. Rather mobile, it is however very fragile and has little crowd control.

This makes Kha'zix relatively difficult to play because even though he deals a lot of damage, every misplacement, no matter how small, can be fatal.

What are the spells of Kha'zix in LoL?
Passive: Invisible Threat
When opponents haven't seen you for a few seconds, Kha'zix’s next basic attack deals bonus damage and slows enemies.

Spell A: Taste of fear
Taste of Fear is sort of a boosted self attack that deals significant damage. This spell is interesting since if the target is isolated, the damage is amplified.

Spell Z: Void Pike
It’s actually 2 pikes that go in the direction of the opponent, doing damage and slowing the enemy. The interesting thing about the Z spell of Kha'zix is ​​that if you are in close proximity to the enemy, you can heal yourself.

Spell E: Bond
As the name suggests, this spell allows Kha'zix to leap towards the enemy. Rather, it is considered a "utility" spell, for entering or exiting combat.

Ultimate Spell R: Void Assault

When using it, you can become invisible up to 2 times.
At certain levels, you can upgrade spells. When you evolve the various Kha'zix spells and level up your champion, you will deal more damage, receive more healing, jump further, and more.
Build / Runes Kha'zix
Black Harvest grants you a good scaling if you get to the stack quickly or if the game lasts. Shock is a more effective early game alternative. Rush Offensive has a good synergy with E - Bond. Cloudy Coats will be a good asset in your battles if you use Smite. Water Walking gives you the edge in the river.

With the Evening Sword of Draktharr, assassins can sow doubt among their foes as they ravage their back line, while remaining invisible. This allows Kha'Zix to be elusive and easily switch back to teamfight, especially if he has his R - Void Assault. This item has good synergy with Invisible Threat, Kha'Zix's passive.
Youmuu's Specter Blade allows Assassins to move quickly through the rift. The Eclipse allows Assassins to enter and exit fights as they see fit, and take out tougher enemies in prolonged clashes. The item's omnivampirism and shield will make Kha'Zix more robust.
In Game
Kha'Zix can improve his skills when he puts a skill point in his R - Nether Assault. Even if he is able to gank from Level 3, it is at Level 6 that his style of play will become clearer. Improve Q - Taste of Fear to increase your clear speed, especially on objectives and your DPS on isolated enemies. Upgrade Z - Void Pike if you want more control over your enemies. E - Improved Leap allows you to jump further and reset the spell's CD each time you kill a champion. Upgrade R - Void Assault for better mobility in combat.

At Level 6, the most common buffs are A - Taste of Fear or R - Void Assault.

As an assassin, favor fragile targets, especially if they are isolated. You have to make sure you control the vision in order to surprise your enemies as much as possible.

Be careful not to throw yourself into the fray if you are alone, it will harm you. Watch out for targets that are out of position and reenter the fray if an ally takes enemy focus. The current mythical items nevertheless allow you to come and finish off a target and replace yourself. If you are concerned about an enemy spell that cannot be avoided, Mantle of the Night will be a good choice.

If the enemies are very grouped and no ally is able to engage in combat, upgrade your W - Void Spades in order to poke and slow your enemies. Otherwise, try to flank an isolated target at the slightest misstep.
Tips & Tricks
Play around with the bushes and your opponent's vision as much as possible to make the best use of your Invisible Threat passive.
Always target isolated opponents to use your Invisible Threat passive and apply the additional effects of your skills. Enemies are considered isolated when they have no allies around
Your improved E - Leap can allow you to chain assassinations, as each death or assist refreshes the spell's cooldown.
Be unpredictable with R - Void Assault, change direction after activating it to cause confusion.
You will be able to evolve 3 spells each time you put a skill point in R - Void Assault.
If you play against Rengar and overcome the Level 16 quest, you will be able to upgrade your last spell.
About Me
Hey welcome to my kha'zix guide, I'm a player like you with a Gold level to help all levels. I know the game since the release of lissandra in season 3 so I have a lot of gaming experience and over 5,000 hours of play to my credit with over 2,000 games played. I play before all for fun and play with my friends. Unfortunately, I never stinks of getting on the game and also because I often draft. I hope this guide helped you out, if you want to support me, like the guide and follow me on my Twitch and Youtube channel!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gyldartz
Gyldartz Kha'Zix Guide
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