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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lucian is a great champ because of how mobile he is! Cass removes the possibility of using your E, That means 2 less passive shots and mobility.
Both of your passives were made for each other
Both of your passives were made for each other
Champion Build Guide
When i first made this guide i was D1, Making this guide reminded me how to play the champ correctly and now i have skyrocketed to master tier!
Passive - Lightslinger: After using one of his abilities, Lucian's next auto attack within 3 seconds will strike twice. This is Lucian! The best lucian players in the world will utilize this passive to its most!
Q - Piercing Light: Lucian fires a laser in the direction of the target enemy, dealing damage! Use his Q and passive to poke in lane. This is what makes you a lane bully.
W - Ardent Blaze: Lucian fires a shot that explodes upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its path, damaging enemies in a cross pattern and marking them for 6 seconds. If Lucian or any of his allies damage a marked target with their basic attacks or abilities, Lucian gains movement speed. Lucian's W scaled with AP so it is not used for its damage, it is used to cancel auto animations, the passive shots it gives and to chase enemies down!
E - Relentless Pursuit: Lucian dashes a short distance. Relentless Pursuit's cooldown is reduced by 1 second per Lightslinger (passive) hit, doubles against enemy champions. Use E to Gap close, cancel auto animations and self peel. This is what makes lucian so slippery because late game his E is up almost all the time if you combo properly!
R - The Culling: Lucian starts firing shots in the target direction for 3 seconds, each shot dealing physical damage to the first enemy it hits. Use R to chase enemys down or to stop enemies chasing you! It has really good synergy with your W because you will gain movement speed while running away or chasing someone down!
- Great duelist
- Extremely mobile
- Great wave clear
- Lane Bully
- Low Elo Stomper
- Hard to learn and master
- Short range
- Early game ADC Falls of hard late!
- Different playstyle to most ADC's
Lane Phase:
Lane phase, the most important thing for Lucian players because if you find yourself losing or going even in lane as Lucian, you will be more likely to lose the game than win it.
In lane you want to be punishing the enemy adc and support as much as possible, and to be looking for all ins often! Of course you still want to be concerned about the enemy jungler before going all in. This is where is see most Lucian's go wrong. They will lose the lane off going all in at the wrong time. This will just come with experience though!
How to punish? Use Q to poke, if they arent in range to Q directly, Q minions and try to hit them that way. Also look for using passive autos on the enemy ADC as you are autoing twice. You dont really want to passive auto the minion wave unless you are trying to push. When going ALL IN, you want to utilize your passive to get the most damage you can. This means auto in between all spells. This is your Lucian Combo! The quicker you cast and auto the quicker the combo.
You cant be scared when playing Lucian as you are a lane bully.
When do i all in? If your support hits CC or if the enemy support or adc uses a vital spell to their kit. For example this could be Blitz hook or Ezreal E.
Team fighting:
Team fighting with lucian is a lot different to other ADC's because you have to be up close and personal as you are so short range. Im not saying to front line but you shouldnt really be playing behind. You are more of a ranged assassin! Look for flanks or look to push into the middle of a team fight. Again this is experienced based and you need to know when and when you cant do this! Lucian is also good at killing and kiting front line. His Ult shreds tanks and he can E away from assassins very easily. Lucian will struggle in team fights if he is out ranged or Hard CC'd. Lucian is hard outscaled so focus on ending early! This means dragons and barons should be a priority!
Lane Phase:
- Bully and deny farm on enemy adc
- Look for all ins when possible
- Use Q and passive autos to poke
Team fighting:
- Look for flanks onto the backline
- Use R to kite tanks and assassins or to chase enemy carries.
- Dont be afraid!
Navori over IE always since navori synergises with lucian much better.
- Using an ability while passive autoing cancel's the animation. Practice this in the practice tool to become a Lucian GOD.
- Use R to clear waves quickly!
- Face checking a lucian is almost as bad as face checking a Kha or Rengar, use bushes to your advantage.
15.2: ldr mortal buffs good
15.3: no changes
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