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Skarner Build Guide by Homegesam

Top Skarner: AD GOD

Top Skarner: AD GOD

Updated on January 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Homegesam Build Guide By Homegesam 3,283 Views 1 Comments
3,283 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Homegesam Skarner Build Guide By Homegesam Updated on January 22, 2013
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Skarner: This is not really a guide, but a build for you guys.

Well recently, I have been looking for a new Skarner build on Mobafire like usual. However, I could not find a Skarner build with tons of damage. So, I decided to take a thing or two from some guides, ones with defense and ones with attack damage. I balanced it and checked it at a build showing site. So I came up with this build and found it AWESOME, not to show off or anything.

Now, a thing or two about myself, although you might not care too much. Well, first things first, I am not a PRO. I am not CLG, Azubu, ranked diamond, etc. I am a level 28 player who half recently joined league of legends and enjoyed it, thanks to previous experiences with Warcraft and Starcraft. You may think I'm noob or something else, but I am just a normal player who wishes to show others my handmade build and help them become great at Skarner. By the way, this is my first build so please go easy on the critizing. And excuse my spelling XD.

Finally, about the build. I built trinity force, cause like it says in the description, "tons of damage" haha, also it gives ability power, damage, and mana which is one thing Skarner really desperately needs. Rush this. On the way I pick up mercury treads which gives magic resist and nice speed with distortion for reducing flash's cooldown. Next, Wit's end, wits end gives you a lot of damage since the unique is giving bonus magic damage, and gives attack speed which gives Skarner tons of damage. Ravenous hydra, I get this to increase my damage by a lot, giving me splash and using my Q gives you frightening damage to all enemies around you. Next, I take a defensive item, Randuin's Omen for health and armor to help you throughout the teamfights if you have to tank -.-.
Next,its your choice. Black cleaver for attack damage mainly and armor penetration or muramana if you really need the mana cause he does run out (I prefer this item, it also gives you damage) or infinity edge, I also take this because it gives me damage!

I hope you really use this build, even if you make amends. Sorry, for such a bad guide, remember, this is a build guide, not a guide to skarner. Thanks, Homegesam.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Homegesam
Homegesam Skarner Guide
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