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Samira Build Guide by Major Alexander

ADC The Only Samira Guide You Will Ever need

ADC The Only Samira Guide You Will Ever need

Updated on August 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Major Alexander Build Guide By Major Alexander 27 3 17,858 Views 2 Comments
27 3 17,858 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Major Alexander Samira Build Guide By Major Alexander Updated on August 25, 2024
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1 2
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Only Samira Guide You Will Ever need

By Major Alexander
About me
Hey there, My name is Major Alexander. I am an adc player and a samira one trick.My peak is Rank 1 eune and top 10 euw (1349 lp) I have been challenger since season 8. I recently have begun streaming and i have been requested to make a quide on samira so i hope this one will hopefuly help a lot of people.With that being said let me share with you some of my best tips for samira in order for you to climb in your Dream elo.
Laning phase
This is the most important thing out of all because i see a lot of Samira's losing the game here. Samira has been nerfed quite a lot throughout the years so your early levels are not as good as they used to be 2-3 years ago. How i play Samira is that always save as much hp as possible. This means that you are going to give up some cs in the lane you are simply not strong enough to 2v2 (Samira's lvl 1 is one of the worst in adc category) Try to farm with your Q from max range but also use that to poke the enemy laner to get them a bit low so they become killable. The best time where you should fight on bot lane is always level 2 + preferable just to play it safe farm until lvl 3 and before that make sure to poke and get enemies low enough so they die from one engage. Try to prioritize the target that you want to kill sometimes it is not the adc. For example if they have a squishy support (Lulu, Millio and Sona) you can look to kill them with your support's engage. You don't have to kill the enemy ADC to become fed you can always abuse the support aswell so you can get an early lead. So TLDR wait for level 3 and poke/farm with your q until then AND SAVE AS MUCH HEALTH AS POSSIBLE
How you wanna play samira
Since you have established your lead try to be in fights with your team. You are the main damage dealer as Samira so team MUST fight with you. TRY to communicate with your team as much as possible it will increase your chances of winning. Timing your engage is REALLY important and you guys must be on the same page otherwise its going to be a disaster. As Samira you are a bit stronger that the rest of adcs the moment you hit 2 items BUT you need to play it flawless to not die and take over the game.
Now this is the most tricky part as I say on my stream "Engages are happening all the time, you must be the one to choose which engage to take" Which basically means that you must go in when the time is right. Lets say your Nautilus hooks enemy support but you KNOW there are enemies near them. You should never look to go in instead just poke keep your E like its the most important thing ever. I CAN'T stress this enough PLEASE Samira's e is the most important ability she has its your gap closer/escape option. You can win or lose games depending how you use your E. Try to use your E right before the enemy dies so by the time he dies you are behind him AND then you can dash to the next target and be an unstoppable machine but play with patience and you will be rewarded.
When is samira biggest powerspike
Samira's bibbest powerspike is when she gets COLLECTOR AND I.E you can wipe entire teams if you play correct and slow.I would always suggest you to save money for bf sword for the collector cause with the recent changes of how they made collector the build path is a bit too trash (bf,dirk,clock). So lets say you have 1k gold you buy dirk easily.Next recall you have lets say 700 gold you will NOT BUY ANYTHING no boots no cloack. You will save the gold for your NEXT Back so you can get bf sword you will be quite strong at that point.The moment you have COLL and ie make sure to you are by far the strongest adc in the game when you reach 2 items besides draven take advantage of that.ALso something very important with how the new boots are its kinda pointless for you to rush them unless they are either 5 of the same damage type (Full ad/Full ap) its almost always not worth for you to get boots after you have 2 items you can look to buy the boots you need
I didn't get kills early is it over for me?
Even if you do not find any success into getting early kills (also the reason why i run absolute focus gathering storm as my main runes) Samira can easily get back into the game with one Teamfight.You should start looking samira for what she can do when enemies mess up cause at the end of the day enemies will mess up and there is noone else better to abuse that than samira.You need to play patient when you are from behind but also when you are ahead. Always keep in mind one wrong move and you are done for cause samira doesnt have any self peel abilities so you must be careful.
Late game
There is not much to say about late game by this time probably the most of the entire team has outscaled you. You must play extremely passive at this point you don't have any range.Just wait for your team's engage. I would say that if you find the perfect opening you can flash in. It's the most risky thing you can do but if it works out you will solo win game if you mess it up, well, you lost. This is why it is a gamble and you shouldn't really take it unless you don't have any other option.
Samira is one of the most fun characters in the game and I would highly suggest you to play her. I have been able to get challenger in both euwest and eune with her so you can also climb in your dream elo. This was my first guide I have ever made and I really hope i helped you guys even a little. I will probably release a video about Samira combos in the very near future.If you still have questions or overall just wanna chill and have a good time I suggest dropping by my stream as I stream almost daily around evening hours. Thank you for reading thus far and I hope all of you guys have an amazing day.My Twitch
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