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Vi Build Guide by kaiffe

AD Offtank S3 Jungle Vi - Fisting your Enemies

AD Offtank S3 Jungle Vi - Fisting your Enemies

Updated on December 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kaiffe Build Guide By kaiffe 51,912 Views 5 Comments
51,912 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kaiffe Vi Build Guide By kaiffe Updated on December 28, 2012
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Hi my name is Kaif

I am a small Youtuber who sometimes uploads League related videos.
I've played around 600 games and started working my way up in ranked (close to 1400 Elo)

Once I reached level 30 after around 120 games, I began jungling every game while playing AD carry or mid every now and then.

I have played almost every champion that I believe can excel at the role and have a good knowledge of how every champion in the game works.

I began making this guide simply to keep track of what items I have used on Vi and which ones have made Vi's early, mid and late game work well, but after becoming happy with the choices and finding most games end really well having a good mixture of damage and tankiness, I have decided to share it with the mobafire community.

This guide may not be the most visually appealing due to my lack of knowledge on how to use most of the codes, it will be structured and filled with relevant and helpful information for players who want to quickly pick up Vi.

If you dislike this guide, please leave a comment stating changes that would benefit the build so they can be ammended rather than simply down-voting and moving on.

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Pros / Cons

Before you decide to play Vi, there is a couple of Pros and cons to take into account and to know whether she is the champion for you.

+ Has a lot of damage
+ engaging with her Q will allow allies time to deal a lot of damage
+ She can engage teamfights
+ Her Q allows for great escapes
+ Her passive scales off Hp and allows her to trade well
+ She has a CC and a knockback

- She is quite squishy early game
- Her Q can be interrupted which can be really annoying
- If she fights in minion waves, her E will push the lane
- Charging her Q slows her down and allows opponents to react
- If she engages a fight, she is likely to die
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Your passive is something that will save your bacon or give you an advantage during enemy trades. Due to it scaling off health, this build will really make use of the passive whereas if you were to build like a glass cannon, it's a passive that's wasted.
During close encounters, the passive allows you to jungle at low hp, absorbing all the damage whilst your wriggles heals you back up.

Take Denting Blows first, this spell is incredible for your first clear of the jungle and allows you to simply do blue buff without a leash. Late game this spell proves to be really strong, however only one point in it is required as each level of it is not much of a significant change compared to her other spells.

Maxing your Relentless Force ability first will give you a lot of damage and wave clearing potential early in the game. This combined with your first attack can show up some huge numbers, but is best timed in-between your attacks. This can be used on turrets.


Vault Breaker is another good spell to level first however the fact that it can be interrupted may cause issues during fights. This spell is greating for engaging, interrupting or escaping a target, or can be used to simply get through the jungle quicker

This spell can cause team devestation to a team, especially if you manage to target an opponent standing behind their allies. Using this spell as an engage will put you very out of position and will cause you to get focused. The speed in which your team reacts to you doing this will most likely affect how long you live. Using your Vault Breaker to leave immediately is not a bad idea, as it will leave you running behind your targets giving you time to pick off anyone who may run.

If your team already has someone who can engage, this spell can be used to grab the most important target and really keep them CC'd, combining it with your Vault Breaker will keep the enemy CC'd for long enough to be killed by your team.
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Summoner Spells

Taking Exhaust and Smite is a good option on Vi as you will be able to keep auto attacking your opponent while they are exhausted and you will still have the option to escape with your Vault Breaker

Taking Flash over Exhaust is still a good option if you want that extra escape however without exhaust your only ability to gank will be your Vault Breaker early game and your Cease and Desist once your level 6 which is more than enough to pull off good ganks. However your Exhaust will completely prevent an opponent from taking on both you and your allies in lane and will allow you to exhaust the AD carry in teamfights if you choose to use Cease and Desist on them.
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Jungling / Counter Jungling



On Vi you want to start at wolves or blue, depending on how much of a leash your team will give you. As with most junglers, your route is entirely dependant on how the game is going. For example, if you do wolves and blue and notice that the enemy mid is incredibly overextended, you should immediately gank that person.

Ideally you want to gank once or twice after or during a clear of the jungle, this will make sure you don't fall behind in levels and keep prsence on the map, however if you succesfully gank an enemy you're going to be receiving experience and gold for it.

A typical route would be wolves>>blue>>wraiths>>golems>>red

Map awareness

Your ability to analyse the map and where you last saw the enemy is an important factor in being a jungle. As the jungler, you will want to sight ward lanes that perhaps are struggling, and sight ward dragon if your support does not. You will also want to make sure that dragon isn't simply taken for free, and be aware of opportunities your team can take it. Taking Sightstone and upgrading it to Ruby Sightstone may really help prevent your team from being ganked or objectives being taken under your nose.

Making sure you know where the enemy jungle is really makes you an asset to your team. You may choose to ward your allies and gank a different lane, or choose to predict where the jungle will go and counter gank them constantly if you feel you and your allies can win the fight.

