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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
In teamfights u can stay in the middle of the fight with ulti on, tanking everything! Because of the slow from Rylai's u are almost impossible to catch and u heal so much from ultimet+spellwamp. the damage is incredible with the bonus from Liandrys torment.
This build boost your ultimet to the MAX!
/hope you find this build helpfull :)
This build maxes you ultimet to the MAX!
Start with boots,2 hp pots and 1 ward.
Focus on durability in early game, and try to farm as much as possible.
In mid game start building heavy damage, but still a lot durability.
Late game when your build is fulfilled, u should be very tanky, able to deal a ton of damage, and ulti will heal you a ton, slowing everyone near you and almost unkillable.
Start with boots,2 hp pots and 1 ward.
Focus on durability in early game, and try to farm as much as possible.
In mid game start building heavy damage, but still a lot durability.
Late game when your build is fulfilled, u should be very tanky, able to deal a ton of damage, and ulti will heal you a ton, slowing everyone near you and almost unkillable.
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