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Cassio can kite you pretty easy with Q + E. She can also dodge your Q pretty easy, the longer the game goes. Annoying matchup. MR will be helpful.
Ezreal's E gives him the mobility to dodge your Q, which is your most important tool as Sion Support. Very annoying lane, since he can kite you easily too. Wait till 6 and try to bait his E before engaging.
Ashe's passive is pretty annoying, since you can't walk up and hit her with Q. Try to hide in bushes to hit her with Q or just wait till you're 6 and R her.
His turrets will burst you down, try to get close with R, stand back till 6.
Buy early Merc Treads.
Brand can easily poke you out of lane, try to dodge his W and try to hit him with a Q, you should be able to snowball if he gets behind. If he's bullying you, just wait till 6 and all-in him with your R.
Ahri can burst you down in the early game, so make sure you don't get hit by her charm, stay behind your minions till you're 6, then all-in her. She can't do anything except dashing away using her R.
Caitlyn will bully you early, because of her massive range. Stay behind the creeps and don't get hit by her headshots. Wait till 6, then all-in with R.
Kalista is very annoying, since she kites you out very hard, try to get her with your Q when she is overextending, always use your W when she is trying to all-in you. When you're lv. 6, you can all-in and kill her.
Lucian will kite you very hard too, he has a dash and a pretty good range, try too dodge his poke and you are fine once you hit lv. 6.
Since you have a pretty big hitbox, a good Morgana will hit all her Q's. Try to stay behind your minions and try to hit Q's when she's coming close. After you have your ult, u can all-in her. Just make sure she's not using Stopwatch under tower to bait you in.
Senna will bully you early, just stay behind your minions and all-in her once you are lv. 6.
Ziggs can poke you with his Q and get out of a fight with his W. Wait for ganks/ roams or all-in him after you hit lv. 6 when he's pushed up too far.
Vayne will kite you till you're dead. Stay behind your minions and try to go for a sneak attack by hiding in the bush. You can all-in her once you hit lv. 6, but only if she used her R before.
Draven deals massive damage, so only fight him with your R.
Kog'Maw will poke you a lot, if he's out of mana you can try to all-in him. Should be a pretty easy matchup after you hit lv. 6.
Wait till you are lv. 6 if you want to all-in. Her speed-up will just let her escape and polymorph you.
Lux' range is so annoying, but you should be fine if you Flash + Q her after she walks up and misses her Q. Should be pretty easy to deal with her after you hit lv. 6.
Try to stay behind creeps or go for a sneak attack by hiding in a bush. If you hit your Q she's most likely dead.
Try to kill her in the early game, when she doesn't have many items, after she gets her evolved Q and E she can kite you out very easily.
Miss Fortune
Her W and E are pretty annoying, since she gets faster and you will be slowed, try to R her when she's pushed up to far to secure a kill.
Zyra will poke you a lot, so try to dodge her root and go for some sneak attacks by hiding in the bush.
Zilean will speed-up and escape your Q, so you should try to Flash + Q him. After lv. 6 he will be very annoying, so try to get some early kills.
Vel'Koz will poke you a lot, so wait till you are lv. 6 and all in him then. Early Merc Treads will help.
You have to dodge Neeko's roots or you will be poked out of lane very fast. Stay behind your minions and let them push. Wait for ganks and all-in them once you are lv. 6.
In combat you will rape Pyke, but make sure he doesn't hook you under his tower. Stay close to your ADC and hit him with W + Q once he's close to all-in you.
Very annoying to deal with because of her sustain, but once you're lv. 6 you will win the lane.
Your lane won't be fun, because of her massive healing, but once you are lv. 6 you should be able to kill her pretty easy.
Xayah can dodge your R by using her own R, so try to bait it out before engaging. She will be annoying pre 6, so stay behind your minions and don't let her root you.
Varus can poke you easily, try to dodge his Q or you'll get pushed out of lane very fast.
You can't really get close to her pre 6, because she can stun you very easy. Try to play passive till you hit lv. 6.
Teemo is just annoying, he will kite you and you can't do something against it till you hit lv. 6.
Janna will poke you a lot early, try dodging her tornados and you will be fine after you are lv. 6.
In a 1v1, neither of you will die, so it depends on the ADC, but you have more CC then him, so you should win your lane.
If he wants to deal damage, he has to get close to you, you can just press W, receive no damage and Q him. You should be able to win your lane easily.
Blitzcrank isn't dangerous for you either, as long as he doesn't hook you under his turret. Just stay behind your minions and all-in him once you are lv. 6. If he's not under his turret, let him hook you, so you are close to him and his ADC. Just Q them both and kill them.
Fiddle isn't dangerous for you. All he can do pre-6 is press Q and hope to not get smashed by you.
Stay out of range of his Q and you will be fine. He has to get close to you to deal damage after using his Q, so you can fight him using your W and Q.
Malphite can poke you, but is no thread. Tank his ult using your W and Q him back. You should win 2v2s after hitting lv. 6.
Nami can't do shit to you, just don't get hit by her Q. After lv. 6 you can R her, she should be dead if you hit it.
If he wants to deal damage he has to get close to you, Q him once he used his E. You should be able to devour him with your ADC by using W when he engages.
He can't do shit to you, just dont overextend and get hooked under tower.
He is pretty weak early, so you should try to kill him early. Only use your R if his Q is on cooldown.
R her once her jump is on cooldown. She should not be able to kill you early, so try to hit with Q sometimes.
Leona deals no damage to you, if she uses her E, press Q to punish her. Always stay in front of your ADC and you will win lane.
Nautilus can only CC you, Q him after he roots you with his first auto-attack and use W to barrier the damage he deals with Q + auto.
Rakan is no problem for you, the only thing he can do is disengage.
He has to get close to stun you, use your W to block the damage and Q afterwards. If he runs away, use R to follow him. You should be able to kill him as long as he doesn't have R.
Sett will fuck you pre 6, so wait till you are lv. 6 to fight him.
Tahm Kench
He won't deal damage to you, just W his spells and Q him if you can. All-in him after you are lv. 6.
Shaco will be very annoying, try to ward the bushes to make sure you don't get hit by his boxes. Wait for ganks and only all-in him with R if you know who the real Shaco is.
His biggest powerspike is once he hit lv. 6, make sure you destroyed his magic shield, for example by using your E, then all-in him with R + Q. Merc Treads will be helpful.
He can't really fight you, so he will probably focus your ADC. Try to use W to tank for your ADC and use Q if Ornn gets close.
Pre 6 he's not that strong, but you have to respect his R. W immediately to block the damage, R if he used his W.
He will do nothing to you, just make sure to ward your river and be prepared to get ganked once he's lv. 6. Use your R if he can't escape or his E is on cooldown.
Xerath will fuck you early, so stay back till lv. 6 and all-in with R, since he has no escape tools. Early Merc Treads are helpful.
Sivir is just Sivir, try to hit your Q and you will be fine.
Try to stay back and poke with E + Q, only engage on him when you have R or he used his cage.
Don't get hit by his Q + W combo and all-in him once you are lv. 6. You should kill him pretty easily.
She will slow your enemies, so it is pretty easy for you to hit your Q.
She will slow your enemies, so it is pretty easy for you to hit your Q.
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