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Ryze Build Guide by InvertDG

The Ultimate Ryze Guide FACEMELTING 101

The Ultimate Ryze Guide FACEMELTING 101

Updated on May 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InvertDG Build Guide By InvertDG 1,663 Views 0 Comments
1,663 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author InvertDG Ryze Build Guide By InvertDG Updated on May 6, 2013
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Ryze... spam... abilities... dead... murder...


Hi! :)

I'm Invert and Ryze is my main champion! Funny story, my main champion is Ryze, yet my main role is ADC, I can't play any other AP mid. Anywayyy onto Ryze.

So, Ryze has really low cooldowns, high damage based on mana, deals extremely good AOE if they group up and locks important targets down and nukes them.

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You sir, need to calm down.

The thing is, the support runes/masteries work for mid laners, it's done by some high league mid players, just starting to catch on, might become the meta soon as the gold lead you gain from getting gp10 items ingame as well as from runes and masteries is insane and you just straight up win.
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You can refer to the runes chapter for details but it's basically the same, support masteries mid. Allows for a huge lead at the sacrifice of a weak early game, but playing safe and just csing without getting ganked / killed will straight up win you the game.
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You can refer to the notes in the build for a shortened version but to explain in detail about the items, we start with the Rejuvenation Bead and Faerie Charm because we want our Philo Stone ASAP. First time to go back should be around 1100 gold, so you can buy Philo Stone and Tear of the Goddess at the same time. The rest of the items are self explanatory except for the Manamune, We go for Manamune if we're fed or doing decent, if we're doing meh or behind, go for a Warmogs or some other from of defense.
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This is pretty easy to explain but we go for Flash and Teleport because being able to Teleport with Homegaurd Boots and abusing the speed is insane. Flash is Flash, so yeah. Gotta take it.
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Pros / Cons

    Strong Late Game
    Able to Solo Almost Anyone
    Able to Nuke the Carry
    Strong AOE with Ultimate and E
    Good Farm with Ultimate and E

    Weak Early Game
    Prone to Strong Early Game Champions
    Can be Shutdown if Lane Camped by Jungler
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Going to keep this guide short and sweet, farming with Ryze is easy, once you hit Level 6 you can clear waves while getting mana for your Tear of the Goddess, don't be afraid to waste your ultimate on minions, it's a really low cooldown.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InvertDG
InvertDG Ryze Guide
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The Ultimate Ryze Guide FACEMELTING 101

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