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Talon Build Guide by Raiiny

The Master Assassin

The Master Assassin

Updated on August 14, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raiiny Build Guide By Raiiny 4,472 Views 0 Comments
4,472 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raiiny Talon Build Guide By Raiiny Updated on August 14, 2020
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Runes: The Conq

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Relentless Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


The only one you really need
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Master Assassin

By Raiiny


Hello, my name is Rain. IGN = rpundokm.

I am a Talon main with about 100k mystery points. I'm pretty decent with him. Still improving. This is a guide on how to play talon to his full potential.

"Let's finish this quickly"

Why Play Talon? you may ask.

Talon, is an assassin. Meaning he focuses on the adc/support or important targets. He has a high roaming potential due to his E Assassin's Path aka he jumps over walls like its nothing. He has high mobility. Which makes a bit hard to run away from.

He can easily die if he is not careful when he is positioning himself. You don't want to be spotted by the enemy. Make sure that your not seen in the team. Also use oracle lens to get rid of vision and the enemy will forget about you and you can easily jump over walls and kill their adc/support. A higher chance of your team winning.

These are all the Pros N Cons, for talon.


    •One of the best assassin
    •High mobility
    •High burst damage
    •Easy roams
    •Easy snowballs
    •Can get ahead from kills really fast
    •Hard to outrun from
    •Easily escape bad situations


    •Falls of late game(really hard)
    •Has a lot of counters
    •Can be killed really fast
    •If rooted unable to move to his target in his ult
    •Rooted will stop him and he will die instantly
    •Needs mobility/positioning to do good
    •Not that great at teamfights

The Abilities

A master assassin needs to know the full potential of his methods and weapons he will use to execute his target. Start turning into a smart *** assassin.

Q Ability

Noxian Diplomacy -- Noxian Diplomacy is talon's first ability and his primary tool for the job of assassination. This has two forms, range and melee, his range leaps to his target. And giving him one Passive. The melee form does a guarantee


and also gives 1 of blade's end.

W Ability

Rake -- Talon's range ability and the tool to stop his opponents from running. Talon throws out 3 blade that does damage. First one and the second one, the second part does extra damage. Gives two . If you hit both of the rakes.

E Ability

Assassin's Path -- Talon can leap over walls, Player-made or natural. You can use this to gank side lanes or run away from a bad situation.


Shadow Assault -- Talons signature move. Talon throws out a ring of blades and goes invisible(for ? seconds) and gains a movement speed. After the ult is over all the blades come back to talon on their way dealing damage. If you use your auto attack or Any of your ability. All the blades will go to the target dealing extra damage.


Blade's End -- end of a blade is the deadliest, after 3 abilities and 1 auto attack will make your opponent bleed over time. to activate the passive, You have to use your which gives 1 stack. which gives 2 stacks if you hit both of them. Gives 1 stack. With ignite and electrocute its a high chance of a kill.

Be smart, be deadly, be silent, be an assassin!

Try to position yourself carefully with talon, since he can easily die. My play style is thinking before attacking. IN lane stay close to a nearby wall if you get ganked you can use the wall to escape. Use your E to gank lanes, that will make it a more and better/unexpected gank. Use to clear wards to gank lanes, use control wards too. Its better if you do not get spotted since the enemy will start freaking out and start panicking and making them in a worse spot and a good spot for you to kill. In teamfights don't go in first!, you will be killed. Find a route to go behind the enemy where the adc is. Jump over the walls and get them, if their in the middle use your ultimate to get up to the adc and use your Melee Q.

Congrats. You are now turning into a Master Assassin.

Thank you for reading this guide!

I hope you the best of luck in the Rift!, if you enjoy Talon feel free to give this a guide like :). I also hope that you enjoy playing Talon as much as I do!

Guide Creator : Rain
Programmer : Owlet
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raiiny
Raiiny Talon Guide
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The Master Assassin

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