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Recommended Items
Runes: Grasp of the Undying
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Default ability order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
One of Thresh's worst matchups. He is too slippery and deals too much damage. He has to make serious mistakes if you wish to kill him without your jungler. You need to play carefully and exploit mistakes he makes.
You need to be able to run as far away as possible when he pops his ult, because there is a very high chance you will die. Even if you get under tower he is capable of diving you, so make sure to use your Q and E wisely
Pretty much every champion has some synergy with Thresh top (atleast in my eyes)
But the main thing he wants form his teamamtes is damage. He can offer CC and damage, but not as much as some 1400 ap Veigar or fed Caitlyn, you get my point.
He wants a teammate that can do damage
The champions on the other tiers are just the type of champs I think work with Thresh.
Pretty much every champion has some synergy with Thresh top (atleast in my eyes) But the main thing he wants form his teamamtes is damage. He can offer CC and damage, but not as much as some 1400 ap Veigar or fed Caitlyn, you get my point. He wants a teammate that can do damage The champions on the other tiers are just the type of champs I think work with Thresh.
Champion Build Guide
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