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Easy, just poke him all the time and keep your Vault for his leap
Akali is your bitch before lvl 6, can beat you up after if you don't take her out of the game
Please, if he pull you, Vault away
Dr. Mundo
Can bully you with cleavers, but just stay behind the minion line and he'll do nothing
There is literally nothing you can do After lvl 6, but same as Akali, and you can cancel Fiora's dash with your Vault
Hard matchup because he deals a lot of damage with the Pistol. But this is a Skillmatchup, you'll win if you play good, if not, just farm
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, This fucker can't even get close to Quinn
Quinn can out range Gnar very well, and his mega form isn't that threatening to her. Keep distance when he turns on Mega
Graggy deals a lot of damage because Quinn can't stand mages very well. But the lane is okay, as you can put a lot of pressure early on.
Now we're talking. If you see this bitch on the other side: DON'T-PICK-QUINN. There is literally Nothing you can do against her. Trying to Poke her? She will dash and stun and almost kill you. Trying to All-in? Stun and almost kill you. As a Melee champ, Irelia can't beat Quinn early on, but trust me, after lvl 6 You're going to be Irelia's bitch. DO NOT PICK
Jarvan IV
Stay aware of his Combo, overall he's yours
Easy Lane, don't let him poke you for free. If he's approaching, punish him. There's nothing to do after lvl 6, but that's okay, he's not snowballing over you.
Skill matchup, nothing much to say.
THIS FUCKER. You can do really good against her on the Lane, but GOSH HOW I HATE PLAYING AGAINST THIS ICE BITCH. She can Snare you and stun you if you fly nearby her to get a kill or to kill her and you are going to die w/o doing nothing. Don't pick against her, it's suicide, trust me
Same thing as Kassadin, punish him if he's trying to poke you. This matchup can be bad if you're against a full ap malphite, as he can just explode you after level 6.
Easy, Just need to avoid fights when he uses his ult. Another bitch in the lane
What's this fucking dog going to do? Literally nothing. You just make him stay away of the creeps and watch him build armor. In this matchup, you can go Youmuu -> Brutalizer -> Last Whisper.
You're probably having trouble if you let him stack armor w/o building early armor pen
Nidalee can be such a pain in the neck. If she's building AD it's kinda okay, because she depends on the leap that you can easly cancel by using your Vault, but AP Nidalee, man if you take one long-ranged spear, consider yourself dead.
Another J-O-K-E. Renekton can't do ANYTHING to Quinn. It's probably the easiest Matchup
Riven can always be a problem. It's another type of champion that will be your bitch on lane but if it gets you on Level 6, you die. Pay attention on her first movements, be aware that she CAN stun you while you're Valting. If she do this one to you. DONT JUMP ANYMORE. Keep farming or AA Poking
Laning vs Rumble is really easy but Rumble scales a lot better than Quinn, so after the 30 minutes mark, just don't try to 1v1 him unless you're really fed
I'm not giving Red to Ryze because he's really nerfed, but it's a hard matchup.
Another Joke. Just stay away from the Taunt
Alongside with Renekton, the easiest Matchup. There's nothing Shyv can do.
Same as Riven. Can be a pain in the neck because he can fling you in the middle of your Vault. Overall is an Easy Lane, but if he flings you once why Vaulting, don't do it again. Trust me...
I LOVE Sion, but there's really nothing he can do.
DO NOT PICK. This fucker will outsustain and laugh of your face.
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