If he lands any q's your passive gives out, which doesnt help as denying aatrox q cc doesnt do anything except make you lose health from passive. You have to dodge every q, and q back to trade whenever he e's forward. when he has passive up, dont walk up, just farm with q, wait for him to use passive on a minion. If he gets it off on you he heals for a fourth of his health bar and deals insane damage. I wouldn't recommend rushing bramble even though it sounds intuitive, as even with it you still lose so I would just rush rejuv components of heartsteel and then finish heartsteel on next back, to start scaling, as you DO outscale him pretty hard. Dodge every q or its doomed. On q1, try to walk to the side or forwards instead of backwards, almost every aatrox into mundo will e forward every time. Movement speed stat shard is REQUIRED. Wait til 11, if arent too far behind you can easily 1v1. At 16 its hopeless for him although he can still pull some bullshit in teamfights so I'd recommend splitting when possible. I personally don't think he is a level 5 threat as you do outscale him and if you play lane perfectly you can actually win lane, but if you aren't extremely comfortable on mundo and dodging skill shots I would still ban him over gwen/fiora as he has much higher bullying potential into players who cant dodge/punish properly. A bad mundo against a bad fiora/gwen will maybe go 0/3 and get outscaled, a bad mundo against a bad aatrox will go 0/15 and lose the game before outscaling matters
rush a null-magic mantle into heartsteel. Dorans shield + second wind shrugs off any poke she throws early game, and any poke you do to her is permanent as she has no sustain. You hard outscale her. Her 6 spike is scary and the burst counters your ult but honestly it doesnt matter. Keep in mind into burst champs like this, you want to start your w as they use their burst ability and then immediately reactivate it, it essentially gives you 90% damage reduction if they dont have grevious
with 1.3 mil mastery points on Darius I can confidently say this is Darius's worst melee matchup. You can farm with q, any poke you do to him is basically permanent as his only sustain is off an ability he should never be able to land on mundo, and his only cc is on a long enough cooldown your passive will reliably cancel it every time assuming you arent allowing him to be in pull range off his own cooldown. You hard outscale him, and can honestly look for all-ins as early as level 3 if you poke him down quick enough. If he uses q and misses, look for a q w auto e w walk away combo, should chunk him out while he does nothing to you as he cant q. Only issue is if he DOES set up a freeze, you are doomed without jungle help, but the combination of your q poke + naturally mirroring his ghost means its very hard for him to run you down even if he does set up a freeze, and setting it up in the first place is very hard for him. Keep in mind darius's only tank-killing potential is his armor pen, which mundo doesnt really care about anyway as he is a health stacker. Darius has no max health damage, and as such mundo can really easily shrug off his damage. Mundo is my go-to when darius is blind picked.
Hypothetically if you dodge every e you can win with cleaver poke but if she lands a single e you get completely fucked, and unlike most champs that can build prio by standing behind their wave (i.e. sett) to dodge e 10x more reliably by just blocking it with a minion, mundo doesnt win the extended 1v1 early even if she doesnt land e so you never have that pressure. She is also one of the only champions that actually still wins the 1v1 if you run at them level 16 with 3+ items. Unless they are majority AD I would just go swifties and try to stay away from her the entire game until teamfights, as you do a lot more in 5v5s assuming you have a traditional adc and not a melee adc like nilah. Illaoi is the one champion where I think warmogs is a good idea regardless of what build you are going, otherwise its impossible to match her sidelane
he can cheese you at 6 and he wins early trades but late game your q does so much damage to him and in and outside of lane q is extremely easy to land.
q max preferred but if he sucks ass you can e max
Dodge his stuff and you hard outscale. He will look for a kill window from 6-10. At 11 you can tank him for 7 seconds in his r. If you never get hit by his e, he can never ult you anyway since your passive blocks it. Try to bait q's by walking just into range and then walking out
its impossible to farm, and once she has a vampiric sceptor your poke is meaningless. If you get out of lane, however, you hard outscale.
