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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Versus Tanky/Hard matchup
Ability Order Standard Level Ups.
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Who am I
I am Sword Dance, currently Diamond, kinda just playing around and not really focusing on gameplay. I have with all my accounts combined around 550k on Ekko. My peak is Diamond 2, and I think that my knowledge of Ekko is quite big, partially because I have played him for a really long time. And also because I have watched many guides and other peoples playstyles with Ekko.
Why Ekko?
You should play Ekko if you like more dimensional plays. He is quite easy to understand, but you can go very in-depth. He has quite a unique playstyle, and you can really make him your own champion.
He is very skirmish heavy, but can also be played as a nuke. He loves to roam, but it's also okay if you smash lane. Not every second is given though, so you will need to adapt to every situation.
He is very skirmish heavy, but can also be played as a nuke. He loves to roam, but it's also okay if you smash lane. Not every second is given though, so you will need to adapt to every situation.
Up/Down sides
Upsides of playing Ekko:
- Multiple playstyles fit him.
- Can be played in mid/Jungle
- Can turn around every matchup, if you play it well.
- Easy to pick up, has high skill-cealing.
Downsides of playing Ekko:
- If you always play him the same, it will get repetetive and you will start to get smashed.
- You will have to keep your head in the game, or you will lose.
- Will hate cc
- Loses hard if you fall really behind.
- Multiple playstyles fit him.
- Can be played in mid/Jungle
- Can turn around every matchup, if you play it well.
- Easy to pick up, has high skill-cealing.
Downsides of playing Ekko:
- If you always play him the same, it will get repetetive and you will start to get smashed.
- You will have to keep your head in the game, or you will lose.
- Will hate cc
- Loses hard if you fall really behind.
Ekko combo's
E1-Q-E2-AA (Will cancel Q animation, if done fast)
E1-W-E2 (Will cancel W animation, if done fast)
E1-Q-E2-RB-AA (Will cancel q animation +RK [Will give AA reset] for Passive proc)
E1-W-E2 (Will cancel W animation, if done fast)
E1-Q-E2-RB-AA (Will cancel q animation +RK [Will give AA reset] for Passive proc)
Try to not level up your ultimate, directly at level 6. Wait with it until you need it. You can surprise opponents with this, they will find it harder to track where your ult clone is (Since it will not spawn, until you level R)
Your clone will appear 4 seconds before your ult will be up. Keep that in mind. The enemy can see that as well.
Plan your w ahead, use it either as a zoning tool, a stun or a way to get cs because you get the shield. It's also nice to help you freeze waves.
Your clone will appear 4 seconds before your ult will be up. Keep that in mind. The enemy can see that as well.
Plan your w ahead, use it either as a zoning tool, a stun or a way to get cs because you get the shield. It's also nice to help you freeze waves.
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