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Ryze Build Guide by tasie456s

Top This Ends Badly: A Ryze Guide

Top This Ends Badly: A Ryze Guide

Updated on March 7, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tasie456s Build Guide By tasie456s 14 1 65,768 Views 0 Comments
14 1 65,768 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tasie456s Ryze Build Guide By tasie456s Updated on March 7, 2021
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Standard Sums
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

This Ends Badly: A Ryze Guide

By tasie456s
About Me
Hi! My names aryze, and im a Ryze main. I have been playing since MSI season 7, and first started playing Ryze in season 8. I have now played over 200 games of him. I have, according to, peaked at rank 13 Ryze in OCE, and rank ~1000 globally. I also have a twitch channel, where you can find me playing Ryze, Syndra and Orianna.
Overload (Q) - Passive: Ryze's other basic abilities reset Overload's cooldown and generate a Rune for 4 seconds, up to a maximum of 2.

Active: Ryze unleashes a runic blast in the target direction, dealing 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+45% of ability power) (+3% of bonus mana) magic damage to the first enemy struck and consuming all of his Runes.

If Ryze consumes 2 Runes, he gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.

Flux: Overload deals 10 / 40 / 70 / 100% bonus damage based on Realm Warps's rank and spreads to all nearby enemies marked with Flux, consuming the mark on all targets.

Rune Prison (W) - Ryze instantly deals 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+60% of ability power) (+4% bonus mana) magic damage to a target enemy and slows them by 35% for 1.5 seconds.

Flux: Rune Prison's slow is converted to a root for the same duration.

Spell Flux (E) Ryze hurls an orb of runic energy at the target enemy, dealing 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+30% of ability power) (+2% bonus mana) magic damage and marking them and nearby enemies with Flux for 3 seconds, causing his next basic ability against them to consume the mark and gain bonus effects.

Realm Warp (R) Passive: Increases Overload's damage against targets marked with Spell Flux by 40 / 70 / 100%.

Active: Ryze opens a portal to a nearby location. After 2 seconds, all allied units within the portal's sphere are warped to the target location.

If Ryze becomes unable to cast or move, Realm Warp is cancelled.
Ability Tricks
Overload Tricks Overload is your main damage spell. It can be used with your E (Spell Flux) to do extra damage, as well as AOE. This AOE effet when combined with E is why you become one of the best late game splitpushers, as well as teamfighters. E - Wait for E CD - Q - E - Q allows you to shove waves in super fast, and then realm warp/walk/tp to any fight around the map, where you can do massive damage in teamfights, especially against a team of squishies, all grouped up. You are also amazing into melee comps because you an melt them with a few quick E + Qs.

Rune Prison Rune Prison is a useful utility tool, allowing you to gain a Q passive rune, slow, or root an enemy. Its very useful in teamfights to lock down an enemy that dives into backline, or an be combined with flash for a quick root onto an enemy with E (Spell Flux) already.

Spell Flux Good for shoving wave in. levels 1-3 it will be a cheap mana cost so it is best to spam it and get enough gold for tear.

Realm Warp This spell is IMO what makes Ryze, Ryze. Its Riots best way of balancing him, as if he had a combat ult he would be really powerful and ridiculous for pro play. Its untargetable effect makes him a good counterpick to Karthus, as you can use your Realm Warp when he starts his Requiem and you can dodge the damage. It can help your whole team win a fight as the enemy might jump into the backline but you ult and get the team in a better position to fight or dodge a large amount of damage. Its important to get this at every level you can, because since the 9.12 mini rework, his ult level increases his enhanced q damage with e, and can potentially double the damage it does.

Other tips and tricks for Ryze: As of season 9, he can solo dragon at around level 7 with a lost chapter. I have yet to test this in season 10.
Q - E - Q: Standard waveclear, best to use e on cannon minion if you can as it will spread to the entire wave most of the time. Using this combo to waveclear and harass melee laners is one of the best and most basic tools ryze has in his kit.

Q - E - Q - W - Q - E -Q: His longest combo, is used to melt a tank or objective fast, but shouldnt be used on objectives if you will be contested, as Rune prison is too valuable to be wasted and can save your life in a fight.

Q - E - W - Q: Standard combo to be used on squishies, as it gets the root meaing they an escape and will usually secure a kill late game, or early with jungle presence. Gives Q passive movespeed from + .

E - W - Q: Roots, and gives movespeed from phase rush and Q passive. Best use is escaping ganks and kiting away in duels. Doesnt have many uses outside of the fact that its the fastest combo to root the enemy, and can set up good trades if its followed up by an E + Q.
Pros and Cons
Ryze is a semi tank, semi hypercarry champion who scales really well, but can still hold his own in the early game. He can build to adapt to any teamcomp, can be a splitpusher or a good teamfight. His best role is a teamfight mage due to the insane AOE damage from constant E + Qs. can also be used as a valuable tool to peel allies.