Easy farm lane, if you play aggro in melee range you win trades so you can shove waves from level 2 onward and just poke him under tower. You hard outscale him as well. Unfortunately if it ended there garen would be a 20% winrate champion. Garen's whole gameplan right now (phase rush bullshit run around split pushing destroying towers at a fast tempo) has ZERO PROBLEMS into mundo. He is still much faster than you both in and out of combat, and clears waves much faster than you. If you play lane well and get out of it on top, the enemy mid will probably be unable to match you. If this is the case, full send your own split until garen is forced to match you. If garen has to match you, you have pretty much won the game. If this doesnt happen and you have to match garen, he has the complete edge as his tempo is 2x faster. Also be careful of his ult, generally you have to ult much sooner if there is a garen. Wait for him to blow it on someone else, if he is obviously saving it for you, you have to ult at like 1/3 hp instead of 1/8
Really annoying and unfun matchup but in a similar situation to fiora, even though on paper its an unplayable matchup, you outpoke and outrange with cleaver. Just never go into melee range unless they waste their abilities on a minion or they walk up to e range (which is slightly higher than your normal auto range.) Keep in mind her only sustain is based off damage to champions so if you never go into range its really easy to poke her out. She has no cc and you mirror her ghost so its very hard for her to run you down. Late game due to her 0 cc you can run her backline down really easily although she still shreds you. Unless you have the luxury to play side lanes by slowly poking her down (which usually will never be the case later on) you lose the side lane. Currently she is my perma ban if I am not last pick, she's honestly the only top champ where I see her and think beyond "oh wow this is gonna be tough" and instead go into "this is hopeless I should dodge" territory. With that being said you should still just perma ban aatrox unless you are extremely comfortable dodging skillshots and knowing mundo's limits.
She is a level 6 threat if she is jungle as you are just coinflipping the game, if she gets ahead (which you cant control against gwen jungle) the games completely over for you.
you fundamentally counter him but the champion is beyond overpowered right now. Once he's nerfed properly its probably your easiest matchup in the game honestly
if you hit a cleaver he e's away before you can auto him, and he hard outpokes you. If he rushes bork build a bramble. If he builds crit build a randuins. As a general rule for most ranged tops, they get hard outscaled by normal top laners as they ruin comps by removing a teams frontline so if you get to late game force teamfights and the enemy team will fall apart. Lanes a nightmare though
not too bad of a ranged matchup as her range isnt that high and your passive ruins her only peel. Still a ranged matchup, though, so not easy. Turtle in lane and try to land cleavers if she plays too aggro, and at 6 onward you can run her down when you land a cleaver if she's too far up in the lane and you have ult + passive
you outscale him and he has no kill pressure on you. Just dont waste your time exclusively trying to kill him, perfect farm is more important. He's one of those pure tanks that you can just ignore while hitting tower
She does an unreasonable amount of damage in lane but you hard outscale her
If she gets any form of a lead the games unplayable. If you back and buy a bramble without falling behind though she cant play the game. Stay away from her when she has 4 stacks, try to dodge her e by walking forward or to the side
Same as gwen, on paper its terrible (and it is) but you can poke her out of lane if you land most of your cleavers. Generally wait til she tries to q in for a vital and cleaver auto e walk away. If she's low and you arent, start playing aggro by shoving waves and trying to poke under turret. If she is low enough, bait out her parry and tower dive. If you get a lead on her you can 1v1 her until she hits 2-3 items and then you have to play ring-around-the-rosie. Fiora will never be able to tower dive you after laning phase so her splits not uncontested, and you will always do 10x more in teamfights, so you hard outscale. She's definitely a level 5 threat, but imo the easiest and most overblown of them. If you make a single mistake prepare to be her bitch though
depends on the player and the build. If he doesn't respect mundo and just randomly all-ins you in lane (in which case just poke with cleaver and farm) its a very easy matchup, hunker down and scale up where you hard beat him later on both in a side lane and in teamfights. Keep w turned on as long as possible. Against a good trynd with good macro who just goes the bs ravenous build, I'm pretty sure you need to do the warmogs build to match his split before 3 items. Until these trynd players stop going demolish I'm gonna be honest I don't really know how to stop him from just taking your turret at minute 10 by walking up every time demolish is off cd, your zone power in lane is so bad. I think your best bet is to try to thin the wave as much as possible but in doing so he'll probably poke you out. Just keep in mind whatever the situation you do outscale very hard, I'd say he's a less annoying version of kled
it used to be mundo's worst melee matchup, but with divine removed it become substantially more playable. Still a nightmare though, mundo has almost no way to zone him off farm and he extremely quickly outscales you in the 1v1. Swifties and tenacity stat shard are a must unless they are full ad, and an eventual deadmans 4/5th item is very helpful. You do way more than him in teamfights assuming he isn't giga fed so try to force teamfights as the side lane is actually hopeless
NOTE: this is more an evaluation of normal fleet q max stacking nasus. Right now most nasus players are just trying to abuse the e max bullshit which mundo does WAYYYY better into. I'd honestly go as far as to say it's a pretty decent matchup for mundo if they go e max/aery, and if someone qued up with the intention of playing that style of nasus, even if they adapt and go q max they wont be very good at it there's more work involved compared to e max
its easy to hit cleavers against ornn, and you outscale in a side lane. His all-ins are really strong and denying cc against him doesnt matter as he chain cc's so easily, and in teamfights his item thing will make him more useful if you dont hard carry them.
