Type: Support - Alistar has stronger engage, stronger CC, and stronger Melee strength than you in the early levels. However, he is still a Melee Champion. A good Alistar will hold his engage tools until after you expend your E, while you can punish by holding your E as well. Play Parallel to your ADC to avoid Alistar's AOE Knockup. Your Sustain tools are stronger than Alistar's Pre-6, so make sure to always have enough Mana to get out of a bad situation. If necessary, buy an early Tear. If you feel comfortable with Taric or are against a Melee Laner, you can take Aftershock to match Alistar's Trading power. Never build Moonstone into this Champion. Tenacity doesn't do much against him, so take Inspiration instead for your Secondaries.
Type: Support - Enchanters are normally the bane of Taric's existence. However, there isn't much Bard can do against you in lane. Although, there isn't much you can do against him either. This matchup is very stale, so Bard will often be out of Lane. You can use this to your advantage. One of two things will happen: either, since the enemy ADC will be alone most of the time, you can use that to get free engages off without worrying about punishment from the enemy support, or, the enemy Bard will be forced to stay in Lane and thus miss tons of Roam opportunities and Chimes. The reason this matchup is not a Minor Threat is because you don't ever necessarily win against Bard. A good Bard will know which Roam Timers to take and which to not take against you. Bard is usually paired with an ADC who can push the wave well, so you'll need to maintain wave advantage against Bard's Laner. Play around the Wave and take good Roam Timers, and you'll smash the Bard Lane.
Type: Support - Blitzcrank is only a threat if you let him catch you out. Punish his missed hooks by engaging him while it's on its extremely long cooldown. You can fight when the wave is closer to your tower. If you know you can fight and win, try to buffer your E when Blitz tries to hook you. You win this matchup Lategame in every single scenario.
DShard: MR; Brand is another matchup that used to be hell (pun intended) but has been watered down (ALSO pun intended :3) by Glacial Augment. Brand's CC is harder to hit than Zyra's and he has no escape tools. However, if he makes you his bitch, it'll be hard to get out of that scenario due to his high-burst combos. Try
DShard: Armor; Skill matchup. A good Braum will block your E's damage with his own E, and since you're an immobile Champion, he can just Q your engage. He can also give his allies free Resistances, reducing your Damage Output when hitting Bravautos. However, a bad Braum will have no idea how to play against you. You can abuse their misunderstanding of how Braum's E works against them, hitting free Damage off when you go in to Stun. Chances are they will also make the mistake of engaging you when your E is up. Abuse any mistakes the enemy Braum makes in lane and you will surely win.
Type: Support - Skill matchup. You can never actually reach Janna with your engage, and a good Janna will constantly be hitting you with safe poke. However, your Sustain tools are stronger than hers by a mile. You are better at keeping your ADC alive in lane than her. This matchup will always be a Synergy Diff in the sense that if your ADC allows themself to fall victim to Janna's poke, or is too aggressive into a lane like this, your ADC will lose lane themself. Although, in this case, it isn't your fault, so long as you did whatever you could to keep them alive. I would suggest building Swifties and roaming. A LOT.
DShard: MR; Karma's early levels are better than Taric's. She has rather strong poke, great disengage, and a very powerful shield compared to yours. If you play an ADC with easy-to-hit Slows, you can land Stuns on her and her ADC more easily. Play around her only weakness which is having no Healing for her ADC and keep your ADC at higher HP than hers. Karma > Taric Midgame -> Taric >>> Karma Lategame.
DShard: Armor; Hard-Engage Champions are Taric's wet dream. If you're good at landing Stuns, she will never be able to successfully pull off a combo without losing at least 80 more HP than you or your ADC did. She does have Resistances upon engage in her W, so try not to trade too hard, as it does more damage than you'd think. Lategame you outscale her so long as you don't let her hit you with R.
