Very annoying but still playable. Avoid him once he gets MEGA Gnar.
You can kill him pre 6 if you find a Flash E opportunity near tower but its rare.
Otherwise once you hit lvl 6 try to hit him with R and drag him to the tower and use E to keep him there.
Ban it, super annoying matchup. Otherwise try look for Flash E to your tower if you want to kill.
You can wait till lvl 6 and try land a R and drag to the tower.
Be very mindful that she is very deadly once she reach lvl 6 and can trap you.
Also this champ in teamfights is very annoying to. I would only try to hit your R on her if she is stunned. Otherwise look for someone else to use it on.
I recommend dodge if facing this. I pray you will never experience this kind of pain.
The reason I don't ban it is because luckily no one plays.
Anyway, you have to all in him if you want to kill him because he have very good sustain.
I recommend buying hollow radiance and just perma push waves and look for roam and impact map.
Playable if opponent bad. Look for Flash E near your tower.
Be very mindful of not pushing too far since she has high ms and can easy kill you if given the chance. Also fighting near a big wave can be crucial for her.
Good tip is to never try hit a long ranged E. Always be near her and E her to wall if you gonna try.
Very easy, if he is inside you and presses E you can quickly E him to wall and then walk out of his E.
But should overrall be very free to drag into tower.
Also keep in mind he probally will use his Q to escape if you manage to grab him to tower.
Darius blood can make it possible to drag him to tower even if there is minion under there.
But becareful if you try R him to tower and then E because just after your R ends he can E you and escape.
And as always against Darius you have to becareful to not push too far in lane because he can just run you down with ghost.
A good Aatrox is gonna keep distance and poke you but those are rare cases. Just look to reach lvl 6 and hold wave near tower and then look for opportunity to grab him to it. A good tip is to predict your R when he is gonna do his E-Q poke on you. Usually very predictable.
Usually very easy to drag into tower.
Gwen players cant resist their urge to their E-Q on you. Which often gives you opportunity to grab her into the tower if you manage to hold wave there.
Something to keep in mind is that she outscales you like crazy. But you can easy get away from her by just using your E because she has no cc.
But try abuse her as much in early game and then avoid her in late game or look to cc chain her.
Very easy to deal with. Just wait for her to use her E on you near your tower and try grab her.
These players usually doesnt run flash which gives you opportunity to flash her E and then pull her into the tower.
These players usually think they are invincible whenever they press E. Which gives you great opportunity to pull them into the tower and usually they take like 2 towershots which is usually crucial for them.
Whenever you grab him to tower try to runaway from him because his W will be fully charged and it kill you in some cases.
In teamfights you have to becareful he doesnt use your ult on you and it hits your team. Since you are very tanky champion it will do alot of dmg to your teammates.
Just dont do your E when she does W. Its almost impossible for her to time your E with W. And never R her if you know her W is up. Otherwise extremly easy matchup, usually never fails this.
His W makes him immune to get grabbed to the tower.
There is way to get him to tower but I can't explain it here.
Also I believe you should beat bad GP's kinda easy. But good GP's is pain.
Try not to smile when facing this champ xD
Care of his W, Care if he has QQQ, remember after he ults you he can press W and it deals insanely much dmg.
His W also gets reset on his R
Never had problems against this, Doesnt even have to drag him to tower. Can easily win trades outside of your tower.
Tho this champion can become a problem later in game because he will be very tanky. And Skarner is not really good at killing tanks so its up to your team to kill him.
Dr. Mundo
In order to be able to drag him to tower always walk up to him and break his shield with your E. After that you are good to go for a good while.
Try to dodge his Q because that is usually what deals the most dmg.
Also getting bramble vest against him is very useful since he heals alot.
Careful his E interupts your E.
And if you gonna drag him to tower using your R and then your E note that he can interupt you in that small window after your R ends.
The most free matchup. So easy to drag him to tower because the players that plays this usually never respects you.
Becareful that even if he is low hp he is extremly deadly and unkillable.
And you are usually 10x more useful than him in teamfights with your CC.
Can be hard to catch when she dashes through minions. And always pay attention if she gets bork powerspike.
