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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Teemo is one of the most annoying match ups because of his blind, his kite and his harass. To beat him you have to use your pillar to stop him kitting you and then EAT HIM (but make sure you are not blinded) Once he has used his blind he will be at his weakest point. He is very squishy so if you play it right by avoiding harass you can easily kill him early
Amazing sustain
One of the best split pushers in the league
Can 1 vs 1 almost anyone
Can tank through damage to get the the back line
Can steal everyone's stats
Pillar has a massive range and can be used to catch people out or block paths in the jungle
No ranged attacks
Can be kited with slows
No blinks or dashes
All ins without items are not extremely strong
Does not fit well with all team comps

Not so good items on Trundle

You should not have any mana problems unless you are constantly using your W and you E.
Trundle can very easily bully people out of lane early giving you a lead. You should try and triad with you opponent as often as possible if you think you can beat them.
If you think you will lose trades against your opponent later on or even from the start it is important to try and trade at certain opportunists when they have certain spells on CD. This will naturally make them think that they can't fight you because of your lane confidence. So it might sound strange but you can use psychological warfare to win your lane. However be warned this does not always work.
1st is to stay up top no matter what and split push. This is most effective if you have a team comp that will avoid team fights. Champions that go well in this comp are people like janna or nami that have strong disengage. If they have a strong team fighting comp then this is probably the best tactic especially if they do not have TP
2nd is as a tank that sprints the back line of a fight and kill their carries. This is most effective when the enemy team have a fed adc or mid laner that is carrying their team. If this is the case you should try and use your ulti on their biggest tank so you gain 40% of their armour and MR and then try and get to the back line with your W. However if possible you should still be inside your W when fighting because this will give you increased sustain and damage output.
3rd is as a protector. This is the opposite of the 2nd tactic. If your carries can carry the fight then you should stop their bruisers, tanks and assassins getting to them. The best way of doing this is to use the ulti on them so that your carries can do more damage to them due to their reduced armour and MR and then start spamming your Q on them to slow them. Your pillar is also an extremely strong tool in this type of fight but if used badly can cost your team the fight.
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