DShard: MR; Any support that punishes Engage will be a toughie for Taric. Play around the Bushes levels 1-3. I would recommend pairing with an Earlygame ADC against Lulu so she has to make a choice. If she's smart, she's let you deal some damage to her and Polymorph (W) your ADC. If she's not, however, she'll waste Polymorph on you, losing her escape tool and allowing ADC to get some damage off without the risk. That's why this matchup is a Level 4 instead of a Level 5. Abuse this decision making she'll have to perform during the Laning Phase.
DShard: MR; Becomes an Even Matchup after some experience. Glacial Augment makes it harder for her to escape you after she uses her spells. She has every possible tool she needs to make his Laning Phase hell. However, if you play your cards right, this lane is playable. A good Lux (mind the irony here) will have Total Bush Control, so play outside the Bushes at all times. Play Parallel to your ADC so you don't get 2-Man Rooted or Ulted. Your Stun does not, I repeat, NOT, cancel her Ult Channel. Try to go around it. If you can't, shield some of the Damage with W, then Q yourself and ADC to regain the lost Health. Your level 1 is stronger than hers if she plays too aggressive, which a bad Lux will certainly do, and will Overstep, allowing you to hit a free Stun off on her, or at least blow her Flash. Buy Swifties if possible to have more Movement Speed available to dodge her Q (and in turn shake off some of her E slow), or if you have trouble Side-Stepping, get Merc Treads early to shun off some of the Root Length. Take Unflinching instead of Revitalize into her, as well as Legend: Tenacity. Your Recovery Tools are already much stronger than hers as it is.
Type: Support - Any Tank played in the Bot Lane is somewhat easy for Taric. Tank Maokai Support is actually more of a Level 2 Threat, as he's more reliant on his Engage (W) and R rather than his Saplings (E). Don't play in the bushes in this matchup, you will get poked to death. Play Parallel to your ADC when the wave is Pushing towards you, and in front of your ADC when pushing Towers to prevent them from being W'd by Maokai so far away from safety. If Maokai tries to engage in this way, you can Stun him and punish him harshly.
Miss Fortune
DShard: Armor; This champion is faster than you, and can kite. That's it. As a support, she has nothing to support her ADC apart from some DPS similar to Brand's. She, however, lacks the CC, DoTs, and hard AOE that Brand has to abuse you with. The only CC she has is a moderate Field Slow. Do not let your ADC be hit by her Q bounces. Play Parallel to your ADC so they aren't at risk of being Ricochet'd off by you. Whoever gets Level 6 first wins the Level 6 All-In. Her ultimate is insanely strong. Yours will only counteract it if you activate yours before hers.
DShard: MR; Glacial doesn't make this any easier due to her Black Shield and ult. Monster. She has long Hard CC, DoT Field Poke, a just-as-available blocker to your Stun, and bush control. Play Parallel-Forward to your ADC in the early levels and try to safely get Relic Shield procs. Level 1, if your ADC can fight, you're stronger than her since she (hopefully) doesn't have her Q (Bind) or E (Spell Shield). If she takes Q first, which any smart Morgana will do against you, you cannot fight Level 1. Save your Flash for getting out, she can counter your E-Flash by simply pressing her own E. Buy an early Tear, take Guardian, Unflinching + Inspiration, and buy an early Tear to have more Mana for Q spam. You're gonna need it.
DShard: MR; One of Taric's best friends, as well as his worst enemies. I would say this is one of the few matchups where you actually may wanna take Guardian if you're afraid of her. This matchup becomes a Level 4 threat after some experience with Taric and against Nami. Nami has mobility and hard CC, so Glacial Augment leaves this matchup pretty unchanged. Rule of thumb however, do not pick Taric into her and if Nami is picked into you in Ranked, unless you trust in your ADC's power to solocarry the lane, or you're playing Solo-Q, it's safe to dodge unless you're willing to risk it.
