Surpisingly Katarina is a tough matchup for you. In the first 3 levels you are stronger and you should decide to freeze wave or perma push and help your jungler. But once she gets some lvls and a bit of AP you will never kill her, except for when she makes a lot of mistakes. If the katarina is an OTP and is really good, you have no chance. Also she clears a minion wave really quick once she has 80+ Ap. Laning phase is rought, but in Mid/Late game try to either peel your carries from her by slowing with E and hitting her with R while she ults.
Her Poke is quite annoying. Make sure you don't get too low and stand behind a healthy minion to avoid those charms. If she is really good, you will never kill her in a 1v1. Once you reach lvl 6 push waves and roam. Late game she just continues to annoy you. If she gets anything but liandries she will never kill you. Force of Nature very good vs her.
Easy Matchup for the Sion mid. You are stronger at every stage of the game. Use your early power to either 1. freeze waves and deny her farm or 2. bait out her e and shroud and E->R her, forcing her to use flash or die. Or 3. Push waves and roam; in early game she has terrible wave clear and has to choose between losing a lot of minions or losing their teammates.
In Late game she is just some fly dashing around never being able to kill you, but probably to mobile to be killed by you
Let's just say Askhan ain't my favourite champ to play against. With second wind and D shield you sustain well vs his disgusting Passive/Q poke, however in order to get prio you must sacrifice a lot of health. But you do have better wave clear and if he ever uses his E and you hit your E, then you can engage with ult forcing him to flash. In late game he is only a problem if he goes LDR and/or Blade AND if he is good. Though your sidelane push and turret destroying is superior and he cannot stop you from doing that.
One of Sion's worst counters. Even though you can very often deny her Q stun by perfectly timing your Q and stunning her before being able to recast it, she has better waveclear post lvl 6, has a W which interrupts your Q and your ult and if she goes liandries, she does a ton of damage to you. A good ban if you want to blind pick sion. (Ghost good vs her)
Match up is actually not really bad. In early game she will try to poke you with her long AA range and Q. However this will cost her minion aggro and mana. Try not to lose too much health (D shield very good here) in the first lvls. You have better wave push from early to late game. Once you have 6 you can all in her with a slow on her and she either has to flash or die/reset. In late game its very good to ult her so she does not take out your carries.
Aurelion Sol
You have a far better early game. Push waves and roam (you can't really freeze vs him). His E moves you and your charging Q and can surprise him by hitting him "outside the shown hitbox". When hitting E always trade with him. Since his damage comes from standing still with his Q Fire breath, you always win. Once he has an item or two focus other lanes, play for objectives and peel your carries.
Very annoying. He has a lot of poke early on. You can trade with him pre 6. However then you should push waves and roam. If you all in him he can ult you into his turret and kill you. But you have better wave clear and more mobility with your R to gank other lanes. (D Shield a must).
Cassio is really good vs Sion. You must play significantly better than her to win your lane. Rush Mercs early and you can trade with her (only when hitting E). Post 6 push waves and roam, Cassio outscales you like most midlaners.
Very easy match up. As of now corki is only strong with 4 items or more. Use your better waveclear to get prio mid, roam and take objectives. If he ever uses his W, you can all in. Since he does not go liandries you can easily push towers even when being attacked by him. In late game peel your carries, if he ever goes on your backline with empowered W.
Very easy matchup. She can never kill you at any point in the game as long as she isn't completely feed. Use E to go in with trades. Push waves and roam for kills and objectives. Her ult is the only thing that cancels your Q, however since she never goes liandries, her damage to you is limited. Ninja tabi actually good vs her.
Early game you have better wave clear and you can trade him pretty fairly, if you hit your Q stun. He will never kill you, unless you mess up. He will try to push waves with his Q once he has enough ap and roam. Either take wave, roam too or alert your teammates and take towers (ofc not when your team fights in a 5v5 drake/herald/baron).
Actually pretty easy matchup. You have better wave clear and poke. Try to trade him everytime your Q is up and deny him minions, since he has only meele abilities. If he ever uses his E, you can try to all in him. Keep your shield up for his ult.
Even matchup. If you can time your Q's to stun him before he hits his E on you, you win the trades. His CC is annoying and he will try to roam whenever his R is up, try to either follow and help your team or destroy turrets and get inhib. Despite him doing max health damage, he shouldn't be able to all in you. Don't all in HIM, unless you 100% kill him. You will always have better push.
Heimerdinge mid is played only by OTP's. He is really annoying, since he has also a really good push. Once you have some lvls and a little bit of health, you can try to trade with him by hitting heimer with his turrets. If you realize he wins most trades, try to push waves and roam OR ask jgler to gank him, since hitting your E on him guarantees Flash or kill.
