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Sona Passive Ability
A short Introduction about my self
Hello Guys This is my first time to make a guide. First of all I want to introduce my self.
I am Chosoko a bigginer in the game Leauge of Legends. But I think I can still do some guides like this, RIGHT ! This is my profile:
As you can see this is very weak. Ahmm can you please give some advice for me adter reding this
guide. Feel Free to give some opinions about this guide.
The reason why I want to build this guide is to give my ideas and experiences about Sona.
Also I want to give some fact about Sona.
A short introduction about Sona
Sona is a very good character. It gives full support in allies champion. We can say that Sona is one of my favorite character. Although her health is not actually good, but she can give some reason why you have to choose her. Lets start in her Pros / Cons
Why do Runes are important ?
Runes is a very Important thing in the game. It can carry you for a long time. If you have some IP don't forget to buy one. It can cause you a lot.
Some Runes for Sona
Mark of Mana Regeneration : This rune will make you crazy !! Very useful specially in the early game. Great mana regeneration means unlimited skill . Useful for all her abilities. This rune is needed by her abilities like Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance. Also it will give an advancement for your allies.
Seal of Mana : If you have some runes for mana regeneration, then you also need this. Some mana will give you an extra abilities. Like what i said ; Great mana and mana regeneration means unlimited.
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown Reduction : Like what I said CD reduction is the best thing for supports. This rune gives much CD reduction per level. Much needed by Crescendo.
What is MAsteries ?
With each level achieved by a Summoner, the Summoner also receives one mastery point, capped at 30 mastery points, the maximum summoner level. Each mastery takes one point to increase its level and each tree contains at least 37 points worth of masteries, so even at top level the Summoner is not able to completely fill any one tree, let alone all trees. This adds a strategic element to your selection of Summoner masteries, as you can choose masteries that synergize with your champion, spells, and teammates.
It is important to note that most masteries require points in the tree. When moving to higher levels in the tree (higher "tiers"), one will encounter an increasing prerequisite of a 4 points spent in that tree. For example, in order to put points into Alacrity (a tier-2 offense mastery), one must first put a total of 4 points into any of the tier-1 offense masteries, and to put a point into Juggernaut (the tier-6 defense skill), one must have 20 points in other defense masteries. A summoner must have at least 21 points (so level 21) to acquire the last mastery in a tree. The last mastery is usually the most useful and vital to that particular mastery tree.
Some masteries require another mastery to be earned before a higher tier mastery is available. This more direct type of prerequisite is shown by the grey lines that sometimes lead from one mastery to another higher-tiered mastery. These connected masteries usually correlate in some way. The lines denote the fact that all ranks of the lower tier mastery must fully acquired ("maxed out") before the higher tier mastery will become available.
-Source: LOL Wiki
Masteries for Sona?
Sorcery : It will give a great cooldown reduction on Sona's skills. Great advantage for Crescendo.
Block : Because of Sona's low health, this will be usefull.
Recovery : It will give some health regen for Sona. Not Very useful but it's okay.
Enchanted Armor : Such a very useful mastery. It will give bonus armor and magic resist for a squegee champion like Sona.
Veteran Scars : Useful for some squishy champion like Sona.
Fleet of Foot : It will give some movement speed for Sona. Useful in early game (Like what i thought).
Meditation : It will give some extra Mana Regen. Very Useful.
Strength of Spirit : It will give some health regen if you have some mana. The reason why you have to build some mana maker items :)
Alchemist : Great mastey for early game. Good combination for Culinary Master .
Culinary Master : Useful. It will make your Health Potion into a Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation
Runic Affinity : Make your blue buff stays longer.
Greed : It will give some money for your first item.
Scavenger : Good mastery for supports. Let your ADC kill some minions :).
Wealth : Gives +40 gold in spawn, you can add one more Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation
Expanded Mind : Good for such spammer. But it is also good for supports.
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