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Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Perma ban her ass. Her spell shield prevents you from locking down anyone at every point of the game. And her stun prevents any follow up from either you or your ADC. Huge Threat. Rush swifty boots against her, and wait for spell shield to be wasted to initiate.
Well actually whats broken is the correct AA-reset + stun-lock + Damage + Wombo combo. Played correctly you can 1v1 any non-tank champion in the game and still be tanky. Funny huh?
A ADC with a stun ability is ideal in order to Wombo combo stun lock an enemy. Jhin and Ash are good examples of this.
Her combo(s) goes like this:
W,E,Exaust,AA,Q,AA,Tiamat Active,AA,R,Q,AA, Then chase to finish off with a E, Q or just Q
- OR -
R,W,E,Exaust,AA,Q,AA,Tiamat Active,AA,Q,AA Then chase to finish off with a E, AA or just Q
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