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Kayle Build Guide by subplayed

Scrooge McKayle MONEYMAKER.

Scrooge McKayle MONEYMAKER.

Updated on August 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author subplayed Build Guide By subplayed 2,080 Views 2 Comments
2,080 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author subplayed Kayle Build Guide By subplayed Updated on August 28, 2013
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Laning, hoard that cs.

This is the most important phase for you to get as much cs as possible.

Focus on getting cs. when you're jungler gives u blue(if you are mid) do wolfs and wraths, if you are top do wolfs/golems every time they are up(after you get you're gp5 items).

when your lane goes out top gank to not follow them just ping tell your team mates to play safe and farm up, this is so you can get even more cs from jungle and lane so you can carry late game.

Remember you are late game so play passive and only go aggressive when the jungler comes in for a gank.

Try not to back until you can buy all 3 of the Gold per 5 items.
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this will be u bitches love money

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Ending the laning phase.

You should have started or have the zephyr by now. because of these two items you skip boots. the only reason to get boots would be if your team is losing very badly, is pushed back into there base, so get homeguard.
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plz 2 stonk

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Team fight phase.

This is where you shine, that rageblade will make you stomp them kiddies.
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End game

You will be the first person by far to have your full build so force team fights and objectives.

USE YOUR ULTI WELL!!!!!! it is one of the best ways to win a game. If you use your ulti badly enemies will see this and get aggressive knowing you have nothing but you're team mates to save you and them selfs.
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Winning phase

You win.
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Creeping / Jungling

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Team Work

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Team Work

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