look to outscale and farm in lane, if he ever q's onto you cleaver and walk away
He's pretty much a lane bully version of gwen in that I really don't have a solid plan against the guy. He hard wins lane, he's one of the best farm zoning champs during laning phase and you never outscale the 1v1 unless he goes literally full lethality. You do more in teamfights assuming you tank his ult and are level 16 but even then its not hard for him to just one shot your adc. IMO the champs blatantly overpowered AND directly counters you. The only real contingency plan is most kled mains fucking suck, if he plays like a rabid dog (which most kled players do) you can call for your jungler and get an easy gank off
Tahm Kench
stand behind minion wave to deny his q's. Stay away from his half of the lane from 6-10. At 11 you can honestly tank 2-3 turret shots and not die from his ult kidnap thing, but with rank 1 r its impossible and you will die. You hard outscale.
you have to dodge every q3, and if he ults run away you have no chance of winning the 1v1. If he doesnt have ult you can run him down. You hard outpoke and he has no sustain. He does more in teamfights but if you perma sidelane he cant do much
play very slowly, although sett's bully range is really high with the ms steroid. Its basically garen if his q range was 350. The lane is hard, but thankfully its really not too bad just farming with cleaver and if you get out of lane without dying you outscale him incredibly hard. If you decide to teamfight, keep in mind even if you have passive on, if he ults you, you wont be taken with him but your bonus HP conversion on his ult still applies to the people he ults into. So still position properly as if he manages to ult your hp into your backline the teamfight is completely fucked
little rat, but considering he's more of a mage than a dps marksman you can actually just eat his poke and farm, and late game you can run him down incredibly easily
durr durr AA oriented tank fight but you win it. Poke with cleavers. Dont get cocky and take conditioning, you need second wind his poke is actually very high if he has comet
If you dont get hit by e his ult doesnt reel you in, but if he lands e and q slow in an all-in you just get obliterated. Rush a wardens after heartsteel. His main cheese in lane is flash e'ing after landing a q, so it's recommended to mirror his flash instead of tp to make that cheese a lot worse (cos without flash there really isnt a lot of counterplay)
free farm lane that you outscale, not a level 1 threat though because he'll usually have more farm than you if he proxies and singed late game is also an abomination
an amazing gp will zone you off xp range with barrels, but we are talking GM/Chall GP otps. If its a normal gangplank who mainly pokes with telegraphed barrel combos and q, you can eat his poke and outscale. GP's are easy to land cleavers on as unless its a dedicated main they are using most of their brain power on barrel shenanigans. Break barrels with auto e before he blows you up. Late game you can pretty easily tank his shit and kill him in a side lane
you outscale pretty hard but the champ is so broken in lane and you have no trading tools against his trade pattern (you kind of need hard cc to extend it past his e which you dont have)
let him do his thing, farm with cleaver. Warwick top is one of the worst scaling things in the entirety of league of legends if he doesnt have a kill lead
broken, atleast her AA cost mana tho. You win late fights, unlike most champs it really isnt a signifier to go in if she misses poison as its a really low cd. Always go swifties here unless the enemy is literally 4 AP. Usually top laners are in a position where they have to bully cassio in lane or they are fucked, you have the benefit of being able to having a scale gameplan as she cant match your split properly later on. Still though cassio is blatantly just overpowered.
eat his poke and farm. In mega gnar look for cleaver poke. you outscale
He has some cheese but if he ever dashes into you just cleaver auto e and run away. If he activates w, walk into him right after activating w, so that the main grey health portion is during his burst combo. Reactivate and you basically had 90% damage reduction against him as renekton uses his entire kit in 0.1 seconds. You outscale incredibly hard in all areas of the game besides peel
farm and dont engage with his cancer. Poke with cleaver but beyond that just focus on your own farm and denying him plates. He really shouldnt be able to proxy into you but if he does wait until it isnt a cannon wave so you can clear it quickly and then chase him. He's pretty much the only proxy champ where you can actually chase him for a kill just make sure you force him into the jungle so he isnt farming in death passive
you can try to poke with cleaver but his sustain is high. He has trouble all-inning you, I would wait for him to ult before you do. Late game you need to do your own split pushes, and force him to match you. If you have to match him its a lot worse. If the enemy mid can match you, but yours cant match trundle, games over.
farm and outscale. He has no sustain so poke with cleavers is permanent. He'll do some ult stuff but you do so much tower damage that he cant ult out of lane without being severely punished. With that being said his trade pattern is pretty much impossible to dodge as mundo and does an ungodly amount of damage so a good shen will still hard win lane. This is much easier to deal with if the meta shifts in a way that he can't go an AD item first. If he can go titanic or sundered sky first its much harder than when he has to go heartsteel or something.