Usually plays extremely safe and just stacks. So you usually won't find yourself able to pull him into your tower. I recommend buying bami cinder and then perma push and try help your team or be annoying to enemy jg.
Easy to pull into tower, make sure you to never fight this outside of your tower because he is very strong against you and you dont really have the dmg to win.
Note his W interupts your E if he times it well. Overall very easy to pull to tower.
This champ has alot of stuns that can interupt your E so be mindful of that.
Wait for lvl 6 to be able to pull him into your tower but you could also look for Flash E but very difficult to fight that opportunity.
He is very deadly in teamfights too, so keep in mind that this champ also likes to flank.
When you grab this champ to tower remember that he will jump of his horse and reset tower aggro.
Be careful to not be too far away from your tower if he decides to all in you.
He is very strong whenever he has R so you will most likely not win that fight.
Tho this champion outscales you in late game.
But he will most of the time be split pushing. So make sure before you tp to help your team that he doesn't have minions to take your entire base.
Careful whenever you drag him to tower if he is lvl 6. He might just kill you if you are low enough. But usually very easy matchup.
Good Riven will make you suffer, but bad Riven's should be free matchup. His W interupts your E but not his 3rd Q. You can grab him mid air on his 3rd Q.
Whenever you get lvl 6 it should be free grab to your tower. And good tip is to grab her out of her smoke bomb with your E.
Annoying but doable. Aim to get lvl 6 and you will have an easy time to pull her into tower.
She is also slightly weak early so if you can land a E on her in the lane. It is very possible to kill her.
Very easy, make sure you throw your Q instead if he activate his W. Keep in mind your E interupts his E aslong as its not pointed towards you.
Hold wave around tower and just perma grab her on repeat.
Pay attention that she can interupt your E with her R.
But also be vary that she heals alot whenever she hits her abilities.
Getting a early bramble vest would be good.
Rarely picked but insanely annoying when actually is. Try avoid her W at all cost since it interupts your E.
Also careful going for an R on her because if she see's your R animation she can use her R and you will be stunned.
Try wait lvl 6 and then look for opportunity to grab him to tower. Flash E can work aswell but its difficult.
Otherwise do your best to survive, building some mmr can help. and know that he is easy to deal with in teamfights.
His Q silence cancells your E (sometimes it doesnt tho)
His W makes him very tanky but also gives him high tenacity which means you can't CC him for long.
Also try not to E him when he is using his E because you will take alot of dmg.
Be vary if you are under 50% because the can all in you will and finish you with ignite + R
Extremely easy to pull Akali into tower.
Also you can use your E to pull her out of the smoke if you know where she is.
Be ready because this champion like to dash. And there is very likely she will dash into while being near your tower. Which gives you a good opportunity to pull her in.
She can be deadly however if you fight outside of your tower. If you see her using her shield try not to hit her, rather just try dodge until it wears of.
Also getting armor is a good counter to this because her Q does % hp dmg.
This ranged champion is one of few I consider good matchups for Skarner.
When she goes for the E and you're ready, you can R her in that E and easily get her into the tower.
The thing you should really pay attention too is that freezing this champion can make her roam. So always keep an eye out for that.
Very rare pick toplane, but he is usually no problem.
Pay attention that his W cancells your E. And if you R him when he is channeling his W you will be taunted.
Also a rare pick top.
You counter his E with your E. It's very easy to catch him when he is flying mid air.
Remember that he heals alot, and when he presses his R he really gonna heal alot.
But this champ is usually easy to drag into tower. Once you reach lvl 6 especially.
Im putting this as a major threat because if the player is good you will suffer. But if you are playing below master I consider it a easy opponent.
Remember his E can cancel your E.
If he have phase rush he will be hard to catch cause of his movement speed.
Once he is in his melee form and goes for a Q on you. You can interupt it with your E. Make sure that happens when you are near your tower so you can drag him to it.
Also, if you are going for the R drag to tower then E. ONLY DO IT IF HE HAS USED HIS E IN MELEE FORM OR IF HE IS IN HIS RANGED FORM.
Always pay attention to his energy bar. If its over 50 he will deal some serious dmg.
