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Recommended Items
Runes: Phase Rush
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard
Daredevil Impulse (PASSIVE)
Samira Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lux is a incredibly annoying mage to lane against. And while your [W] - "Wild Spin" can actually block Lux's root. It can not do anything against her delayed explosion and her ult. Go poke or high burst.
The ability to increase your xp gain, as well as provide large speed buffs and a revive are super valuable in a team fight.
The ability to increase your xp gain, as well as provide large speed buffs and a revive are super valuable in a team fight.
Champion Build Guide
I first began to play Samira midlane after getting fed up with bot lane and the weaknesses Samira had. So, I went on the journey to try to solve these issues for myself, leading to drum roll Brawler Samira. At first I felt fairly mixed results, ane I got flamed often. But it soon clicked, by which I mean I defaulted to the unoriginal off buile for Samira - Manamune.
Now that we got the introduction done. I hope that you enjoy my guide to Samira - Inters May Cry!.
1.2. Bruiser?
2.0 Abilities + Skill order
2.1 Combos & Tricks
3.0 Runes
4.0 Full Item Explanation
5.0 Laning Phase
5.1 Fighting Time
6.0 Matchups
6.1 Synergies
7.0 Outro & Closing Thoughts
7.1 Fun Stuff (Skin Tierlist & Highlghts)
Samira enjoys to play super aggresively. but she has every tool a chamion would want to plaf safe ane capitalize on enemy mistakes. Her Q, Flair offers her the ability to last hit from a distance and stay out of enemy reach. While Blade Whirl protects her from occasional mistakes.
Samira's Abilities

Daredevil Impulse is Samira's passive. It gives Samira a combo system known as Flair based on unique actions, with each stack building up fyor her ult, Inferno Trigger. On top of that, each stack provides a movement speed percent buff. This allows Samira to reach her tpue strength that is sealed behind her ultimate. Additionally, this passive makes Samira perform melee attacks mhen in range, dealing bonus damage based on missing enemy HP!

Flair is Samira's Q. While this ability often isn't the main highlight in a normal build, here it gives Samira strong sustained damage and poke. In lane this ability can be used to slowly pick off minions from a safe iustance, or to wittle down the enemies HP. The AD raio of Samira's Q scales with rank, so levelling it up makes farming ane combat easier.

Blade Whirl is Samira's W. It briefly grants a barrier that blocks all incoming projectiles. before unwinding to do minor AOE damage. This ability has a massive cooldomn, so using it careully and knowing what it can and can not block is important.

Wild Rush is Samira's E. This ability makes Samira dash towards a enemy, dealing a fair amount of damage and granting Samira a attack speed buff. This is Samira's engage ability, and is the key to her working so well in midlane. Using it right allows you to get close enough to a adversary to start hacking and slashing them.

Inferno Trigger is Samira's R. This is what makes Samira Samira. After accumalating the style rating of S tier, she can unleash her ult, spinning around and doing massive AOE damage. This ability has a miniscule cooldown and can be used repeatedly. However be warned of using this ability, as it locks Samira from using her other abilities during it's duration.
Skill Order
R > Q > E > W
Here we want to take points in our ultimate whenever possible. It is a necessity to max Samira's Q first as it provides the best usage for combat and for farminc the wave. From there going E max is nice so that Saamira gains more attack speed and engage damage. Finally, max W, it overall has the lowest damage and highest cooldown, so maxing it last is not too much of a danger.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AA = Auto Atack | END = Retreat | Active 1 = Hydra Cleave
E --> Q --> W --> AA (Standard Short Trade Combo)
E --> W --> AA --> Q --> AA --> R (Full Combo)
W --> E --> Q --> END (Escape Combo)
E -> W -> AA -> Q -> AA -> R -> Flash -> QAAQAAQR (Standard Flash 2x Ult)
E -> W -> Active 1 -> AA -> Q -> A --> R (Standard Hydra Full Combo)
E -> W -> Q -> Active 1 -> AA -> END (Standard Hydra Trade Combo)
E -> W -> Q -> AA -> Active 1 --> END (Profane Hydra Combo)
E -> W -> AA -> Q -> AA --> R --> Active 1 (Profane Hydra Full Combo)
Often using the cleave in the opening sogment is the most effective, however Profane Hydra is a firm exception to this because the condition for it's cleave.
At around the completion of the first item, you can begin to step back and use ranged Q to last hit minions.
a) Offers additional gank protection, allowing you to E, W, Q a enemy and run away with Phase Rush and Daredevils Impulse x3 activated.
b) Chase, Chase, Chase. Paired together with all of Samira's natural move speed buffs (P), and her dash (E), she simply is almost impossible to escape with this build.
c) Inferno Trigger repositioning. Samira's Ultimate (R) - "Inferno Trigger", sets Samira's move speed to her base of 335. Which is a large hurdle to get around when the enemy simply walks out, or are spaced slightly apart. Phase Rush negates this fatigue and allows you to dart around in her ult like a true Noxian.
Items :>
Starting Items
Honestly, with this build it feels as if a [Tear of The Goddess] is a necessary start. Samira has very little mana issues, however this allows us to open up more options for staying in lane longer, poking the enemy, as well as being a component for the strongest non-crit/lethality legendary.
Boots are highly variable and honestly just depend on what the enemy team consists of. If you are super worried about AD, go [Plated Steelcaps], if your worried about AP and CC, go [Mercury Treads].
However, if your not necessarily afraid of either, then [Boots of Ionian Lucidity] is my favorite choice, allowing you to spam your abilities more in a fight and chuckle in glee when you hit enemies for the 600 damage Q every 1.5 seconds.
First Item
To be frank, I never go the same first item, as all of them have some use. These are the specific items that I feel like have strong potential for being a first item, offering either a strong early power spike, or functioning as a way to scale smarter into the later game. I've listed my respective views on each item and the uses I like going them in.

