Just have your adc take cleanse and Ashe become worthless.
Blitzcrank tho not a threat to pyke himself but, Blitzcranks counters most immobile adc's
Varus,Jhin, Aphelios,Ashe, Kiasa,Kogmaw
If you happen to have one of these adc into a blitzcrank I recommend dodging.
Take Exhaust.
Take Exhaust.
Yummi depends on who she is paired with please read thru rune pages to see who she becomes a threat with.
Master Yi
Take Exhaust on his third auto or q use it.
Take exhaust. Olaf lives off his W and q's which heal him if he auto's taking exhaust makes him die a ton faster.
Ekko is very hard to deal with as pyke if he is in meta I recommend banning. Exhaust is also a good summoner spell to run.
Have your adc run cleanse and leona is pretty easy to deal with this depends a lot on your adc. Main page is what to run into her you have to kill the adc if she engages unless she goes way to deep.
Morg counters every engage support. Her E does have a long cooldown early levels being 12 seconds look to play around her E if she waste it at a poor time engage. I would recommend the lose lane rune page into her.
Sona does not become a threat until level 6 make sure when all inning her that you bait out her R with your E. Do not engage on a Sona without R being spent.
Can be a pain to get on, look for plays around the map.
Lulu scales very hard but easy to play around
Karma is a high skillcap and can be really easy to deal with or really annoying. Just make sure to get a early sweeper to catch her out.
Very hard to get an engage off but if you do she is done for.
Braum is a great team pick and has really good synergy with ashe and lucain unless he has either of these pairings he is rather easy to deal with.
Alistar if he engages just counter engage on their adc and you will win with main page runes.
Lux cast times are slow can easily dodge with e then prowler back to her.
Naut is really easy to deal with if you run the right runes. Hail is advised to kill him, but main page is alright if you are focusing adc. Only focus adc if they don't have a dash if not run hail.
Into Zyra rush Maw of maw of malmortius if not her burst with her ult E combo will one shot you if you know this however then you can make her a none issue. You can also take nullifying orb secondary vs her.
Bard is a very high skillcap champion. Most bards will not be able to use him to his full potential making him very easy to counter.
Brand is immobile you can run circles around him dunking him like candy.
Just kill her if she doesn't run barrier into you she is a q auto e auto ign dead champ. If she runs barrier you need two more auto's before igni.
High burst with high burst no one wants to fight against this lane.
Burst with burst and he can take care of himself could you ask for a better adc?
High burst with high burst very easy lane have jhin take exhaust for a easy 2v4
Sivir is a different kind of champion taking care of herself and letting her support roam.
Takes care of herself a really safe adc this is a really strong combo
With Ashes slow it is really easy to play around her. Make sure you do not pull any high burst champions into Ashe look to e them away from her. I recommend taking exhaust with Ashe since she needs to stick onto a target to do damage over times.
This is a very good lane depending on the jinx feel free to run ignite.
They can be great but takes a skilled player to pull it off in my diamond adventures I have only met a couple who could.
Miss Fortune
Mf is a little immobile and lacks CC to really lock anyone down she is ok with pyke, but defiantly not on top.
She is ok but takes a long time to do damage.
She can be good if played correctly, but finding a aggressive xayah is one in a hundred.
He is not the ideal fit doing sustain damage I recommend taking exhaust with him since he will be taking his sweet time to get the damage out.
Emo boy has moved up in the recent patches making him synergy become ok with pyke.
Do not play pyke with kia she takes to long to get scaling.
He can't stay alive by himself making you useless to him.
Vayne will get poked out bringing almost no early game pressure and you won't be able to make up for it. Dodge unless they have a 60% winrate.
High burst with high burst no one wants to fight against this lane.
Burst with burst and he can take care of himself could you ask for a better adc?
High burst with high burst very easy lane have jhin take exhaust for a easy 2v4
Sivir is a different kind of champion taking care of herself and letting her support roam.
Takes care of herself a really safe adc this is a really strong combo
With Ashes slow it is really easy to play around her. Make sure you do not pull any high burst champions into Ashe look to e them away from her. I recommend taking exhaust with Ashe since she needs to stick onto a target to do damage over times.
This is a very good lane depending on the jinx feel free to run ignite.
They can be great but takes a skilled player to pull it off in my diamond adventures I have only met a couple who could.
Miss Fortune
Mf is a little immobile and lacks CC to really lock anyone down she is ok with pyke, but defiantly not on top.
She is ok but takes a long time to do damage.
She can be good if played correctly, but finding a aggressive xayah is one in a hundred.
He is not the ideal fit doing sustain damage I recommend taking exhaust with him since he will be taking his sweet time to get the damage out.
Emo boy has moved up in the recent patches making him synergy become ok with pyke.
Do not play pyke with kia she takes to long to get scaling.
He can't stay alive by himself making you useless to him.
Vayne will get poked out bringing almost no early game pressure and you won't be able to make up for it. Dodge unless they have a 60% winrate.
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