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Fizz Build Guide by Hgrunthewarrior

Assassin SHARK!!!

Assassin SHARK!!!

Updated on February 22, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hgrunthewarrior Build Guide By Hgrunthewarrior 1,409 Views 0 Comments
1,409 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hgrunthewarrior Fizz Build Guide By Hgrunthewarrior Updated on February 22, 2014
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Fizz is a melee assassin that is a very fun champion to play in the mid lane. fizz has an amazing kit for AP burst, or tanky AP made for soaking up damage. As Fizz your best defense is the best offense. And as Fizz, you are the engager in team fights. They are going to be WAY more terrified if you initiate than someone else. This is my guide to mid lane Ap Fizz and i hope you enjoy.
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Runes & Masteries

I take some armor and magic penetration because, if you're doing well, the enemy team is going to build magic resist. Also, it is good to build armor because you are going to be bullyed until you have your ult. Fizz is also very mana hungry, so mana and mana regen. is a good thing to build.
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Fizz always gets bullyed early game, so I get a Doran's Shield and a health pot first. Then I get a Sheen and maybe boots. I recommend to build all out offense, with an exception of Zhonya's Hourglass to max the invulnerablility to the max.
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Skill Sequence

I max my E first because, I believe it is the best spell of Fizz's kit. I tend to max Q and W side-by-side because they are the both secondary spells. But I usually max Q first.
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Even though Fizz has a built in ignite, I still use ignite. and of course, I use flash for obvious reasons.
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In my opinion, Fizz is one of the best assassins i have ever played. I really like other assassins such as Leblanc and Shaco, but Fizz has a much more fun playstyle and kit. His E is so overpowered with its slow, damage, and invulnerability. with out a doubt i hope you like this guide, and please try it out in game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hgrunthewarrior
Hgrunthewarrior Fizz Guide
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