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Taric Build Guide by Zelsius

Support S9.18 Taric by Zousin ex #42 Taric in the world

Support S9.18 Taric by Zousin ex #42 Taric in the world

Updated on September 21, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zelsius Build Guide By Zelsius 27 2 63,944 Views 0 Comments
27 2 63,944 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zelsius Taric Build Guide By Zelsius Updated on September 21, 2019
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Shockric ( Aftershock )
  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Guardric ( Guardian )
  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Glacialric ( Glacial augment )


Font of Life
Bone Plating

Cosmic Insight
Biscuit Delivery

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


My highest rank with Taric is 42 in the world
My highest division in ranked is Diamond 3.
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This is a WIP guide and I shall be updating it every chance I can.

What I have planned:
I want to go into detail about everything that can concern a new Taric player and an experienced one, I want to talk about different playstayles, how you lane and how to engage/disengage and so on.
Expect this to be added soon.
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TEAR change.
Tear is still viable.
'' Philosophy of Taric ''
More mana + 10% refund + mana regen = More attackspeed ( passive ), prolonged/sustained fights, less mana cost on spells because of refund and skills are spam friendly because of this.

Definitely worth a buy.
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Hello I am Zousin but I used to go by the name Zelsius.
I am the ex 42nd best Taric in the world in season 8 according to
This guide is currently a work in progress and I will be updating it as soon as I can, this is also my first guide i've ever done so I hope you can take some useful info from it.
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I've experimented a lot with Aftershock and I like it a lot better than I like Guardian, it procs on your E and gives you an incredible boost to your armor and magic resist, and it deals damage so fights can be a lot easier.

Guardian is also a good option if you want to play it safe.

Font of life is perfect because your E is a great stun and off of that your teammates can heal up.

Bone plating for extra tankyness in lane, pretty important

Revitalize is a godsend for Taric because combined with Ardent Censer it will increase the amount of heals and shields you and your team get.

Biscuits are very good because they provide 40 permanent mana for each time you eat a biscuit.

I prefer cosmic insight to magical footwear because Taric needs all the CDR he can get, and with the build I am showing you will get a total of 45% CDR with the rune cosmic insight

If the matchup is hard go for bone plating instead of font of life.

Aftershock is perfect if you are looking to go aggressive, plus the extra MR and armor it grants you is fantastic.

Chrysalis is also a very good rune because it gives you 15 AP, I only recommend to go with chrysalis if you are going with Coin since you are going to have more HP early that way.

Cosmic Insight can be quite good, however I just CURRENTLY prefer cookies.
I should try and play more games with Cosmic Insight and see if it really is incredibly good on Taric, i've only done a few games with it.

Glacial augment is a very good rune if you are looking to go aggro, since it slows the enemy with an auto and then you can instantly E, or if you E them and then auto them they are slowed which can be very good.
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Summoner spells

Your standard is flash and ignite, but you have the option to go exhaust.
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ALWAYS buy Tear as your first item after backing, it will provide you with a lot of benefits.
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Skill Sequence

You want to be maxing your E first and your Q second, but take two points in Q by level 4 because that way you'll make the most of your passive since it gives you two powerful autos and each auto will provide you with one Q stack, which makes it two Q stacks since your passive gives you two powerful autos.

TL;DR Max Q ( 2 points in Q ) by level 4 because your passive gives you one Q stack per auto ( 2 autos = 2 Q stacks ) and then max E which will always be done by level 9.
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Pros / Cons

+ Amazing in teamfights
+ Fantastic stun if positioned well
+ Can cast spells off of an ally (Q,E,R) with W also allowing for better positioning for your E
+ Good at protecting teammates if you utilize your passive to the maximum by decreasing the cooldown of your spells and providing you with Q stacks

- Pokeable early game
- Taric's stun is very easy to dodge
- No mobility
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zelsius
Zelsius Taric Guide
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S9.18 Taric by Zousin ex #42 Taric in the world

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