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Sett Build Guide by SethPRG

Top Season 11 Sett Top Guide (UPDATED FOR PATCH 11.13)

Top Season 11 Sett Top Guide (UPDATED FOR PATCH 11.13)

Updated on June 24, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SethPRG Build Guide By SethPRG 132 14 196,824 Views 5 Comments
132 14 196,824 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SethPRG Sett Build Guide By SethPRG Updated on June 24, 2021
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Runes: Secondary Resolve (READ NOTES)

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells (READ NOTES)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Season 11 Sett Top Guide (UPDATED FOR PATCH 11.13)

By SethPRG
Understanding Sett
Sett, the half-breed, is both damage and tank. You want to set up perfect plays for either yourself or more likely, your team. So long as your team has brain cells, any good engage from you can change the entire game in an instant. People say Sett is a really basic champion that's easy to pick up, and while that is true, that is only the surface level, mastering Sett is extremely hard. The most crucial part about Sett is understanding when to use your abilities, and that is the fundamental difference between a great Sett player and an average one. My job is to give you an understanding of Sett's kit and what he excels at doing and using that has come from my 1,000+ games playing him.
Ability Order (In-Depth)
You will almost always start off with learning E, but NEVER learn any ability till the circumstance you are in requires it. You could have a bunch of people come up and try to kill you early, and you might need to learn W for the shield and flash away with it to survive.

When you start off with E, you will want to use it to animation cancel your opponent's AA and either slow or more preferably, stun them. To consistently get a stun, wait till the 3 melee minions on the first wave are low HP, then, run up to your enemy laner, and if you can, E them into the 3 melee minions. This will usually result in 3 CS and a stun on your opponent, one that you can follow up on with multiple hits, causing them to run and be on low HP, or to trade with you, which in most cases will result in you stacking Conquerer quickly and winning the trade, either getting you a kill or force your enemy to use a summoner spell or movement ability. There are some champions you do not want to fight level 1, such as Darius or Rengar. They are too risky and rely too much on your enemy messing up. In matchups where you want to play safe, like VS Jax or Gwen, you should start W. For the most part, I go W level 1, I find value in the shield soaking damage from angry minions or from one of my lane opponent's abilities. There are more specific details for these things listed under the matchups part of this guide.
Know Your Damage
You will need to be aware of how much damage your abilities do because you don't want to end up wasting flash and not getting a kill, or even worse, dying. You need to play Sett for a while though to get a feel for this. Just be careful of a level 1 all in because you could be level 2 ganked, especially if it's a champion like Kayn or Nunu, or you're playing weak side with no wards and think they are coming top, which in those cases you wouldn't want to all in till you are level 2 (with W) or level 3 and can outplay a 2v1. Even if your enemy laner has a dash, you can still kill them so long as you don't start your trade-off with E, instead using it to catch them during their dash, but oftentimes this is down to prediction and can be quite tricky.

If your lane opponent has ignite, you should still be able to win a level 1 all-in so long as they are very squishy and or you animation cancel their AA. But if they are ranged, and especially so if they have ignite, when you reach their tower in an all in level 1 trade without them blowing flash or getting killed, you will have to back off, to which your ranged opponent (if smart enough) will just turn around on you, and with you not being able to push into them any further without saying hello to their tower, you will be out of AA range and lose. Your only chance at winning in this scenario is flashing to trade flashes or to kill them or escape.
Sett's Ultimate (In-Depth)
The best part about Sett's kit is his ult combo synergies. You ult someone onto their team, try to hit as many people as possible with your W (preferably the true damage), E stun them all if you can, then just try to finish them off with auto-attacks. If you're lucky, you might survive long enough to pop another round of your W off. It sounds simple, but when do you ult? There are many different reasons you should ult. The Show Stopper gives you and the enemy you used it on a displacement in the direction you cast it. It also does massive damage when you use it on someone that has a lot of hp, usually a tank.

You can use your ult in multiple ways, but let's talk about the defensive forms of the Show Stopper. If the enemy JG is coming to gank you from behind, or an enemy lane opponent like Singed or Tahm Kench puts you behind them, you can ult them into or towards your tower for a potential kill or safe escape. You can also simulate this by flashing behind an enemy and ulting them into where you flashed from. If you need to dodge a crucial CC ability like Lilia's ultimate, or a skill shot aimed towards you like Zoe's Q, you could use your ultimate. Both of these things require timing, as you are only unstoppable for a short time. Another use of Sett's ultimate is in team fights or skirmishes being able to peel a specific enemy that collapses on your team, such as Kennen and Malphite when they ult, or Darius when he ghosts and runs into the middle of your team.

Other than for dodging or getting out of finicky situations, Sett's ultimate is used to engage. Let's talk about kill confirming first. In a situation where Ekko is on very low HP and still has ult, you would want to use your ultimate to suppress him, getting the kill before he even has a chance to ult. This tactic is used to punish people who save their abilities for too long. There are many more champions this works especially well on, such as Vlad, let your mind wander.

This ties well into the next part, interrupting enemy animations. In a situation where Nunu is about to ult your entire team or Zac is trying to E away, you will be crying if your E and ult are on cooldown. Save them if you can VS champions that have channeling skills and abilities which require moving animations (Samura Ult), your E and ult are very useful to stop such things, but making the decision to do so requires a good judgment of the situation at hand.

You can also cancel something like Mordekaiser's ultimate, but doing such a thing is an insane power play that requires prediction. In the case of dash abilities, this can also be done with your E and not just your ult, but either way, you won't be able to do it very consistently except on champions with long dash animations that you can notice with pure reaction time, such as Renekton's E. Trying to interrupt something like Quinn or Vayne is very hard to near impossible with your ultimate, so you can't rely on it too much there, but against a champion like Tristana, stopping their jump mid animation is relatively easier and can be huge. You can also ult someone into a teammate's ability, this makes for good combos in certain situations, like ulting a Vayne into Veigar's cage so they are stunned after your ult ends, basically guaranteeing their death.

All of this is good, but we still haven't got to the meat of Sett's ultimate ability. Think of it as a skill shot, the direction of where you cast your ultimate is where you will be displaced upon landing, slightly more than the person you ulted. If people are lined up close together, that creates the perfect opportunity to ult the front-most person, lining up a full grit W onto all of them, chaining that into an E stun. There is nothing better for a Sett player to do than this. If you can do this combo against the enemy team, most of their health or more will be deleted and all their cooldowns will be wasted on you, allowing your team to clean up and get an objective, if not outright ending the game. Here's an example clip of me doing a pretty decent ultimate:
When's this Guide going to be completed?
I've been studying Sett a lot with all the recent buffs and items, so I'm confident that I can deliver a full guide some time during patch 11.13.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SethPRG
SethPRG Sett Guide
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Season 11 Sett Top Guide (UPDATED FOR PATCH 11.13)

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