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Thresh Build Guide by AGoldenGamer

Support Thresh: Hooking Since Day One!

Support Thresh: Hooking Since Day One!

Updated on September 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AGoldenGamer Build Guide By AGoldenGamer 1,462 Views 0 Comments
1,462 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AGoldenGamer Thresh Build Guide By AGoldenGamer Updated on September 30, 2015
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Hello and welcome to my guide

My name is golden or Sean and i am only a silver ranked player on the EUW Server but i do main thresh and have played many games on multiple accounts with this champion.

I will upload a video guide for this for people who do not want to go through all the words and jibbirish.
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Standard runes for Thresh are:
3 Armor Quints.
9 AD Reds/Marks.
9 Armor Yellows/Seals
9 Magic Resist Blues/Glyphs.
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These are the main masteries i run on thresh at the moment which is 5/25 which help supports thresh's early game.
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Pros / Cons

    So Much utility
    Great Engage and Disengage with hook and lantern
    builds armor with souls.
    Arguably the strongest support on patch 5.7
    If really behind early game, is useless.
    Low Magic Resist as Souls Stack Armor.
    Relies on skillsshots.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AGoldenGamer
AGoldenGamer Thresh Guide
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Thresh: Hooking Since Day One!

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