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Soraka Build Guide by Yuzon

Support Soraka: Banana Power!!

Support Soraka: Banana Power!!

Updated on December 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yuzon Build Guide By Yuzon 12,950 Views 1 Comments
12,950 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Yuzon Soraka Build Guide By Yuzon Updated on December 15, 2014
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Hi, I'm Yuzon and this is my soraka guide. After her rework, soraka has become an surprisingly strong support, boasting a very versatile kit which synergises well with most team compositions.

- Advices, corrections and opinions are very appreciated.
- Be sure to check out my Support Zilean guide too.
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+ Her heals let you nave an incredibly safe laning phase.
+ Incredibile zoning with her E.
+ Spamming your heals on one person in teamfight makes him immortal. Litelally.
+ Good global pressure with her R


- Very squishy, requires good positioning in teamfights.
- Passive laning phase.
- No heavy CC.
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Best summoner spell in the game, always pick this.


Very strong support spell. Improves tour peeling and gives you another form of CC.
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Salvation is your passive. Speeding you up when moving towards low life allies, helps you in your healer job.


Starcall is your Q. It is primarly an utility spell, healing you when you hit an enemy champion (extremely useful due to the costs of Astral Infusion). Don't forget that it gives vision of the area where the star is falling.


Astral Infusion is your W. It is your signature move and what makes Soraka such a strong champion. You heal an allied unit by a quite amount, and the CD is so low that you can heal all your allies in a teamfight or focus on one champion, making him impossible to kill. Beware of the health cost: using Astral Infusion makes you very vulnerable: for that reason good positioning is key to survive in teamfights and make the most out of your healing power.


Equinox is your E. It is an AOE silence that persist on the ground. This spell has the power of making casters, such as Riven and Katarina, useless in teamfights. The only way of rooting with this spell is placing it under an enemy champion which is already stunned or slowed, since it is quite easy to go out of its AOE. Also remember that silences block summoner spells such as Flash from being cast and interrupts channeled abilities.


Wish is your ultimate. It heals all your teammates by a large chunk of health and, in the process, removes grevious wounds, making it a very powerful and incontestable spell. Be always aware of what is appening on the map to heal allies in trouble, and avoid wasting it since it has a quite long CD.
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Max Astral Infusion early to have more powerful heals. Equinox is maxed second for reduced cooldown and longer lasting roots. Starcall is maxed last since leveling up this spell gives little to no advantages, since the heal you get by hitting it depends on the Astral Infusion's level.
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Sightstone is the most important item for every support. Map awareness is just too much importantto be given up to take other items.
talisman of ascension

This item gives you enough sustain to allow you to spam your heals without worrying about your health. It also has an incredible engaging/disingaging power.


Gives you the speed to be where your heals are needed on no time. The enchant is good to disengage for to allies seeking for your help.
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With the AP bonus it gives your heals will be more powerful, and you will heal yourself by a lot more through Starcall.


Buy this item if your teammates get constantly picked off or if the enemy team has a comp that focuses one target.


Extremely powerful defensive item for supports. Pick this if they have a lot of AOE magic damage. It also gives some CDR.


If you trust in your skills this is a viable choiche for incredibly powerful heals.


Incredibly powerful item in the right team composition. Sinergises well with your Astral Infusion and your Wish.


The most viable armor item on Soraka, to be taken only in extreme situations.
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Soraka's laning phase is relatively safe: tour job is just keeping your ADC alive an healing yourself as much as possibile trying ti hit both enemy laners at once with Starcall. You'll win most of the trades because of Astral Infusion, bit remember that if you get caught by a Leona or a Blitzcrank you are screwed. Also remember that you have little to no defense during ganks as you lack a reliable hard CC, so is adviceable placing deep wards in the river andò in the enemy jungle to spot enemy ganks and save yourself in time. Coordinate with your jungler to kill an a dragon early, ad your heals can mitigate mostra of his damage. Whenever your ult is up keep an eye on the other lanes, as a well timed Wish can screw up most enemy all-ins and tower dives.
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Remember to always check bushes with Starcall as it grants visione of the area where it lands to avoid ambushes. During teamfights you should stay as far as possible from the action since you are very squishy and use your Astral Infusion only on one of your carryes, making him nearly immortal, or casting it on the person who needs it the most. In case someone gets Ignited, use your Wish before healing him, as it removes grevious wounds. Place Equinox under assassins as they dive, under casters to make them useless, under champions which are channeling a spell or under stunned/slowed enemyes for a guaranteed root.
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