Ryze is a very hard champion to master, and very hard champion to pick up. His combos can get very difficult especially with some of the longer ones. He can become semi useless if you dont go even or ahead in lane vs hard matchups as well, such a s renekton. His only other downside is that hes purple, as blue is the best color.
Situational Items
Ryze has many different diverse build paths. This section of the guide will spell out exactly when to choose each one. I have used not only my own experience, but also the experience and math (Thanks Plastic!) from many people on the r/RyzeMains subreddit and discord. I have also used responses from pros such as LS when asked about Ryze itemization.

Standard Everfrost: This should be built most games. Its quite easy to pick up and learn, and makes you very tanky because of the bonus health on everfrost, rylais and cosmic drive. It also gives you plenty of ability haste, with cosmic giving 40, as well as having lucidity boots. Lastly, cosmic drive adds to your already insane MS from ghost, q passive and phase rush. You can run down most squishy midlaners once you get it, as you can E - W - Q - E - Everfrost - Q - E - Q and then chase them down with more E - Qs.

Ludens: Ludens should be built when youre the only source of AP on your team. The extra magic pen causes you to do a lot of extra damage to people who arent building MR, which will be every game you play this build as youre the only AP threat.

Liandries: Liandries should be bought any game youre not doing Everfrost, but cant do ludens. The difference isnt massive, but the extra ability haste from Liandries feels good with a few items of damage.
Early lane
Start to shove the wave as soon as you get there, put a ward down and cs with autos. Only use spells if you cant get the minion, or on a cannon to secure it. Using your W on your enemy laner whenever manaflow band is off cooldown is the best way to get early mana and some extra damage on your abilities when stacked. Even though 25 mana doesnt seem like much, it gives 0.75 extra damage per stack on your q, and max stacks only giving a total extra damage of 7.5, it adds up across all his abilities, and throughout the game. The mana regen the rune gives is also really strong, it adds up to 1000s of mana regenerated over the game every time. Once you get to the cannon wave, e the cannon, it spreads to the other minions, q it and clear it out as fast as you can. Try to shove under tower so you can get a free back. Back once you have gold for lost chapter, recall and walk back (or teleport if the wave is under your turret or will crash soon). You can start to spam spells as soon as you get your lost chapter, as youll have huge mana regen and you will often get it around level 5, just before a level up. csing under tower is kind of bad for you, as your auto attacks dont do very much damage, so its hard to secure cs, but if you e - q the wave, all the minions will die in one turret shot. Shoving the wave, especially in toplane is very beneficial because your ult when timed well can get you out of any situation.
After turret platings fall, you want to move to the botlane and swap with your adc and support, so they can get farm faster and safer. You should then shove the wave, and take towers, using your tp and ult to escape being collapsed on or move to teamfights. If youre confident in your team winning a 4v5, you can take a turret or two while a fight is happening. Stay in sidelanes until around 30 minutes, or when youre 3-4 items. Because of your dueling power, they will have to send multiple people to stop you. If they only send
Late game
After 30 minutes, you should move into the midlane and start cleaning up teamfights. Because you sat in a sidelane getting free farm for 15 minutes, you should be more farmed than even the adcs. This means you have a gold and item advantage and can start hard winning teamfights. Use this advantage to get baron and the new elder dragon and end the game. You can 1v5 teamfights late game with 6 items, especially if youre fed and the enemies arent. You can also solo barons lategame with perfect comboing and a fully stacked ravenous hunter, and maybe a healer like nami (who is really good with ryze) and soraka.
Tips to improve
Some tips are to just stick with him, as he is a champion that is well worth mastering. If you have any further questions, comment on this guide, go to r/Ryzemains or their discord. Watching other streamers play ryze like faker, syteryze and a few others. Also check out my stream on , but as usual the best way to improve is to just play a lot, learn all the matchups and practice the combos.
DOINB 400CS 24 MINS HACK explained
The Doinb hack is, put simply, to cripple both junglers. It requires good vision of the enemies jungle, as you will be invading a lot. Firstly, you will slowpush a wave, leave lane and ward as many camps as possible in the enemy jungle. Then, slowpush another few waves and clear all the camps you see. You will usually still have some more time to roam so either ambush the enemy jungler, roam somewhere with ult or take your own teams jungle camps. This strategy is especially good if you have a ganking jungler who can get gold and xp from kills instead of camps, and can lead to crazy cs numbers of around 10-13cs/min. This can lead to really quick items, faster clearing of the lane and jungle, and eventually treating champions like a jungle camp and farming them on spawn too
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