Make sure when you E him that he is not facing you during his Q. It's gonna hurt!
This champion will most likely dash into while you being near your tower. So just drag him to it whenever that happens.
Note that his windwalls cancells your Q and W.
Very hard to CC this guy because he cancells CC with his empowered W.
So never use R on him if he is empowered.
However a easy lane its just that it is difficult to pull him into the tower.
Very annoying champ. His cage makes it difficult to get him to tower. And his minions makes you want to cry.
Try look for lvl 6 and see if you cant ult him and drag him in.
Deals alot of dmg and is an insane stat checking champion both early and late game.
But this champion usually dont run flash so its somewhat easy to pull him into your tower.
Just note that he can get insane shield if his bar is RED.
Tahm Kench
Pay attention that he heals alot with his Q.
Dragging him to the tower will cause 2 tower shot and then he will use his W to get out.
Careful getting near his tower because he cant eat you and drag you to his tower and CC you.
His ranged is what make him difficult.
Just try to survive until lvl 6 and look to R him. If you land your R it usually results in a kill.
This is a usual pick for enemy if they see you pick Skarner.
You are not facing her in lane but in teamfights she will be hard to deal with.
I never try to hit her with my R because she is just too fast. The only time I R her is if she is CC'd
Good matchup but note when you are pulling her into your tower she can escape easily by just E'ing out on your minions.
Also your E counters her E.
Annoying ranged champ.
Your goal should be to survive early until you reach lvl 6. Then you can ult and drag him to tower.
Also if he pokes you while you farm undertower you can see if you can land a ultimate because even if minions is under your tower he can still take the tower aggro because of his poison.
I like to play with Ivern alot, he shields you. CC enemy with you.
His Q will alow you to leap to target and just inflict insane CC.
If you get good ultimate 2 or 3 man then this champ can do devastating dmg to them because he do high dmg + aoe.
Kinda self explanatory. But getting a good ultimate or just CC'ing will make this champion extremly useful with you.
Her abillity to follow up on your engages and with her ultimate works very well with you. I enjoy this jgler alot.
I like this alot, he has good follow up abillity with your engages and his ultimate goes crazy along with yours.
Miss Fortune
Very good ultimate synergy.
Her ultimate synergies so well with yours.
Good AOE abilities which deals alot of dmg.
This champion has 2 AOE Abillties but her W will allow you to stun targets to it. Which is very nice, I love playing with this champ.
Has alot of AOE abilities. Also able to follow up on your engages.
Good ultimate synergy.
The best thing with having a Milio on your team is that you don't have to face it.
But she also gives good healing and shielding and extra dmg.
Good ultimate synergy.
She is very good at finishing picks you manage to get with your ultimate.
Very good ultimate synergy with you.
Good ultimate synergy with you.
Has alot of aoe and can follow up on your engages.
Very good ultimate synergy with you.
Jarvan IV
His ultimate can make a wall you can use to CC people to.
Also good on following up on your engages.
Very good ultimate synergy and him also being able to follow up on your engage.
This champs allows you to go really deep with your engages since he can follow up on it with his R. And If you manage to land a good R he can simply just R you and help with insane CC.
Good ultimate synergy and able to follow up on your engages.
Does good AOE dmg.
Good AOE dmg, but when he places his W you can try to drag people into it and chain cc them.
He creates a wall you can stun people into.
His wall can you use to drag people into using your R to chain CC them. But also use your E to drag them into it causing them to get stunned.
Veigar also have good AOE dmg she its easy for him to finish them.
Aurelion Sol
Good R synergy and E works very well with your ultimate.
Good ultimate synergy and he has overall alot of AOE abilties
Alot of AOE abilities which works great with your ultimate.
I like to play with Ivern alot, he shields you. CC enemy with you.
His Q will alow you to leap to target and just inflict insane CC.
If you get good ultimate 2 or 3 man then this champ can do devastating dmg to them because he do high dmg + aoe.
Kinda self explanatory. But getting a good ultimate or just CC'ing will make this champion extremly useful with you.
Her abillity to follow up on your engages and with her ultimate works very well with you. I enjoy this jgler alot.