Udyr is the main proxy champ that fucks you over, as in my experience he has a much easier time tower diving you with his jungler compared to someone like singed. This completely depends on elo where the enemy jg knows what they are doing and udyr knows how to proxy properly. So:
LOW ELO: minor threat. outrange, farm and outscale. If there are free cleaver hits, take them, but dont even waste your time with it unless they are completely free hits, as the champ has so much sustain and shielding.
HIGH ELO: major threat. its less how good you are at mundo, and instead how bad the udyr/enemy jungler is. He will ignore you, shoving the wave while eating your poke and then run behind you to proxy. There isn't really anything you can do besides beg your jungler to help you. Don't chase him just farm under tower. Try to track the enemy jungler in your head, if they are close try to get a back off (even if you will lose 1 or 2 waves. Its better than dying and then losing the same waves). Most junglers have an extremely easy time tower diving you with an udyr, the only way to have it not happen is to somehow thin the wave enough before it crashes into your tower (which is pretty much impossible on mundo) or get your jungler to countergank, although this is tough as in high elo most junglers will just completely ignore a mundo lane out of ego
Lane is tough, he can run you down pretty easily, but as soon as you have 6, your ult honestly offsets the cleaver slow enough to just walk away. If you are struggling in lane I would go swifties to make it harder for him to run you down, slow resist stat shard is also really nice. If you get a lead or want to easily 1v1 him late game even in his ult go tabis bramble
you obviously outscale him incredibly hard, especially now that divine isn't an option for him anymore, but rengar is so disgustingly good at zoning off farm in lane. Just try to farm with cleaver and beg your jungler to gank you if your jungler is strong early. If you want to fight him you need grevious
rush a null-magic mantle into heartsteel. Champs broken but you outscale in the sidelane and as long as he doesnt land every harpoon you can eat his poke decently as long as you give up some farm. He can run you down and tower dive really easily with ult, keep that in mind
farm up. His turrets auto push the lane so you can safely farm under tower. You can also cleaver his turrets. Generally just an easy lane as long as you dont try to run him down and play under his turrets. I will say though, if you have a weak early jungle or a jungler who wont gank you out of ego, and the heimer realizes this, he will set up shop infront of your turret and just take your turret at minute 10. If he does this you need to beg your jungler or mid to gank you, the worst thing you can do is run into him to try to make him stop as he will just kill you. Luckily all it really takes is one death by a gank and heimer players will chill out and place turrets near their own tower
16 onward you can actually 1v1 her as you do a lot of damage to her and can tank her alone with rank 3 r, but from 6-15 the matchups a nightmare and she does wayyy more in teamfights. Level 1 be careful she will win a 1v1 to the death, lvl 2-5 look for a bit of zoning off farm but its very hard to zone on mundo in general.
his range is low enough that he can really only auto you once or twice when you go up to auto. You can outsustain his poke if you dont carelessly eat it with second wind + dorans shield countering his DOT. One of the easier ranged matchups, although ranged matchups in general arent great for mundo and teemo is very hard to land cleavers on/run down. Late game if you went one or two mr items, purposefully try to step on shrooms so someone else on your team doesnt have to deal with them.
broken bullshit champ but you outscale pretty hard and her lethality build is very poor into you. Be ready to instantly shove and take plates if she shows somewhere else on the map.
