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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Hi, I'm Yuzon and this is my soraka guide. After her rework, soraka has become an surprisingly strong support, boasting a very versatile kit which synergises well with most team compositions.
- Advices, corrections and opinions are very appreciated.
- Be sure to check out my Support Zilean guide too.

+ Her heals let you nave an incredibly safe laning phase.
+ Incredibile zoning with her E.
+ Spamming your heals on one person in teamfight makes him immortal. Litelally.
+ Good global pressure with her R

- Very squishy, requires good positioning in teamfights.
- Passive laning phase.
- No heavy CC.


![]() |
talisman of ascension
TALISMAN OF ASCENSION This item gives you enough sustain to allow you to spam your heals without worrying about your health. It also has an incredible engaging/disingaging power. |
Gives you the speed to be where your heals are needed on no time. The enchant is good to disengage for to allies seeking for your help. |
With the AP bonus it gives your heals will be more powerful, and you will heal yourself by a lot more through ![]() |
Buy this item if your teammates get constantly picked off or if the enemy team has a comp that focuses one target. |
Extremely powerful defensive item for supports. Pick this if they have a lot of AOE magic damage. It also gives some CDR. |
If you trust in your skills this is a viable choiche for incredibly powerful heals. |
Incredibly powerful item in the right team composition. Sinergises well with your ![]() ![]() |
The most viable armor item on ![]() |

Remember to always check bushes with
Starcall as it grants visione of the area where it lands to avoid ambushes. During teamfights you should stay as far as possible from the action since you are very squishy and use your
Astral Infusion only on one of your carryes, making him nearly immortal, or casting it on the person who needs it the most. In case someone gets
Ignited, use your
Wish before healing him, as it removes grevious wounds. Place
Equinox under assassins as they dive, under casters to make them useless, under champions which are channeling a spell or under stunned/slowed enemyes for a guaranteed root.

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