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Sona Build Guide by Hyper Y7

Support Sona, The underestimated - Season 4

Support Sona, The underestimated - Season 4

Updated on November 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hyper Y7 Build Guide By Hyper Y7 3,037 Views 0 Comments
3,037 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hyper Y7 Sona Build Guide By Hyper Y7 Updated on November 26, 2013
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Pros / Cons

- ranged
- easy to play
- Your passive + Q = awesome dmg to haras
- Ult can change a TF
- Awesome lane phase
- Sona arcade op :0

- Squish
- Mana Hungry ealry game
- If you miss click your ult, people will hate you :)
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Lane phane

- Use 2 skills > get close to your opponent > use Q and auto atack him = great dmg
the best way to haras and make money with the new sup iten.

- ward (duh) , remember your adc to ward too >:(

- Don't waste you ult ... Use it to secure kills and save the adc
*if you are about to die, dont wast your ult for nothing, if u are going to die anyway, same for exaust .
*when you want to secure kills dont flash + ult if your adc is too far from the target, sounds dumb but I see this in ranked all the time, just wast of ult if when its obvious that the target is gonna get away anyway.
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After Lane phase

- I like to walk together with the adc
- Keep warding and cleaning wards on dragon and baron
- Use your ult with wisdon
- In s4 supports gets tons of money, sona can cause some dmg , spam ur skills in a fight
- It is important to learn how to use your passive properly
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Simple and Clean Tutorial

If I forgot something, leave a comment and let me know
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hyper Y7
Hyper Y7 Sona Guide
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Sona, The underestimated - Season 4

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