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Karthus Build Guide by Soul of WAR

The Deathsinger in Dominion

The Deathsinger in Dominion

Updated on September 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Soul of WAR Build Guide By Soul of WAR 2,016 Views 1 Comments
2,016 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Soul of WAR Karthus Build Guide By Soul of WAR Updated on September 29, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hello everyone and welcome to my first guide. I will try to make it to the best of my ability to help share my love of Karthus and my build for dominion. I am French-Canadian, so I will apoligize right now for the mistake you'll find.

I have been playing Karthus for a long while now and I love the playstyle of the Deathsinger. I was kinda excited to try him out in Dominion even if I thought he would not have his place and to the contrary he has quite his place.

My build might not be standard but it has been working quite well for me and I do hope you'll enjoy it and help me get it to the next level. This guide is made with the hope you already know how to handle Karthus, I am just trying to help you get your bearing in Dominion.
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Version History

1.0 : - First draft published
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Quite standard mastery really... I run Ghost instead of Teleport( Promote). Not too sure how the XP mastery work in dominion, but levelling faster is always good. We don't need the buff mastery, because I rarely get the storm shield and the buff from quest is nice but can be far in between, prefer to get the 3.75% extra mana.

You might argue that getting the Speed Buff for 30% longer is good, but it is usually long enough to get you where you wanted and than you rarely need it for a while.
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So far I run it quite standard.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: Magic Penetration is what Karthus need.

Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power & Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power: AP/lvl is what Karthus should run in Dominion, you gain lvl fast and will outgrowth flat AP fast enough. He doesn't need CD reduction nor Armor and Magic Resist.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Well the Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power are simply not worth the upgrade but if you have them, run them if you want. I don't believe Karthus benefit from the Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed as much as more AP.
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Skill Sequence

Quite standard skill sequence.

Max Lay Waste, get 1 dot of Defile and Wall of Pain. Put point in Requiem when available. Max Defile and finish with Wall of Pain.

The fight area are so small in Dominion that a lvl 1 Wall of Pain is enough to disrupt most of the fight.
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Start with Boots and a Tear of the Goddess. So far it is what I felt worked the best. Time for a little trick... You are stuck, at the beginning, for 1:20 in a mana regenerating field, why don't cast your lay mine over and over and over, I usually can get about 100 mana on my tears at the 1:20 mark. Quite a good start to help the beginning of filling the tears, because you will rarely get the full 1k mana, so might as well get the most of it.

You than go for an swift Rabadon's Deathcap followed by your truly Sorcerer's Shoes. This get you nice damage and magic penetration quite early in the game.

I than go for Hextech Revolver to get Will of the Ancients for sustainability, this often meant killed or not, when you kill in a close 1v1.

Depending how you are fairing and how the enemy team is buying their gears, finish your Archangel's Staff or get a Void Staff first. If the game is long enough and you get to your sixth item a Zhonya's Hourglass is always a good choice, didn't try if you can be capping while you active it... need to try this.

I would go and explain how the alternate choice of item, but I fell for Karthus to have a successful game he need to get to the point of the Will of the Ancients than the choice you have are pretty set in stone between the two staff, after that the game is mostly over... Since I get the Void Staff pretty late you need the Magic Penetration from your Sorcerer's Shoes.
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Summoner Spells

I am currently using Ghost and Exhaust.

Ghost is quite useful to get in position in the beginning, be it to run from mid to top after the cap or simply to swiftly move to a point after killing a champion that was overreaching. This spell if the new must have in Dominion

Exhaust is quite useful to slow the target fleeing or to stomp on the ad champion that is trying to get your head right about now...

Flash remains the best summoner spell of the game. Be it used for fleeing or aggressively.
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The Deathsinger in Dominion

The role of the the Deathsinger is of a disruptor or defender.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Soul of WAR
Soul of WAR Karthus Guide
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The Deathsinger in Dominion

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