I like this alot, he has good follow up abillity with your engages and his ultimate goes crazy along with yours.
Miss Fortune
Very good ultimate synergy.
Her ultimate synergies so well with yours.
Good AOE abilities which deals alot of dmg.
This champion has 2 AOE Abillties but her W will allow you to stun targets to it. Which is very nice, I love playing with this champ.
Has alot of AOE abilities. Also able to follow up on your engages.
Good ultimate synergy.
The best thing with having a Milio on your team is that you don't have to face it.
But she also gives good healing and shielding and extra dmg.
Good ultimate synergy.
She is very good at finishing picks you manage to get with your ultimate.
Very good ultimate synergy with you.
Good ultimate synergy with you.
Has alot of aoe and can follow up on your engages.
Very good ultimate synergy with you.
Jarvan IV
His ultimate can make a wall you can use to CC people to.
Also good on following up on your engages.
Very good ultimate synergy and him also being able to follow up on your engage.
This champs allows you to go really deep with your engages since he can follow up on it with his R. And If you manage to land a good R he can simply just R you and help with insane CC.
Good ultimate synergy and able to follow up on your engages.
Does good AOE dmg.
Good AOE dmg, but when he places his W you can try to drag people into it and chain cc them.
He creates a wall you can stun people into.
His wall can you use to drag people into using your R to chain CC them. But also use your E to drag them into it causing them to get stunned.
Veigar also have good AOE dmg she its easy for him to finish them.
Aurelion Sol
Good R synergy and E works very well with your ultimate.
Good ultimate synergy and he has overall alot of AOE abilties
Alot of AOE abilities which works great with your ultimate.
Hello, im Houcs and I started playing Skarner in the S14 Split 2 and manage to reach Challenger 1250 lp. Im also Challenger in the season 15 with this. It only took me 1 month and a half to peak challenger with him. I believe I have concluded everything I know on Skarner here so I really hope that this guide helped you. Pay attention that you will most likely play near your tower and your main focus should be dragging your opponent to your tower. If you would want to ask me questions then just go and check out my stream and I will answer them as good as I can :D.
Main Goal
Let your opponent push, always try hold the wave just outside of your tower. Then start to look for opportunities to pull them into your tower. This is your main goal with this strategy. Don't get too upset about your farm. It's a problem for me aswell, this champ is very hard to farm with. But being able to get free kills makes up for it.
If your opponent is trying to freeze you in lane, then try to take that opportunity to roam. This will usually cause your opponent to drop the freeze but can also lead to your team winning fight/getting a kill.
In teamfights you have to judge if you should engage or protect/peel your carry. How you decided depends mostly how fed your carry is, but also if enemy have an insanely fed carry you can look to engage him but make sure you have follow up on your engage. If you engage as Skarner with no follow up then its not gonna end well.
as for mid-late game split pushing as Skarner is not really effective since he have low tower dmg. I mostly applies a little pressure (by pushing waves) in the sidelane and then I go roam and look for engages.
Skarners Strength and weakness
Strong engage
Good to get picks
Good dmg
Good sustain
Actually good against true dmg (due to all his shieldings)
Bad against hard CC (because you it can interupt your E and you cannot use E)
Champions who has high movementspeed.
Hard to farm with
Bad waveclear early
Very mana hungry
Agile against shieldbreakers
Tips and tricks
Use Q before using your E. E makes your Q last longer and Its a benefit cause after your Q expired by your autoattacks you can use it again. (significantly increases your damage)
Use your E to the fullest. When using E you want to drag around them a little bit but still connect them to the wall. The longer you can do this the better. Because your champ revolves around extending the fight so you can recycle your abilities.
If a Target is running away from you, then first use your Q on target and follow up immediatly with your E. A slowed target is way easier to hit.
If you need to get damage delt quickly, consider throwing your Q3. Tho note that it deals less dmg but goes off quicker.
If you have Q active and uses your ultimate ability, it will automatically throw your Q in the direction you're ulting in. This can be used for burst dmg or just extra dmg.
The second you Q on Skarner is when the cooldown on it starts. This is the reason why you want to start the Q before intiating a fight.
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