Absolute skill match up. If you dodge her Stun, you will most likely win the trade. Try to deny her minions by Q'ing your low minions, forcing her to decide to take damage for gold or lose minion gold. Once she has Blade, she kills you with no problem. You either have to stomp her early game and she will never hurt you or play for team and only push waves without trading.
Bramble first buy + Tabi's is recommended.
Annoying in early game, since he has a lot of poke. However you can all in him pretty easy. Once you have a little armour he can't one tap you and will most likely only poke you and all in your carries. Push waves and roam.
One of the easiest laning match ups ever. At the moment she is rarely played mid, however if you find yourself in such a situation, use your E to trade constantly. All in her with ult once you hit your E. She will never kill you unless she has GIGA FEED or has 2-3 items. Use your prio and help your jgler and bot.
Very easy. Dodge his Q's (obviously) and trade with your E -> Q -> W. Post 6 you can all in. You will always have Prio, use it to get objectives and kills. Cancel his R with your ult oder Q if you can. Early boots recommended.
Early game PRE 6 you can do what ever you want. Push waves, deny farm, push towers or roam. You have all the power in the world. Post 6 you will not be able to kill him, unless he is dumb. Until he reaches 2 items lvl 11 or even lvl 16, he won't kill you. Push waves and roam.
Annoying champ to play against. If she is good, you should never be able to really kill her. However her poke is irrelevant to you, if you have D Shield, Second wind and W shield. Push waves and play for team. OR get turrets, she has poor wave clear early on.
Even match up. You can always trade with her, but you can't all in with R. Use your better wave clear to get prio and play for team OR if she roams, get turrets and make her regret everything. She won't be able to kill you, even with liandries.
Lux is actually a small problem. Pre 6 you have prio and can do what ever you want. Try to kill her before she reaches 6. Once you have both your ulties, she will constantly push the wave with her ridiculous low cd ult and roam. You can kill the wave very fast and answer the roam. However she will never be able to kill you.
One of the freest, best and easiest match ups for Sion. You CAN'T LOSE LANE! Make sure his shield is never up. And trade with him as much as you can. You can use his crabs to slow him down and ult him. Most importantly his only push option is his "poision" (E), soak it with your W shield and D Shield and deny him minions and prio. Once he is low enough tower dive the shit out of him, get platings and use your prio to help team.
You will never kill her, and she will never kill you. D shield must! Push waves and roam.
If you play well, AD assassins won't do anything against you. Try to trade and push waves. You can't towerdive her or all in, if she has her abilities up. Your wave clear is always better.
Annoying, but fair. You will have a hard time killing her, however she cannot deny your push unless she ults you. Push waves and roam.
Orianna is on patch 13.21 one of the best midlaners. No terrible match ups. If she has phase rush, winning trades will be really hard. Use your better push abilties to get prio and win with your team on other lanes.
Check her mastery points, if she is no otp you automatically win lane. She always loses the trade and you have better push. If she is an otp and knows her moves, avoid walls if you can. Remember her E places her BEHIND you. Though even a high skill player must respect you. Push waves and roam, if you are not confident enough to kill her.
Ryze isn't played too often, however if you have to play vs him it won't be easy. Only trade with him, once his W (his prison) is down. You can try to all in with E and R to burn his flash. Push waves and roam.
Pretty even match up. He will easily stack on you, however he has high cd on W and E. Try to stand IN FRONT of MINIONs to avoid his E pull. You can trade as much as you want, until he has Liandries. Once has that, he will probably win the 1v1, since his healing is too strong. However you have better push and he will never kill you, unless he uses flash and has Rylai's AND Liandries.
Play for team OR push turrets.
Early game is all yours. You have more damage and better wave clear. Either dodge his chain or stand behind minions. He has high cd on his abilities early on, trade with him a lot, since he has to use a lot more mana than you do. Get easy prio and either get plates or roam. In Mid to late game if you are equal in gold he wins vs you as long as he has Mana.
Hella annoying. Her E-Q interrupt your push and damage. She can easily stack on you and once she has liandries, she does a ton of damage. Survive pre 6 and try to dodge those E-Q's. Lvl 6 try to hit E and all in, she either flashes or dies.
If you cannot kill her, push wave and roam.
Harass him lvl 1 and deny him his lvl 2. Trade with him when ever your Q is up. His W-Q-Auto is more powerful than you might think, don't underestimate him. Play with your E slow and Q range. You have better wave clear. If he starts to roam, get platings/turrets (ping your teammates). Your pushing power will give your team enough to get vision prio on objectives.
Really annoying to play against. Try to bait our her W. Once she used it, try to trade or push waves and roam. If she roam a lot, you can also try to get platings and turrets. If she goes ludens, she won't do a lot of damage vs you in late game.