DShard: Armor; I ban her every game. Beginners should ban her too. She has everything she needs to beat you. Poke and Healing compressed into one Ability, a Long-range Root, a better Ultimate at all stages of the game, and Invisibility/Disengage for her entire team. During the Laning Phase, she crushes you too. You can never get close to her because of Glacial Augment and how Ranged she is, and her Sustain is better than yours all together. You should dodge this matchup if you get it, even if you waited 30 minutes to get into this lobby. Either that, or play a different Champion. If you get stuck into this matchup, play closer to the River to allow yourself more space to move and dodge her Root (W), as well as allowing for a bad Senna to fall for the Noob Trap of playing that champ inside the Bushes. This is about all you can do.
DShard: MR; Seraphine is a massive bitch. She has low mana costs, good poke, good healing, speed buffs, and a very high-range Charm ult. If she hits her ult before you cast yours, you're guaranteed to die. Play for the lategame.
DShard: MR; To be honest, Glacial Augment waters down this matchup like hell. Zyra has no mobility and can only snare you to get away. She's still a ranged champion, though, so respect her.
Type: Support - By the time you finish this guide, you'll be able to crush it any time you face the mirror matchup 😎.
This synergy is huge. Aphelios highly benefits from hard-engage supports, something which Taric lacks, but Taric has so many peeling tools for Aphelios that he also makes huge use of. Taric can land secured Calibrum Q's for Aphelios in lane and Ult him Lategame during big fights. The reason this Synergy is only Level 4 is because if the Aphelios is bad, or the two are not properly communicating, the synergy falls apart. Taric Aphelios is one of my favorite Bot Lanes personally to Duo as. You don't need to worry as much about being counterpicked when playing this Duo as Aphelios will inevitably scale so long as you prevent him from dying every 5 seconds.
Since you take Glacial Augment now, Ashe is pretty redundant with you. She doesn't even do insane damage early which is what you capitalize on.
Caitlyn can place a Trap on an opponent you stunned, guaranteeing its hit if she times it right. She has good follow-up for your stun, too. However, your ultimate is useless on her as she never really goes in. It won't save her from any assassins either.
NOTE: Caitlyn benefits from Glacial Augment a lot, so she got bumped up.
Draaaaaavenn. They do well if both are good. Other than that, the synergy is shit. It's a make-or-break matchup you'll often only see a duo play.
They synergized in the lore, but are terrible together ingame. Ezreal is a backline safe-playing farm carry and Taric can't carry a lane by himself.
Jhin doesn't benefit much off of Glacial Augment and your stun does pretty much nothing for him. Only combo you and Jhin have is Dazzle into 4th shot.
My love. My dear. My darling. This is probably my favorite synergy to play. I love good Jinx players with all my heart. Everything you do benefits her. You slow them, she blasts them with rockets. You stun them, she blasts them with rockets. You ult her, she blasts them with rockets. You build Shurelya's and boost her down mid, she blasts them with rockets. It's beautiful.
Mommy?? Sorry. Mommy??? Sorry. Mommy???? Sorry.
S tier matchup. With Glacial Augment, you keep the enemy close enough to Kai'Sa without her having to dive too close to deal her damage. Plus, she can ult into enemies with your E.
Played around with this with a buddy lately and it's damn strong. I can't wait until Nilahs get really good and the potential of this synergy unfolds.
Same as Ezreal. At least Senna holds the Girlz and the Gays synergy with Taric.
Sivir is honestly underpowered. The synergy would be S tier if she were stronger. She has good poke as well as good DPS as well as bursty combos, a spell-shield, and a builtin Shurelya's so you don't have to.
As much as I scorn Vayne players, the synergy these two have is quite good. with Glavautos (I made this up lol), you can hold the enemy close enough for Vayne to deal metric tons of true damage.
Level 4 if it's a really good Xayah. You both do a lot for eachother, but it's a Jack of all Trades, Master of None type of deal.
This one is okay due to Ziggs's high damage output. You can stun enemies and give Ziggs a huge opportunity to deal tons of burst. Ziggs can also keep enemies off your tail with his W.
Meh. Not the best support for Yasuo. You don't activate his ult, but can set him up for it by Dazzling an enemy.
Off-meta. Unironically really strong. Lulu can buff Taric's Bravautos immensely and land him free stuns on Polymorphed targets. Lulu can also create Thiccric.
