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Soraka Build Guide by eREKTion69

Support Simply SORAKA !!! or how to carry as support (S7.1)

Support Simply SORAKA !!! or how to carry as support (S7.1)

Updated on January 13, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eREKTion69 Build Guide By eREKTion69 9,462 Views 1 Comments
9,462 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author eREKTion69 Soraka Build Guide By eREKTion69 Updated on January 13, 2017
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Hi there!My IGN name is Deeagirl13 *click*.I'm playing on EUNE if you wanna see my profile or anything.I'm maining Raka for some time and I decided to make a guide on her.If you play this Ambulance corectly you will easly get Diamond.ATM I am P3.This sesons my goal is to get D5 and then i ll try to get that MASTER TIER :D.

I'll edit the guide regularly.Down below you can read some tips & tricks on her.
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When to pick Soraka?

Soraka needs a team that is heal-able. A team that can protect her. A team that's focused on team fighting over split pushing and a team that is likely to stick close together during fights.
Take Soraka if:
    Your team has tanks.I mean at least one who will be the frontline and will absorbe the damage.
    Your team has CC.You don't have high CC so others players in your team should have in theier kit some stuns/root/knocks etc.
    Your team has high mobility
If your team doesn't have this attributes try to pick what your team needs.Anyway, i think my Raka can play in any team comps.
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Abilities- preview


Will slow you enemies for 2 seconds when you hit it.It also grants Soraka rejuvenation - Soraka heals herself every half-second, gains 15% bonus movement speed when NOT moving towards enemy champion.
The ally that you heal AFTER hitting your Q will also benefit the rejuvenation effect. Keep that in mind! MORE HEAL


TONS OF HEALING Cannot be cast when is below 5% MAXIMUM health, it scales with AP (0.6 ratio).


Can silence enemies within the zone and root them if they stay in the zone after 1.5 seconds from the initial cast time.


Global heal that can remove Grievous wound. It can also heal UNTARGETABLE (eg: in Zhonyas form)
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Abilities- in depth

A lot of players are maxing W->Q->E leaving the E last.This is OK if your reactions aren't so good or if you are playing soraka for the 1st time.
BUT a real Raka main would know that the E's silent is super useful, and it must be maxing 2nd.Why is that ? Because:
    You can interrupt a lot of abilities like Kata ult,MF ult.
    You can deny enemy flash if they got caught and want to flash out of there.
    You can destroy enemy assasin predicting who he will try to kill and put that E down.
    You can root an enemy who is chasing you.
Warning: your E cd is very big, so use it wisely
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ALWAYS rush that Redemption because it is super-broken right now and can be very useful.
AFTER finish Oasis and THEN:
1.Start building the Locket if your team tends to stick close together and prefers team fighting over split pushing/The enemy has area of efect damage that you can predict. Ex: ziggs, lux, kayle, velkoz. AVOID IT if enemy team doesnt have any AP.
2.ZZ & Banner if your team need some split pushing.I always like to take Zz and put it on bot while we fight 5v5 on mid.Like that after we win the fight


not only mid will be pushed but bot also. Then do the same tactic and put the ZZ on top.ALSO if you are down an inhib you can counter the super minions push
3.Mikael and Zeke if your AD is fed or if your are duo with him.With this items you will make him more stronger.
4.Ardent should be your last item.I always like to build it especially when I am ahead.


I always take Ionian but you can take Merc or Mobility if you think the enemy team has big CC potential or if you need to roam.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eREKTion69
eREKTion69 Soraka Guide
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Simply SORAKA !!! or how to carry as support (S7.1)

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