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Katarina Build Guide by markyboy57

Support Support Kitty Kat

Support Support Kitty Kat

Updated on October 18, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author markyboy57 Build Guide By markyboy57 5,664 Views 6 Comments
5,664 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author markyboy57 Katarina Build Guide By markyboy57 Updated on October 18, 2014
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Why I made it?

So why did I make this guide? Well, I've supported a few times with Kat and she is a ton of fun. After a while I got curious about different ways other people built her support to see if I was missing out on anything. To my surprise there were ZERO SUPPORT KATARINA GUIDES. Well... "Full Guides" at least. I knew I couldn't deny all those others who searched for Kat, not thinking to switch off full guide, the decency of SOMETHING. It was my turn to show the world what I was made of. I went for it, and here it is. Here I present to you all, my bae, Katarina.
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Why kat?

So what makes kat a better support than most others? Well to start out you don't require mana so you have infinite poke ability with Bouncing Blades and don't have to worrying about be oom if they engage. Another thing most other supports lack is an escape. Kat can be much more forgiving in the aspect because of you Shunpo. One last big thing and the reason this guide has "support/carry" in its title is because.. well you can carry. To be quite honest your probably going to take a few kills with her. Good thing about kat is any kills, accidentally or not, taken from your adc are not wasted. Kat's late game damage is insane and incomparable to any other support. "But supports arent supposed to do damage late game". Says who? Yeah yeah yeah no cc.. I get it, but insane damage makes you an early target removing focus from other carrys, close enough to cc for me.
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So as kitty kat in the lane you need to be throwing those Bouncing Blades every time they come off cooldown. No mana = free poke... if you don't get caught. And would you look at that, she has just the move to avoid being stuck, good ole Shunpo. Don't spam this bad boy though being that the cooldown time is fairly long if your not getting her resets.
I get sinister steel 3rd but max 2nd, well third if you count after ult. Some people may suggest alternating between leveling Bouncing Blades and sinister steel but honestly kat is kinda week early so if your not running into their face, just sit back and get off the good damage with your blades.
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Lore (via league of legends official site)

Driven by an intense killer instinct, Katarina uses her talents as an assassin for the glory of Noxus, and the continued elevation of her family. While her fervor drives her to ever-greater feats, it can sometimes lead her astray.

From childhood, Katarina displayed a natural gift for combat. As the daughter of a prominent Noxian general many paths were open to her, but she rejected them all for the path of the blade. Rigorously trained by the finest assassins in Noxus, her father the best among them, it was not long before Katarina demanded her first assignment. The task they gave her was aggravatingly simple: assassinate a low-ranking Demacian officer. As she set to her work infiltrating the enemy camp, Katarina discovered an opportunity too tantalizing to pass by - the arrival of a Demacian General. Stalking him to his tent, she quietly dispatched his guards and slit his throat. Pleased with her impressive kill, she disappeared into the night. Katarina's elation faded the next day when her original objective, the Demacian officer, led his forces to ambush unprepared Noxian soldiers. Though the Noxians fought valiantly, they suffered heavy casualties. Furious at her mistake, Katarina set off to complete her original task. Returning to the camp, she spied her now heavily guarded target and realized a stealthy kill was no longer possible. Drawing her blades, Katarina swore the officer would die, no matter the cost. She leapt into battle, unleashing a whirlwind of steel. One by one blades flashed and guards fell, each strike bringing her one step closer to the officer. A final thrown dagger restored her honor. Bloody and bruised, Katarina barely escaped the Demacian forces, and returned to Noxus a changed woman. The scar she earned that night now serves as a constant reminder that she must never let passion interfere with duty.

''Never question my loyalty. You will never know what I endure for it.''
-- Katarina
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*sounds of enemies dying*

Unless of course you have this bad boy already Deathfire Grasp , in which case you'll slide him on through....


*sounds of enemies dying plus some fireball type thing*

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