farm with cleaver, his early pressure is nullified by you having any ranged form to farm with. At 6 he might try to towerdive you with ult, if he does dont fight him just ring around the rosie until his ult wears off on your tower. You outscale ad, ap and tank voli extremely hard, although this is in a teamfight and split pushing for turrets sense, I don't think you ever kill a voli unless he goes full ap
if he goes conqueror be careful his all-in is actually very strong. You can relatively easily eat poke and scale into late game assuming you dodge maybe half his q's. Really big lane bully but A) is really susceptible to ganks against mundo as you eat the knock away and B) late game gets completely outscaled by you as his one thing late game of spamming q is nullified if you purposefully tank them for your team. Just look to scale, past level 11 if you land a cleaver you can just run at him and he dies
not a top laner but he's by far the worst adc in terms of raw combat for you. I like to ban him when im last pick (no one blinds gwen) and my team has no assassins. Intuitively you'd think it'd be vayne but her low range and worse synergies with enchanters + your passive ruining her condemn which is like half her power budget makes it really not that bad of an adc assuming you run her down quickly. Kogmaw on the other hand just stands there and kills you in 3 seconds even at lvl 16 while you dont do nearly enough damage to him if he has an enchanter
I don't go against enough yorick's to really know honestly. His cage thing definitely counters your kit and he can probably win 1v1s through bullshit spacing but your teamfights are definitely way better, I don't see a world where he ever actually tower dives you past level 11, and you can force him out of a sidelane by just cleavering his maiden. Probably a skill matchup but again I dont know no one plays this shit
used to be a really hard matchup but with bork nerfed and lethal tempo gone, yone and yasuo are finally back to normalish levels of attack speed. This means he can't just melt you with bork now, and his lane is significantly less cancer. Dodge a decent amount of q3's and you'll be fine to hard outscale
basically yone with more sticking power. Rush a randuins. I would put him on the same level as yone except yasuo is completely trolling if he goes bork so its much easier for you in that regard after first item spikes. I'd actually consider yasuo to be a worse matchup than yone when he does go bork although we are talking GM/chall yone to GM/chall yasuo, in lower elos yasuo is pretty easy to deal with in general.
he has absolutely zero kill pressure if you arent brain damaged in lane, after lane if you split push you can straight up ignore him and destroy towers while he does meaningless damage, and in teamfights you can run him down really easily. Generally if a champion can both tank his initial spell rotation and has any form of chase potential, vladimir completely crumbles (i.e. nasus). IMO one of mundos easiest matchups, just keep in mind the champ is probably gonna be complete cancer for your teammates so be ready to carry
His q range is really long and his poke is pretty good. His passive with the new buff lets him sustain in lane really well. His level 6 all-in is really REALLY strong. With that being said you can completely ignore him and scale. With divine sunderer removal, past like 2 items he just completely falls apart against you in 1v1s and in teamfights you do way more than him as long as he doesnt literally get a 5 man knock up. With divine removal I don't think bramble is necessary anymore
complete cancer but you, unlike most melee champs can actually dodge his q because you dont get rooted by his ult. If he lands it he literally wins a 1v1 in melee range though until level 16. Of course we are talking about full ap varus top, ad/lethality varus adc is a very easy matchup for you
he was a level 4 threat when the champion was turbo broken and he was going the piss cancer korean comet bullshit but that wasnt him countering mundo and more just him being completely overpowered in top. Assuming riot will eventually put him into a balanced state, I wouldn't say you counter him but it's definitely a pretty easy lane. He will win early fights but you can look for early all-ins once you have ult since yours does much more than his. Keep in mind poke is permanent as he doesnt have sustain. You outscale in side lane, he honestly outscales in teamfights the champ is just so fucked. In lane try to juke or stand behind minions from his q's, if he lands the majority of them you will hard lose lane. To be in a good spot you need to juke/bait out like 80% of them (which isnt that hard to do its really slow and anyone who is good at skillshots will be playing a mage, not skarner)
Master Yi
second worse jungler you can go against (behind gwen). Unless you are incredibly ahead and he is incredibly behind or for whatever reason skipped bork you will never be able to 1v1 him, and cleaver doesnt slow him in ult so it's extremely hard to sidelane if the enemy has a yi. Furthermore in teamfights yi's hardest counter by far is cc, which you provide none of. So you are pretty much at the yi's mercy to fuck up and kill himself, if he is good and positions well you just kind of watch as he kills your team. Granted he isn't always a level 5 threat, it more or less depends on if he is meta (which shifts a lot, he isn't a very stable champion as he is extremely item reliant and how powerful he is is usually completely deterministic of how good bork/kraken is or if some new rune is abusable)
