Infinite scaling stats: Thresh's passive,
Damnation, allows him to collect the souls of dead enemies and minions, which permanently grants him armor and ability power. This means that, unlike most champions,
Thresh's stats can continually improve throughout the game without needing items. The longer the game goes, the stronger
Thresh becomes defensively and offensively, making him a formidable presence in late-game team fights and skirmishes.
Amazing crowd control: Thresh excels in crowd control with his robust set of abilities. His Q
Death Sentence, E
Flay and finally, his ultimate,
The Box. This combination of crowd control abilities allows
Thresh to disrupt the enemy team effectively and protect his allies.
Dark Passage gives optimal ganks: Thresh's W,
Dark Passage, is a lantern that can shield an ally and provide them with an escape route. This ability is particularly useful during ganks, as it allows Thresh to pull in his jungler or provide a quick escape for a diving ally. The lantern can be thrown over walls or into the midst of a fight, creating opportunities for surprise engagements or disengagements. This utility makes Thresh a prime choice for supporting aggressive junglers and setting up successful ganks.
High damage potential: Despite being a support, Thresh can deal significant damage, especially if he accumulates a high number of souls. His abilities scale with both his collected souls and his items, making his auto-attacks and abilities hit harder than many expect from a support champion. This high damage potential allows Thresh to threaten squishier targets and contribute meaningfully to team fights beyond just providing utility.
Useful even when behind: Thresh remains effective even when his team is behind due to his strong utility and crowd control. His ability to peel for carries, set up picks with
Death Sentence, and provide safety with
Dark Passage means that he can still contribute to his team's success regardless of his personal gold or item situation.
Enemies won't know what to expect: This pro is only achived if you're playing
Thresh top, mid, ADC or the AP support. The enemies have no idea what you're actually cooking.
AP only pros
High damaging abilities: Thresh's abilities have massive AP scaling, allowing oyu to potentially one shot the squishier enemies, especially since you can stack AP with his passive.
Element of surprise: Nobody really expects
Thresh to be building AP, so you have an edge not only in the beginning, but when you get AP, people won't expect you to deal so much damage
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