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Sion Build Guide by Juzas112

Sion is coming for you!

Sion is coming for you!

Updated on April 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Juzas112 Build Guide By Juzas112 1,751 Views 0 Comments
1,751 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Juzas112 Sion Build Guide By Juzas112 Updated on April 10, 2012
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Item explanation

Taking for any AD is very much needed. But why , Well if we need gold we need ganking. This will help to run around the map and gank without losing lane control. B.F. Sword for some damage, because we have enough attack speed with our ulti. Later build For attack speed, movement speed and critical chance, This is too good not to have. For more lifesteal and you just dont lose health. More critical chance and AD this is like rabadon for AD carry's. More damage and health to completely vanish your deaths. Upgrade your to this one, More AD and lifesteal, stacking too, that one is essential for your survival. You have lots of health now, this will probably help you gain lots of damage, and gives you critical chance. You are pretty much owning everybody now
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In early game if you play VS ranged put on your shield and attack with stuns you play as Sion you need to push the lane in early game and farm a lot. When you have ulti try to gank. From that point you should have So you can run around farming and ganking, try stealing enemy jungler's buffs. In mid game you need to have baron and bushes warded you have 1 stun, but there could be 3 or more enemies.
You need to take baron quite early BARON WARDING IS FORWARD TO YOUR SUCCESS In late game you just dont need armor because you have lots of health + lifesteal, push the towers as fast as you can and you will win.
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Masteries and runes

Armor runes and masteries to avoid deaths and harrasing in early game, late game too. Attack speed runes, you need them in early game very much. You will find out why. Armor PEN is needed, you make good damage output in all occasions.
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You need wards. Buy those in early game to avoid ganks. Place one on baron in late game and place one on dragon, Be sure to place some in the bushes and place one at enemy's blue
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Team fights

In team fights you need to lock in one target. It needs to be AP Or Ranged AD. Those are easy killable. Do not target other AD carrys or Tanks, you dont build armor penetration
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When you will have B.F. Sword You will farm creeps very easily, you will not have to last hit every creep. In early game farming is not a big challenge so you shouldn't have problems with killing people.
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Summoner Spells

I take for saving your life or ganking and then i take this is very good in early game, late game too.


You can get away with this, but there's a problem with it, You will get stunned or slowed so I don't recommend this, but if you insist take it.

You will not lose lane control with this, trust me.

Suits you well, but you have your ulti so i take it only sometimes.

You can use this as an extra ward, teammates will appreciate it.
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If you wiew this and you dont like this

Its my first build, Sry if its bad and I made you very disappointed. But im glad you found some time to read it :).

I know its missing a lot but i didn't have any photos, I'll add some.
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