(rammus top) he will never beat you in a fight and has zero tools to deal with anything you do, as your cleaver spam is just going to poke him out of lane. Obviously, dont auto him when he is in w form but if he isnt using w go to town. I sometimes see newer players just never autoing a rammus out of fear, that isnt how the champion works you can treat him like a garen without his sword if he isnt in w stance. Any decent rammus top player just proxies until they have thornmail where they then win 9/10 top matchups. Luckily for you, mundo is one of the few champs top that still wins past rammus's thornmail spike. So just farm under tower, there isnt really a threat of a tower dive unless the enemy jg is pure dps, and if you are confident the enemy jg is going to focus botside this game or they are a weak early champ like karthus, you can also just proxy yourself. Really though every choice is fine as long as you aren't chasing the rammus around
ALWAYS Q MAX. Honestly a complete skill matchup but she's the one that has to play perfectly, if this metaphor makes sense you are the shotgun and she is the sniper rifle. She has the complete edge early, but unlike most lane bullies that will use this to try to kill you in lane or zone farm, she will just constantly roam mid or look for dives with her jungler. Camille players usually make it pretty obvious when their jungler is around so try to keep that in mind, a camille will have a hard time diving you if the fight starts under your tower. Never follow her roams, but make sure to shove and look for plates every time she does (make sure she actually leaves though) and spam ping. In low elo you might also have to literally type "camille going mid! Sit tower!" People generally underestimate how broken her ganks are. If she doesnt find a sizable lead early, later on you can just split and destroy her towers infront of her while she does 10% of your health
(briar top) it's pretty easy to just farm against a briar as their all-in pre 6 is very bursty so you can just w most of it. But if you are confident you can look for kills very early on, just spam cleaver poke they are incredibly easy to land on briar's. Try to stay out of her heal range and when she DOES go in keep a range while exerting your entire combo so she is forced to e walk away. Save the last cleaver for right after her scream ends as she has damage reduction while screaming
a higher threat when zac is incredibly overpowered but fundamentally its a pretty easy lane. Zac lane sustain is basically unrivaled and he has so much cc that the "just step on the blobs" argument is useless unless you are literally olaf. Because of this you are probably never winning an early fight, especially considering your champ has a hard time rushing grievious. Instead just farm, you outscale very hard.
corki top is starting to become a pick (although very niche). It's utter dogshit into mundo just stay out of his really strong volatile lvl 1-3. Farm with cleaver. It's a boring, uninteractive lane, but you outscale it even if you just farm with cleaver the entire time (and therefore are down on farm). His all-in is decent but leaves him really vulnerable to ganks so any decent corki player wont all-in unless he knows it'll chunk you really hard, which should never be a scenario if you just farm with cleaver. At lvl 11 you can just braindead run at him for the rest of the game although honestly if he messes up and you land a sneaky cleaver you can run him down past 6 + heartsteel purchase
Her damage is negligible against you if you have any form of mr. Unless she is incredibly ahead or you are incredibly behind you can just ignore her while taking turrets in a side lane or chasing her adc in a teamfight. In a side lane if you want her to leave your objective, force her ult out without having to use your own. Don't hard commit just chase until she ults and then back off, she will be forced to leave. If she doesnt just run her down once her ult expires
most tank supports are great for you, as most peeling strategies fall apart against mundo. Alistar is no exception just ignore him and run at his adc, and before a fight starts he will probably be front lining so you can spam cleavers at him (that damage him well)
everything about him gets countered by you. If he has a liandries he WILL damage you a fair amount but you kill him much faster than he kills you and he is very easy to just ignore if you want to run at someone else
anivia combines the two forms of cc you get destroyed by: heavy slows and creatable terrain. Her build also incorporates a lot of health/seraphs so if you do manage to get on top of her she doesnt die. You can run her down in a side lane but teamfights are rough
you fundamentally counter her, its a low range burst mage
usually you can run him down and if it is hyper late game you dont have to pay attention to his guns, but if it is early/mid game remember: if aphelios has red/white, dont fight!
