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Mordekaiser Build Guide by akhos5

Support Support Morde

Support Support Morde

Updated on May 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author akhos5 Build Guide By akhos5 157 12 215,102 Views 7 Comments
157 12 215,102 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author akhos5 Mordekaiser Build Guide By akhos5 Updated on May 5, 2021
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1 2
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Support Morde

By akhos5
Support Mordkaiser
I know between the few people who are reading this there will be people who are like "Mordekaiser support don't be stupid he plays TOP or MID not support, like any other support champion is better" or people like "Mordekaiser support has the guy who made this lost his ****". Well there are better options for support but this is off meta and kinda fun to play but don't expect to win, and the fact that i might be crazy doing this and the fact that this is the Second time i have made a guide for Mordekaiser before and after the rework - akhos5
The Beginning
Before you even start playing morde in game, if you are new to mordekaiser start with AI to get used to his play style or if you haven't tried mordekaiser support, play with the difficulty that suits you. It is better to support BOT lane with a friend since they are less likely to report you for feeding and you can explain what you are trying to do.
The game starts, may god be with you mordekaiser support. To start playing begin with Q to weaken minions for ADC. Try and poke them with Q and if staying ranged upgrade E next. It's all a mind game you pull the them in hit them and scare them for life. Your W will be very helpful when your ADC is fighting enemy laners because of heal, shield, and the fact you should be tanking all the damage.
Early Game
So how's the feeding going, not feeding then you're probably AFK, not AFK then you're good at playing mordekaiser in support. Try and get as much gold early game when the ADC is away and your support should be helping. If ADC recalls this is your chance to as much CS as you can till they come back. Remember to upgrade your support item as you go it will help with gold income then buy some AP. And don't forget it's not how good you are with support mordekaiser it's how ******ed your opponents are, that wins the game.
Mid Game
By now you maybe praying for your team to surrender and never play support mordekaiser again. If you can kill enemy then use your ult to trap the other enemy and kill them. In lane if you feel like you are taking a lot of damage then build for tank option, if your ADC needs help make sure that you are tanking and then healing yourself with W. Not getting overpowered, use E drag them in and SMASH THEM! Repeat this a few times to keep them on their toes, it's all a mind game.
Late Game
Focus on team fights late game, in team fights try to tank the damage for the team because of your W which shields then heals great for fixing yourself up. Use E at the start to get the fights going then ult to take out a high damage doing enemy like the ADC come back and rekt the rest of them with their stats, welcome to league of legends. but for most of the fights you'll be tanking for team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author akhos5
akhos5 Mordekaiser Guide
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Support Morde

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