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Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
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When i say every guide i mean EVERY guide
Hello summoners, I am OG Titan.
I am a fully main support so why not share the in my opinion best way to master Janna.
If you don't agree with stuff or you have tips for me, feel free to put them in the comments:3 I will read them all and I will try to answer them all.
My apology in advance Mobafire gives the scripting of Janna's W the icon of the Item with the same name.
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Tailwind: // Increases the Movement Speed of all allied champions moving towards Janna by 8%.
Howling Gale: // Summons a whirlwind, which deals 60/85/110/135/160 (+35% Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies in its path and knocks them into the air for 0.5 seconds.The whirlwind can be charged for up to 3 seconds. For each second it charges, it deals 15/20/25/30/35 (+10% Ability Power) bonus damage, knocks up for an additional 0.25 seconds, and travels 35% further.Activate again to release the whirlwind early.
Zephyr: // Passive: Increases Movement Speed by 9/11/13/15/17% (+[2% Ability Power]%) and allows movement through units.
Active: Deals 60/115/170/225/280 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to an enemy and slows their Movement Speed by 24/28/32/36/40% (+[6% Ability Power]%) for 3 seconds. Passive benefit is lost while Zephyr is on cooldown.
Eye Of The Storm: //Shields an allied Champion or turret for 5 seconds. The shield absorbs up to 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% Ability Power) damage and grants 14/23/32/41/50 (+10% Ability Power) Attack Damage until it breaks.
This skill makes Janna so special, this is the only spell in the game that can shield a turret. Use it well.
Monsoon: // Summons forth the might of the wind to knock surrounding enemies back and restores 100/150/200 (+50% Ability Power) Health to nearby allies each second for 3 seconds.
This can be a safe for your entire team and is a pretty nice healing.
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Tailwind: // Increases the Movement Speed of all allied champions moving towards Janna by 8%.
Howling Gale: // Summons a whirlwind, which deals 60/85/110/135/160 (+35% Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies in its path and knocks them into the air for 0.5 seconds.The whirlwind can be charged for up to 3 seconds. For each second it charges, it deals 15/20/25/30/35 (+10% Ability Power) bonus damage, knocks up for an additional 0.25 seconds, and travels 35% further.Activate again to release the whirlwind early.
Tips and Tricks
- // Try predicting the enemy's movement
- // This ability has the biggest manacost so dont spam yourself out of mana with it
Zephyr: // Passive: Increases Movement Speed by 9/11/13/15/17% (+[2% Ability Power]%) and allows movement through units.
Active: Deals 60/115/170/225/280 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to an enemy and slows their Movement Speed by 24/28/32/36/40% (+[6% Ability Power]%) for 3 seconds. Passive benefit is lost while Zephyr is on cooldown.
Tips and Tricks
- // Sadly alot of people seem to forget this ability. Dont be one of those people.
- // Again. Dont spam yourself out of mana with this.
Eye Of The Storm: //Shields an allied Champion or turret for 5 seconds. The shield absorbs up to 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% Ability Power) damage and grants 14/23/32/41/50 (+10% Ability Power) Attack Damage until it breaks.
This skill makes Janna so special, this is the only spell in the game that can shield a turret. Use it well.
Monsoon: // Summons forth the might of the wind to knock surrounding enemies back and restores 100/150/200 (+50% Ability Power) Health to nearby allies each second for 3 seconds.
This can be a safe for your entire team and is a pretty nice healing.
Tips and Tricks
- // Don't let go of R hold it to make it a heal
- // Use it with care you have it only every 150/135/120 seconds (without cooldown reduction)
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
- Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: My Janna build is a lot based on movement speed, so you can be the person supporting around your team and inside the team when needed.
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Item Sequence
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension
Boots of Swiftness - Alacrity
Ruby Sightstone
Locket of the Iron Solari
Dead Man's Plate
Athene's Unholy Grail
Talisman of Ascension | Manna, health, movement speed, money... what more do you want? and with the other items in this build you will end up with the 40% cooldown :D |
You want to be able to be with your team to help then as fast as possible which these are very good for |
Upgrade to ruby in mid/late game, vision is the key to win games, so this is liek I think the most important item of all |
Sup Item OP! |
Out of all the items that provides you with armor I think this is the one perfect for Janna since this build is based on movement speed |
Your last 20% of cooldown reduction and mana regen plus additional magic resistance. |
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+ High mobility due to her passive and her passive speed buff from Zephyr (W). + Incredibly good at kiting, which makes her an excellent pick vs melee heavy team comps. + Has the ability to counter area of effect team comps with her ultimate which allows her to reset a team fight if it's going bad. + She can separate the enemy team's front line of bruisers and tanks from their back line of vulnerable carries, which may cause them to lose focus and positioning. + It is hard to gank her duo lane post level 6 becuase of the ability to ultimate and tornado the enemy jungler away + Ability to keep chasing and CCing a fleeing target |
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- No real sustain for a support champion - Requires pinpoint reflexes and skillshots - Heavily reliant on good decision making. One failed ultimate can lose you a game. - Super short auto attack range |
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