Skill match up. Trade with her and try to stun her with your Q while she jumps. Her poke is annoying, but if played well, you can get prio and win lane. Don't forget, she can ult you away to cancel your Q.
Twisted Fate
Don't get poked too much. Survive the first two lvls and with lvl 3 trade with him. Lvl 6 all in and burn his flash. You CANNOT ANSWER HIS ROAMS, unless you HAVE TP. Either cancel him with flash R if you can or push wave and take platings and hope your team doesn't die. He is annoying, but he can't kill you.
He will stack on you, but you have superior wave clear and better early trades. Try not to get stunned by his cage when charging Q. If you know how Veigar's cage works, try to have the exact space between him and your champ in which he can only imprison you, but never stun you. Your ult goes through his Cage (all in possible).
If you meet vel in a ranked game, you found yourself in a rare matchup. In early game he has not enough damage with his W to really poke you. Dodge his Q's and push waves. you can try to trade with E slow, however you must dodge his E stun. If he ever ult you or stands to close without flash, you kill him easily. In late just cancel his R with your ult.
Her fear is annoying. Although you have no dashes, so her damage isn't that high vs you. Trade her whenever her fear is down and try to all in her with E -> R. You have better push. Try to roam or get turrets if she does.
Don't get poked too much. You can trade him whenever you hit your E slow. His W takes 1.5 seconds to stun you. His ult cancels your Q charge. Once low enough, force flash or kill him with E -> R. You have better wave clear, until he has 1 item plus empowered E. Then its even.
Trading him won't do much, since he heals back all the damage. Use your far better push to get prio and help your team with objectives and ganks. In late game it takes him at least 20 seconds to kill you.
Don't get antihealing! Someone who goes executioner or oblivion orb needs to!
Really annoying. Stand behind minions or dodge his E. Pretty much dodge all of his abilties and all in or trade with him when E slow hits. If you don't dodge his E, he will win the trade, unless you ult into him, forcing him to flash or die.
Push waves and roam. Nothing more you can do.
Skill matchup. If you know how Yasuo works, you can predict how he will move and hit your slow and stun. He can windwall your E, but not a minion/monster hit by your E. Without a minion wave, you can all in with slow -> ult. If he has blade he can 1v1 you easily, unless you are way ahead.
Trade with him constantly. You have better push and always prio, if you don't mess up. Dodge his Q's and he will never kill you. You can't all in him with ult if he has his own ult up. Either go for plates/turrets oder roam.
Ziggs is at the moment the best midlaner in my opinion. A very good ban in general, since he is a very good blind pick for mid and bot. You can't really push waves vs him or trade him properly, unless he is bad or significantly worse than you. Play for team or ask jgler for help. If he has no W up, you can trade him or all in him. He also has early mana problems, try to wait out until he has no mana and then start trading + pushing.
Trade her behind minions. If you dodge her Sleep, she won't be a problem to you. Push waves and play for team, or get plates and turrets if she roams.
Same as Yasuo, however you can't all in him with r. You need to trade him with your basic abilities. If he ult you, ult into the opposite direction and you will stun him. Blade yone beats you and outscales you.
Sion + Thresh botlane really good if you want to try it in flex/normal. He brings you your enemies or stuns them for you to hit a fully charged Q. He can even save you with his lantern.
Any engage support is really good with Sion. Someone who can stun the enemies, so you can hit your charged Q.
Not as good as engage supports, but with spirit visage Lulu and other enchanters shields can win you the fight and keep you from dying.
Jglers that can set up a charged Q for you are always welcome!
Sion Mid can also act as a support for carry jglers such as graves. Having mid prio, you can help your jgler when getting invaded or when invading, or when taking scuttle/drake/herald. Giving them kills can work out quite well if they have a brain and hands.
The Wall can be a problem for you.
Jarvan IV
Very good engage for early ganks, but his ult can nullify your engages with your own ult
Sion + Thresh botlane really good if you want to try it in flex/normal. He brings you your enemies or stuns them for you to hit a fully charged Q. He can even save you with his lantern.
Any engage support is really good with Sion. Someone who can stun the enemies, so you can hit your charged Q.
Not as good as engage supports, but with spirit visage Lulu and other enchanters shields can win you the fight and keep you from dying.
Jglers that can set up a charged Q for you are always welcome!
Sion Mid can also act as a support for carry jglers such as graves. Having mid prio, you can help your jgler when getting invaded or when invading, or when taking scuttle/drake/herald. Giving them kills can work out quite well if they have a brain and hands.
The Wall can be a problem for you.
Jarvan IV
Very good engage for early ganks, but his ult can nullify your engages with your own ult
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