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Thresh Build Guide by Kubejk

Other Thresh - Magic dps

Other Thresh - Magic dps

Updated on August 30, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kubejk Build Guide By Kubejk 6,158 Views 0 Comments
6,158 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kubejk Thresh Build Guide By Kubejk Updated on August 30, 2013
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Hi, my name is Hunticek. I play at EuNE server in platinum division. My english isnt best but i hope you will little bit understand (if ssomebody repair my mistakes i will be happy). If was this build ever created im sorry.
!!!Dont vote before you try this build!!!
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How it works?

Threshs E passive in Flay grand him bonus magic damage. Start number of this damage is equal to collected souls. So if you collect some souls and buy items which have passive bonus magic dmg like a Wit's End or Nashor's Tooth it will increase your magic dps and thanks to your passive - Damnation you havent got buy too much AP items which grand you still good spell damage.

Summoners spells option:

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Pros/Cons of this build

-No need so much AP items thanks to Damnation, so you can focus at attack speed
-Longest game grand more damage (soul collecting requried)
-Need min 100 souls
-Early game is about spells casting not about latest dps
-Cannot crit
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If you think you can help me or have some hint contact me. Thank you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kubejk
Kubejk Thresh Guide
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Thresh - Magic dps

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