Aurelion Sol
he is a pretty big problem for you in teamfights. If no one peels him it doesnt really matter, the 1v1 is always easy but if someone locks you down for even just a couple seconds he destroys you, and his build path means he doesnt get one shot
i need more testing, he is a very rare champion to see when he isnt blatantly overpowered so its hard to know how good he is into mundo when he is in a healthy state. To my understanding he has a LOT of dps, one of if not the highest in his class so you cant just ignore him, and his dash does help a bit with peeling off of you but his main cc tool (ult) you can walk through the push part of it and your ult will eat it. It only becomes impassable terrain for you when it comes to a stop. So generally you can just run him down but in teamfights if he gets a couple uninterrupted seconds on you he will probably kill you if you dont have multiple mr items
purely depends on your top matchup and if he can roam on it. When you are weaksided against a lane bully, a roaming bard support is your worst nightmare. In pretty much any other situation he is easy: your passive eats his ult, his peel is lackluster and he cant enchant his adc. Keep in mind he usually looks squishy but most bards build tank items so just ignore him and go for the adc
you are the epitome of the archetype she wants to fight, tanky brawler with zero mobility or cc, who answers getting chased by killing the thing chasing them. It isn't an issue if she isn't fed, but the way the champ works she is gonna be fed every other game you see her and it's entirely out of your control if you are top. Very similar to master yi but a bit better for you as it is easier to run away from
try to eat his hook for your team if a fights about to start
The burn does a lot of damage to you but not enough to be an actual problem for how quickly he gets obliterated once you get on top of him. The rylais slow is kind of annoying but not enough to keep you off him or his adc
A tank cc support, but unlike alistar he has AMAZING peel. You should still just braindead run at his adc to make him cc you so that someone else on your team can go kill their adc, but a 2v1 usually isnt possible
I feel like this is supposed to be a good matchup but she is just overpowered or something because she always kills me in 5 autos even when im full tank idk. I feel like any tank that doesnt have amazing lockdown cc like maokai just implodes against her cos it's nearly impossible to actually tank her
kind of like caitlyn except it is much easier to run her down. If unchecked she will kill you fairly quickly but you kill her faster as long as she doesnt have an enchanter support
Dr. Mundo
are mirror matchups even a thing anymore lol
if she is the tank dantes build ignore her and kill her adc, if she is full ap just kill her when she jumps on someone. Bonus points if you run at her before she can jump on someone else so she is forced to use her combo on you
really low range adc that you can easily run down. He has enough movement speed to reliably dodge your cleavers but if you just cleaver where his axe is dropping he is in a lose-lose situation. As long as you have a decent amount of armor you can run down any draven it doesn't matter how fed they are
rat champ that you can easily tank if he isnt giga fed. If he IS really fed though, since you have no cc you just kinda watch him kill your entire team
late game not a problem, but early game she is probably the best in her class at tower diving top. Try to track her in your head and if she is nearby shove the wave at all costs or beg your jungler to hover. Unless they are also a hyper early game champ like xin zhao though, It isn't just "jungle dif" if they dont come, its a losing situation for your jungler if they entertain the 2v2 so try to learn to track her so you dont force your jungler into an awful situation
note that she DOES do enough damage to one shot you if you dont use your w well or ult
if you eat every ability he will actually chunk you down fairly quickly but he is pretty easy to run down and cant burst you at all
try to have vision in spots where he will probably ult from. If you have vision of him when he ults, his ult wont fear. His ult only aoe fears your team when it lands from out of vision. Regardless really easy for you he just might wipe your team
try to eat his ult for your team
if he is 6+ and out of vision during laning phase be careful
you win the 1v1 if he isnt very far ahead, but a very far ahead/late game graves will just stat check you without counterplay
if he is giga fed he will wipe your team while you have no cc. He has to be VERY far ahead to 1v1 you, though. If you see a fed hecarim I would perma split and try to get him to help his top laner match you. If he is behind force teamfights that champion is useless when behind
dont stand in the lava pit. Very easy to run down. His cc ability is on a fairly low cooldown so make sure to pick up your canister when running him down, he will probably have time to get 2 cc abilities off before dying
if he ults before a teamfight starts kill daisy
make sure to constantly pick up your canister her stuff is on low cd, but she cant encahnt her adc that well so it's not bad
Jarvan IV
the champ itself isnt a problem but if you get a little carried away with going where you please he will ult you and you will die to his team. Remember you have to respect creatable terrain
jhin fails against most tanks
pretty much harder vayne, she is way harder to run down and still does a lot of damage. While vaynes main thing is her condemn (which you can just eat) kai'sa's self peel is mobility and a better invis. Kai'sa's also aren't really one shottable due to the ult. Unless she is wildly out of position I would not try to run a kai'sa down just help your team
depends on the build, full on-hit bork is a bit harder although still not that bad. Full lethality kalista is probably the easiest adc in the game for you. In both cases you just run her down and hope for the best
(karma top) you will never kill her and if you waste your time trying to poke her out of lane you will end up getting poked out of lane yourself. Just farm and you will outscale pretty hard in a side lane