How to gank


Ganking on Vi can be very easy, her Vault Breaker is very easy to land on your enemy, however the way in which you approach the enemy is key. If you run into lane and start charging it, they're going to prepare for you.

Charging in a bush

Charging it in a bush and heading into lane works very well if they're in a position to be hit before the Vault Breaker resets.

Using exhaust

Another way to gank is to run behind your enemy, exhaust them and vault breaker them backwards, this method means your ally must react quickly so that your exhaust is not wasted

Using your ultimate

When using Cease and Desist after it is cast you will be positioned behind your opponent so there are a couple of ways you can use it. You can use Vault Breaker to get close to your opponent and then cast it or you can catch your enemy and cast Cease and Desist and quickly double tap Vault Breaker to knock them yo uour ally. If your ally or you are being tower dived you can cast it on a tower focused opponent to keep them fixed in place taking tower shots and then using Vault Breaker to continue keeping them CC'd which will likely result in you achieving a kill before dying if there a multiple opponents.

Counter Jungling

Although most counter junglers such as Shyvana who has a speed boost, Vi can excel as a counter jungler due to her strong fighting ability and her Vault Breaker for quick escapes. (unless interrupted) Picking up a Sightstone and warding the enemies blue buff and red buff will be the factor that allows you to consider counter jungling.

First buff

At the start of the game, take into account what buff your enemy starts at and ward their buff at roughly 5-6 minutes, this will mean that the ward will be up for a minute after their buff spawns.

Second buff

The time in which you ward their second buff depends on the presence they had in the first 5 minutes. If they ganked a lot during the early game the it is likely that they may not have gone straight for their second buff in which case you will want to ward their second buff straight after you steal their first buff.

Blue buff

Because blue buff will be given to the mid lane, you may want to consider bringing your own. If the enemy do not notice you, then it is down to the mid lane to burst the enemies blue buff before they do, while you stick around to cover them.

This will allow you to quickly head back and take your own blue buff gaining you a lead on your enemy jungler, and your mid gaining an advantage.
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Items and component options


As with most junglers, the early game really affects how you will play out late game. Although the S3 jungle supposedly made the gold issues a lot better, the camps have the exact same experience and gold and do not start increasing in gold and experience until 11 minutes, although the passive gold has increased. So not much has really changed early game and the items you buy will affect the way in which your opponents react to your presence during mid and late game.


Although wriggles is a first item, it does not have to be completed before phage. The health and damage from phage will make the lanes think twice about overextending against their opponents.

Black Cleaver, Frozen Mallet, Blade of the Ruined King

The time in which you build these depends on how your opponents have built. If they are building tankiness early, then you may consider buying Black cleaver first and part of the Bilgewater cutless for the lifesteal.

If your enemy are very powerful then you may want to buy Frozen Mallet and Black Cleaver first for the Health, damage and armor penetration.

Iceborn Gauntlet

Every Statistic on this item is great and really helps Vi in chasing down her opponents and being crucial in team-fights. The armour and cooldown reduction will allow Vi to survive longer and use her abilities more often while being able to prevent her opponents from escaping her. Although Vi is an AD champion, her Relentless Force also scales off AP so it allows for some additional damage.

Guardian angel and Mercurial Scimitar

The reason I have left a final item to be chosen is because even though Guardian Angel is a great item, in low Elo and normal games, buying a Guardian Angel is there so you can allow your opponents to kill you twice. Very often players will buy a Guardian Angel and lose it almost immediately with it having no impact on the game.

The Mercurial Scimitar is an alternative to the GA in where it may help you escape a battle by removing a stun and giving you the speed boost to escape or even remove a stun to catch your opponent with the speed boost.

The item choice is down to your personal preference.
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Team Fights


As Vi you do not really want to be the person to engage, although if you have to it is pretty simple to survive the fight. Using Cease and Desist to engage upon the AD carry you follow it up with Exhaust. At this point you will find yourself behind the enemy team, if you are confident with your team, you may choose to Vault Breaker into the AD carry further stunning them or use Relentless Force for some aoe damage, and use Vault Breaker(if you have iceborn gauntlet this is even better) to dash away temporarily ready to pick up anyway who gets left on low hp.

One of the most enjoyable experiences with Cease and Desist is when it is used on players who don't quite know Vi's abilities and will choose to use an escape mechanism followed by a flash causing them to leave the team-fight... with you. Ready to melt them.

If a player has an engage

If an ally has an engage such as Malphite with his unstopabble force engages into a team fight, then your Cease and Desist will be insult to injury further placing an opponent into CC and then followed by Vault Breaker. At this point, that player may just rage quit because they are very unlikely to do much if anything at all during a team fight.
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If you have played Vi before then you know that her teamfights can either go really good or really bad. But ultimately she is a lot of fun to play and her clearing potential is incredible late game, which is made better by the fact that her Relentless Force can be used on turrets.

She can completely CC an enemy during a teamfight which may come at the cost of her dying unless you built a Guardian Angel

Thank you for reading, and if this guide helped you, feel free to upvote and leave a comment with further suggestions for the guide. I apologise for spelling errors.

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