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In a fight you want to start off by placing E between you and your opponent if melee or on them with the back of it towards there turret if ranged. if melee and you have full mana use wither this will make them take more damage before reaching you and if your Q is powerful enough slow them while there running want to use Q whenever available this is especially important against turrets this massively helps finish turrets.
-Nasus has high durability in fights due to his ult and passive
-Nasus is good at escaping ganks and saving peoples lives by baiting the other team away
-Nasus has high sustain
-Nasus is a late game champion and can struggle early game
-if you don't farm correctly you can struggle in fights
-Nasus doesn't have high burst
-Nasus can use large amounts of mana
-Nasus has high durability in fights due to his ult and passive
-Nasus is good at escaping ganks and saving peoples lives by baiting the other team away
-Nasus has high sustain
-Nasus is a late game champion and can struggle early game
-if you don't farm correctly you can struggle in fights
-Nasus doesn't have high burst
-Nasus can use large amounts of mana
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