Off-meta. Very similar to Lulu in the sense that she can land you free stuns and keep you alive fairly well. She also can buff your Bravautos with her E. Her ult has less synergy with yours compared to Lulu, but it has different uses. It slows champions hit, so it can help land your Stun, plus it does decent damage Earlygame, and, if it goes through you, it speeds you up a TON, allowing you to hit more Bravautos on people.
This synergy is huge. Aphelios highly benefits from hard-engage supports, something which Taric lacks, but Taric has so many peeling tools for Aphelios that he also makes huge use of. Taric can land secured Calibrum Q's for Aphelios in lane and Ult him Lategame during big fights. The reason this Synergy is only Level 4 is because if the Aphelios is bad, or the two are not properly communicating, the synergy falls apart. Taric Aphelios is one of my favorite Bot Lanes personally to Duo as. You don't need to worry as much about being counterpicked when playing this Duo as Aphelios will inevitably scale so long as you prevent him from dying every 5 seconds.
Since you take Glacial Augment now, Ashe is pretty redundant with you. She doesn't even do insane damage early which is what you capitalize on.
Caitlyn can place a Trap on an opponent you stunned, guaranteeing its hit if she times it right. She has good follow-up for your stun, too. However, your ultimate is useless on her as she never really goes in. It won't save her from any assassins either.
NOTE: Caitlyn benefits from Glacial Augment a lot, so she got bumped up.
Draaaaaavenn. They do well if both are good. Other than that, the synergy is shit. It's a make-or-break matchup you'll often only see a duo play.
They synergized in the lore, but are terrible together ingame. Ezreal is a backline safe-playing farm carry and Taric can't carry a lane by himself.
Jhin doesn't benefit much off of Glacial Augment and your stun does pretty much nothing for him. Only combo you and Jhin have is Dazzle into 4th shot.
My love. My dear. My darling. This is probably my favorite synergy to play. I love good Jinx players with all my heart. Everything you do benefits her. You slow them, she blasts them with rockets. You stun them, she blasts them with rockets. You ult her, she blasts them with rockets. You build Shurelya's and boost her down mid, she blasts them with rockets. It's beautiful.
Mommy?? Sorry. Mommy??? Sorry. Mommy???? Sorry.
S tier matchup. With Glacial Augment, you keep the enemy close enough to Kai'Sa without her having to dive too close to deal her damage. Plus, she can ult into enemies with your E.
Played around with this with a buddy lately and it's damn strong. I can't wait until Nilahs get really good and the potential of this synergy unfolds.
Same as Ezreal. At least Senna holds the Girlz and the Gays synergy with Taric.
Sivir is honestly underpowered. The synergy would be S tier if she were stronger. She has good poke as well as good DPS as well as bursty combos, a spell-shield, and a builtin Shurelya's so you don't have to.
As much as I scorn Vayne players, the synergy these two have is quite good. with Glavautos (I made this up lol), you can hold the enemy close enough for Vayne to deal metric tons of true damage.
Level 4 if it's a really good Xayah. You both do a lot for eachother, but it's a Jack of all Trades, Master of None type of deal.
This one is okay due to Ziggs's high damage output. You can stun enemies and give Ziggs a huge opportunity to deal tons of burst. Ziggs can also keep enemies off your tail with his W.
Meh. Not the best support for Yasuo. You don't activate his ult, but can set him up for it by Dazzling an enemy.
Off-meta. Unironically really strong. Lulu can buff Taric's Bravautos immensely and land him free stuns on Polymorphed targets. Lulu can also create Thiccric.
Off-meta. Very similar to Lulu in the sense that she can land you free stuns and keep you alive fairly well. She also can buff your Bravautos with her E. Her ult has less synergy with yours compared to Lulu, but it has different uses. It slows champions hit, so it can help land your Stun, plus it does decent damage Earlygame, and, if it goes through you, it speeds you up a TON, allowing you to hit more Bravautos on people.
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