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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order DAMAGE
Threats & Synergies
His first skill with pta is a big threat to you because you're squishy unless you sidestep it or the player is egg.
I really love playing with her and she can free hit with your stun and kill fast
I really love playing with her and she can free hit with your stun and kill fast
Champion Build Guide
And i discover Elise is a best jungling and support champion! she damage normaly and can delete squishy on lategame. I currently have 45k mystery points on Elise! and she is easy to learn some player said that Elise is hard to play, i think that's a lie. Anyways Elise is my 4th main because i always play Miss Fortune.
"I hear a man likes a lady with legs."
Electrocute does huge damage early, great all in at level 3, and dark harvest is only for late game. cc with cacoon, escape and chase with repell, great roams and drag pressure, she can also pump turret damage with her spider form W and spiderlings, you can also give an amazing leash to your jungler early by having your spiders tank the camp and using your Q which has no mana cost.
I think having another 'jungler' such as Elise could be meta right now (i think lol) with the dragon buffs. As mid and support main she plays extremely well into my game knowledge and can become a carry support quite easily.
With mythics being such a huge power spike for your ADC, elise early game dominance can shut down the enemy ADC and even if you steal kills can give enough gold to catapult your ADC to mythic.
PLUS Her spider form giving bonus move speed also means your faster at roaming and getting back to lane or even escaping etc. and her passive " Spider Queen" have small spiders that damage 16 ap in early, which is more damage to the enemies.
- Neurotoxin
Venomous Bite
- In Human form, Elise's Q ability is "Neurotoxin." It allows her to deal single-target magic damage to an enemy champion, based on their current health percentage. In Spider form, this ability transforms into "Venomous Bite," which deals more damage to lower-health targets.
- Volatile Spiderling
Skittering Frenzy
- In human form, Elisereleases a spiderling that moves forward and explodes upon reaching the target location or enemy. It deals area-of-effect magic damage to nearby. In spider form, Elise enhances her attack speed and causes her attacks to heal her. This skill allows her to sustain in fights and deal damage quickly in melee range.
- Cocoon
- In Human form, Elise's E ability is "Cocoon." It fires a skillshot that can stun and immobilize the first enemy hit. In Spider form, this ability becomes "Rappel," which allows Elise to ascend into the air and then choose a target location to descend upon, revealing and damaging enemies.
Ultimate (R):
- Spider Form - Elise's ultimate ability is "Spider Form." It allows her to switch between her Human and Spider forms. This transformation alters her abilities and playstyle, providing a high level of adaptability during battles.
- Laning Phase:
Start with your Q ability, "Neurotoxin," which can be used to poke and harass the enemy bot lane. It deals bonus damage based on the target's current health percentage.
Take the standard support items like Spellthief's Edge or Relic Shield to generate gold through poking and trading with the enemy champions.
Coordinate with your ADC to look for opportunities to land your Cocoon (E) to engage or disengage fights. The stun can be a valuable crowd control tool.
- Warding and Roaming:
Use your Spider Form to navigate the map quickly. You can roam to the mid lane or help your jungler secure objectives like the Scuttle Crab.
Ensure good vision control by placing wards in the river and enemy jungle to provide safety for your team.
Mid Game:
- Engaging and Picking Off Targets:
Your Cocoon (E) and Venomous Bite (Q) can be used to engage fights or pick off squishy targets in skirmishes.
Use the Spider Form's Rappel (E) to quickly reposition during fights, dodging skill shots and getting in and out of danger.
Supportive Items:
Build supportive items like rylai's crystal scepter, Imperial Mandate, or Everfrost. To have utility.
Late Game:
- Teamfights:
Continue to play a supportive role in teamfights. Use your Cocoon (E) to catch out-of-position enemies and create opportunities for your team to capitalize on.
Be vigilant about peeling for your ADC and other carries. Elise's Spider Form allows her to quickly get to the backline and disrupt the enemy team.
Vision and Map Control:
Late game is when vision control becomes even more critical. Make sure you maintain vision around key objectives like Baron and Dragon to prevent the enemy team from sneaking them.
Use the Spider Form's mobility to secure vision or contest objectives.
If your jungler go to blue buff, ward the red buff and go to lane bush on the third bush the near enemy's bush and wait the adc or support there and use your Q Neurotoxin to the enemy and click your R Spider Form rapidly! then use your Q Venomous Bite and wait your spiderlings damage them then go to human form. Bushes is the best counter to all but be carefull if your enemy is Caitlyn, Jhin, Lux etc.
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