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Qiyana Build Guide by donmamx

Top Tank Qiyana - The invisible assassin tank

Top Tank Qiyana - The invisible assassin tank

Updated on January 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donmamx Build Guide By donmamx 5 1 20,992 Views 1 Comments
5 1 20,992 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author donmamx Qiyana Build Guide By donmamx Updated on January 18, 2022
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Runes: Grasp

1 2
Grasp of the Undying
Font of Life

Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


U wont win lane so go tp
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Tank Qiyana - The invisible assassin tank

By donmamx
Early Game
U don't play early game, you loose every matchup. Take the CS you can get and try survive. Fortunately qiyana really likes ganks as her CC follow up especially with Glacial is really good. High damage junglers will like ganking you.
Mid Game
Give up your lane and try to get roams off, you are playing for teamfights and or catching a squishy adc or midlaner off guard in a sidelane when farming. You will loose turrets but u hopefully win every fight with your team to make up for it.
Late Game
Always have river element, Engage with Ult first, then reposition to get as many as possible with the follow up stun, quickly change to brush if low or wall if you can Ace them faster than they can kill you.
After shrouded for a while, try to get river element back up as fast as possible to stop them from reaching your backline if they arent already ded.

If you somehow get a lead big enough that you get to 4-5th item consider Axium arc, it will be insane how many times it saves you.
Keep in mind.
This build is as much pain for the enemy team as it is for yours, it works but not well since you have no way shape or form to have a winning lane phase, only shot is having the RNG on your side that one of the other lanes won so you can win fights because of their damage since you have 0 of your own.

This is literally a worse way to play the traditional Qiyana build but atleast you wont die as many times.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donmamx
donmamx Qiyana Guide
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Tank Qiyana - The invisible assassin tank

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