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Poppy Build Guide by lil mop

Support She protecc, and she also atacc (Support Poppy)

Support She protecc, and she also atacc (Support Poppy)

Updated on December 8, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lil mop Build Guide By lil mop 7,100 Views 0 Comments
7,100 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lil mop Poppy Build Guide By lil mop Updated on December 8, 2017
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Grasp of the Undying
Font of Life

Nullifying Orb


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hello there! Welcome to my Poppy guide. You can call me mop (not Mop - mop. No questions allowed.)! I am an unranked player - not because I can't play ranked(well, yeah, I can't,
but it's all cuz of the new IP system - I'd have 20+ champs if I didn't get all screwed over), but because I don't want to - pffth, elo? Who needs that? I just want to show others how I play Poppy without judgement.
This isn't a "how to play Poppy correctly" guide, just a "a build to improve your Support Poppy skills" guide. Feel free to give any criticism to help ME improve (remember - I am no professional, not even close), as long as it's not mean-spirited.

+ PROS +
+ Good burst
+ Her entire kit is useful for your ADC and for you
+ Your stun and Ult will make the enemies scared of you!
+ W can be useful for getting to places quicker and saving your teammates from dashes
+ Passive can save you.. sometimes.
+ Have you seen her skins? They're all great dude, oh my.
- CONS -
- Your Ult can mess up team fights. A lot.
- Let's say sometimes your W fails you.
- And you'll miss your Q sometimes.
- Doesn't have 3 pigtails.
Imma tell ya, explaining runes can be... quite boring. SO! I'm going to break it down,
simple and sweet, so you don't gotta hear me rambling and using the wrong words:
This one works around making you tankier than you already are. With Graps of The Undying, you can deal extra damage and gain more health - permanently.
Tanks are much more focused on staying alive and slaying alive, so this is definetly the best rune you can get.
With Font of Life, using your E can give your teammates (...
aka your ADC) a great advantage and give them that sweet, sweet kill. Not only do you stun your target, but you get to (indirectly)heal your ADC as they attack the enemy.
Hooray for death and blood!
Conditioning is self-explanatory - more armor, more magic resist, more tank, f*** s*** up.
And with Overgrowth, you can get even tankier when someone farms near you. Considering you are a support, so you are most definetly going to stay near people, this is a Pls Nerf rune.
Shields are always great, and with Poppy, you already got one. Mix that with Nullifying Orb, and you got two. However, this one doesn't always work - you gotta be taken to low health by magic damage. So it's not always guaranteed to work if you're near a champion with a heavy AD build. But hey, it's not limited to one activation per match, so you can still get a chance to activate it.
Transcedence may not seem like something special at first, but trust me, it is. Even if your W is maxed last, it is still a very useful spell, and with Transcedence, it's cooldown is reduced, which makes waiting for it to escape that near death situation a bit better. A bit. Plus, we all love lower cooldowns, right?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lil mop
lil mop Poppy Guide
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