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Thresh Build Guide by Lavablade02

Support Thresh (Mained since level 18)

Support Thresh (Mained since level 18)

Updated on June 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lavablade02 Build Guide By Lavablade02 2,249 Views 0 Comments
2,249 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lavablade02 Thresh Build Guide By Lavablade02 Updated on June 16, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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For items I think that tanky stats are probably the best, utility items are also necessary for Thresh, good items are like Solari and Mikaels which both give tanky stats along with utility.
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For runes I go mixed tank to protect against all types of damage. Personally I typically run against heavy ad or ap match ups quite a lot so I go switch my hp seals for armor and MR a lot.
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I find Thresh to be good with Kalista, and actually most adcs. I find Kalista especially good because of Kalista's ult, he gets thrown and he can lantern her, great for an all in or an escape.
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When teamfighting as Thresh don't go for the engage, but instead follow up the engage by using the second active of Q to get right in the fight and tank UNLESS in the laning phase you stomp and get fed with a lot of gold to be your teams main tank. Also, in a fight don't be scared to die in order for someone else to escape. I don't care your KDA just yell #Wurfthesacrificeisreal in all chat
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lavablade02
Lavablade02 Thresh Guide
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Thresh (Mained since level 18)

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