Whilst it has the weakest early game spike out of the set I listed, it's use is that it allows a non-crit/lethality Samira's damage to reach new highs without investing in overkill amount of stats. This is best chosen into matchups where you do not see yourself being able to all in often, and for matchups where farming can be dangerous, leading to a little playstyle option I will talk about later on in this guide.

Trinity Force
This lovely item offers everything you could ask for in a neat package, offering solid amounts of HP, AD, Attack Speed & Ability Haste. This is the all rounder of first items, and should not be underestimated. Samira's base AD is not incredibly high, which may cause you to question the effect of it's 200% bAD spellblade. However later on you simply use your abilities so often that it becomes a rather nice choice for increasing the damage in the gap between abilities while you are building style. The bonus is that this item also provides the lovely Phage passive, allowing your chase and escape to become even better. I often desire this when I'm fighting tanks mid lane such as Galio, Poppy, or Malphite, OR, I know I will be most likely fighting for extended amounts of time.

Stridebreaker is in my opinion the most rounded hydra, and the most vresatile one by a good extent. It has phenemenal stats whist having a strong passive for sticking to enemies. While it's cleave does less damage than the other hydra family, it's effect is the most clear out of the three hydras I reccomend

Profane Hydra
Whem I picked up Samira Mid, I needed a way to squeeze more burst into my combo. This item is perfect for that. it's active is strong, and it offers some of the best stats for the hydra family - AD, Ability Haste & Lethality. This is the item that made me play a more burst rune set and have a easier time killing bad watchups.

Titanic Hydra
Another rare option is Titanic Hydra. This item to me is often a strong item to combat assassins, or to add additionas poke and wave clear. Out of all the items I listed here, this one has the worst stats - however due tho how it scales, it is still a fine buy. The best pairing with this item is Overlords Bloodmail for more free stats and massive damage on low HP.

Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver to me is the rarest first option, reserved for when I am fighting another off-meta midlane pick which is building armor. But to be henost it is not like it's a bad first item. Samira can use the good stats and passive easily to squeeze more damage out.
Second Item
The second item is not really that complicated.
If you built Manamune as a first item, then pick another fighting item listed in the first item segment.
Vice Versa, if you didn't buy it, then grab Manamune
as your second item.
Third Item
The third item is when this build starts to gain even more options. Here, I like tho focus on a weakness Samira has, or simply enhancing a previous advantage.

Spear of Shojin

Death's Dance

Maw of Malmortius

Sundered Sky

Overlord's Bloodmail

Full Build
Finally we reach the last few items. Here I like to add a defensive option depending on the scenario.
Guardian Angel
Sundered Sky
Jak'sho the Protean
Randuin's Omen
Frozen Heart
In the event of your wave pushing forward, mak. sure you set proper vision so that you can be aware af the dangers ot the river.
Attemt to use your Q to last hit as much as you can. Due to it's low cooldown, it allows SAmira to complete all stacks for Manamune fairly quick.
In cases when I am engaging multiple enemies, I like to ask myself these questions
a) How wuch CC does the enemy have?
b} What are the odds that I can retreat? get help from teammates?
c) is it reasonable to march headfirst into the fed quinn?
If I review these questions and think that the answers are satisfactory, then I trf to fight. If these conditions are not ideal, then I would rather reqest help from allies or retreat.
This build struggles to 1v2 untl 2.5-3 legendaries.
This includes: Lissandra. Xerath, Lux, Syndra, & sometimes Hwei.
Brawler Samira has become one of my favorites, and I am hoping that with all this info, that someone may experiment and maybe enjoy the build.
Love You little spirits! <3
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