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Vayne Build Guide by thatcoolguy2000

ADC The Ultimate Vayne Guide

ADC The Ultimate Vayne Guide

Updated on June 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thatcoolguy2000 Build Guide By thatcoolguy2000 2,369 Views 0 Comments
2,369 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thatcoolguy2000 Vayne Build Guide By thatcoolguy2000 Updated on June 29, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi :). I am a Vayne main, with about 300k mastery points on her. You can view my or profile, my League name is DIGBICKCARRY. Vayne is a fun champ to play, once you have mastered her and learned how she plays and works. One thing to note, is many people on Reddit or whatever, say Vayne isn't good for Solo Q at all. While that is true to a point, if you learn any champ to its potential, you can easily carry the game with any champ, not just Vayne. I suggest learning her in Normals before playing Ranked with her, and that goes with any champ, not just Vayne, but Vayne especially.
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Pros / Cons

-Late game MONSTER
-Very mobile
-Easy to dodge skill shots and reposition in fights with Q.
-Very good 1v1 dueling potentional
-True damage (good vs. high health targets, making her useful even if behind)
-High Skill cap
-Very bad lane phase(note how I have said this many times throughout the guide)
-Short range
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Taking Warlords over Fervor is my personal preference. Warlords gives you more lane sustain, helping you in the early game. Also gives you mobility, making it easier to dodge skillshots and reposition. Fervor gives you additional damage, which I feel is not needed. Also, for runes, take a look at the top of the page where the runes are. I explain them.
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You should always take the standard- heal and flash when playing ADC. There is a few exceptions however, when playing against a heavy CC bot lane, like a leona and ashe and you know what you are doing. In that case, take Cleanse and Flash to break away from some of the CC.
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For items, take a look back at the top of the page where I have the items and builds. I explain everything there in the notes.
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Whenever you reach late game, you will see how much damage Vayne can truly do. You should be able to carry the game, once you reach it that far. BUT, that does NOT mean you just 1v5 just because you feel like it. Stay behind the tank, and play the ADC role. Target the highest priority target you can without putting yourself at risk. Also, you can use your Condemn (E), to get a engage off if you find a pick on the ADC or mid or whoever. You can also use it to help give you self peel. Make sure you auto as much as you can with her. It is quite easy though, since you have such a high attack speed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thatcoolguy2000
thatcoolguy2000 Vayne Guide
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The Ultimate Vayne Guide

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