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Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
A different story (intro)
This is my first guide since i am playing 3 years of lol. (sr for my english btw)
Sion is possible of mutch, i have seen him on top, jungle and once bot.
Since they reworked him i started playing him. (the old never caught my interest)
Now i play main sup sion in ranked and win 2/3 games.
So now a bit about playing him
Start game with decimating-smash and help jungler, if they come for counterjungling, put ward around corner and as soon they walk in, stun them. If your adc is with you, they lose a flash or you win a kill with some help
In each case of a battle, always leave the kill for the other. You will have plenty of gold.
Laning phase
With some strategic walking and good timed decimating-smash you can irritate the others nice, leave your Spoils of war for the biggest minions, this way you and adc gain good gold. Also consider to upgrade your relic shield fast, the cd of your spoils of war will be much smaller = more health for adc and more gold.
At lvl 2, harras with ROAR OF THE SLAYER, push minions against them and try decimating-smash if possible. Main importance for you are keeping adc safe with wards and skill shots and get him kills.
At lvl 6 you get the nicest ult ever, running faster then anything and stun them then.
The trick is playing with the fog of war and hope the don't dodge.
After hit with your ult, directly hit your decimating-smash for a combo.
This is quite it,
I will add more later.
Good luck
In each case of a battle, always leave the kill for the other. You will have plenty of gold.
Laning phase
With some strategic walking and good timed decimating-smash you can irritate the others nice, leave your Spoils of war for the biggest minions, this way you and adc gain good gold. Also consider to upgrade your relic shield fast, the cd of your spoils of war will be much smaller = more health for adc and more gold.
At lvl 2, harras with ROAR OF THE SLAYER, push minions against them and try decimating-smash if possible. Main importance for you are keeping adc safe with wards and skill shots and get him kills.
At lvl 6 you get the nicest ult ever, running faster then anything and stun them then.
The trick is playing with the fog of war and hope the don't dodge.
After hit with your ult, directly hit your decimating-smash for a combo.
This is quite it,
I will add more later.
Good luck
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