you can easily tank his ult, if you eat every q he will kill you in a teamfight but they are very easy to dodge, especially with your ults movement speed and swifties
he will never 1v1 you. Dont get scared and pop ult early. Only ult when he cant run away or you are actually about to die. Generally in a side lane just ignore him and take tower, he has to majorly fuck up to die to you but he has to hard respect you
you dont have cc to stop her ult but you can just kill her. The side lane is hopeless for her, in teamfights she might pull some bullshit and kill the rest of your team
red kayn is pretty bad for you but you can generally just run away from red kayn, and it doesnt matter anyway since 9/10 tryhard kayn players just go blue every game which is a walk in the park for you
running him down and keeping him in auto range is more important than trying to respect his isolation thing after laning phase is over. If you havent scaled up yet make sure to hug minions if he is ganking you
ult after her ult. If you ult before she ults its MUCH worse
just ignore her and take tower/run her adc down, she only wins if you entertain her cancer
Lee Sin
just stat check him
her peel isnt strong enough against you. Just ignore her and kill her adc
in teamfights you just have to hope she fucks up and mispositions or eats someone elses cc. But in a side lane you can just ignore her and take towers. Luckily most lillia players have adhd or something so it isnt that uncommon for her to just kill herself for a good ult
run her down
high dps but very easy to run down
bastard satan champ just pray your bot lane doesnt shit the bed. If your jungler indicates they want to strongside you, deny and make them camp bot. Granted she isn't that good without a hyper carry like vayne or kog'maw but that's literally the only time she's picked no one mains lulu. Only exception to this is lulu twitch because you hard counter twitch
run her down
run him down. Stay away from minions he puts space aids on
eat his cc and run his adc down. His enchants are pretty strong so preferrably you wait til his circle thing goes away
Miss Fortune
run her down. Don't stand in her ult it isnt tankable
surprisingly enough the worst part of morgana for mundo is the spellshield -- denying cleaver slow is annoying. But if their adc mispositions she really cant help them
unless she is incredibly fed you can just stat check her and she has no disengage
a strong enchanter, but for burst. You can tank through her -- she is a much easier to deal with version of lulu
eat his hook for your team if a fight is about to start
eat her shit. In a side lane ignore her and take tower its hard to run her down but she cant damage you
she has good tower dives top, you need to dodge the spear. Easier to deal with version of elise
as long as you have cc shield you can just shit on him if he ults you. Nocturne top will poke out though. Keep in mind the main weakness with nocturne top is his high mana costs so if you bait/dodge a few abilities he has to back. Poke doesnt do much though his passive heals a lot
Nunu & Willump
you cant kill eachother. Unless you are very far up the lane he cant kill you with a gank
run her down, try not to step on the orb
its hard to kill him, unless he e's into you just ignore him
generally pretty easy although in a side lane I would just ignore her and go for tower if she starts doing the grass spam
his peel isnt enough against you
(jungle) very strong early ganks and a level 6 tower dive. late game she cant do anything to you though. (top) her sustain is strong but you can still outpoke it if you land a majority of your cleavers, which is pretty easy since to heal rek'sai players burrow which limits vision
her ult locks you down pretty well and the resistance steal can be annoying although she isnt anything to majorly worry about
Renata Glasc
can be very annoying with kog'maw although otherwise kinda useless against you, she is more anti burst
he has high dps although you can still easily run him down in a 1v1 if he isnt fed
not much of an issue for you although you cannot cancel her ult due to your lack of cc so she may destroy your team if not killed quickly
can ignore her
run her down like her adc
it is very hard to kill anyone on her team late game in teamfights. Although both mid and supp seraphine cannot match your split at all
(shaco top) do not entertain his shenanigans just farm you hard outscale. (shaco jungle) be weary of his ganks but late game he doesnt do anything to you
shyvana players never gank top. On hit shyvana might be a bit of an issue but ap shyvana you destroy
she is harder to run down but she doesnt really damage you if you went the teamfight build
he actually does a lot of damage to you and is hard to kill (easy to get to, but pretty tanky due to his build). He is incredibly weak in lane though and if he is behind he isnt an issue
generally you want to focus her, not her adc. She keeps people alive very well but is very squishy herself
more extreme version of sona -- just focus her most of the time
try to walk out of his ult once he starts it -- if he has rylais just fight him though you will win
for whatever reason a lot of sylas's take mundo ult even though it's pretty bad on him since he doesnt build that much max health. If he is fed he can just kill you, if he isnt you hard stat check him
another low range burst mage you destroy, although keep in mind:
1) late game her ult has an execute that will kill you if you arent careful. If she ults you and you are low just immediately ult dont hold it
2) if she e's you, your passive eats it, but you still get pushed away and stunned if you are ALSO hit by the orb. You can only get hit by either the orb or the cone thing, if you get hit by both you are knocked back even with passive
run her down. Keep in mind you can walk through her wall if you have passive while its being made. Don't keep range against her, her main damage ability is a 2 second cooldown
ignore him and hit tower. In teamfights he might ravage your backline, dont try to peel him off just kill his backline yourself at the same time
probably one of the hardest cc tank supports you can go against (next to rell) although you still counter cc tanks. Just ignore him
try to prevent easy lantern escapes
really easy to run down in a sidelane. Remember her jump cooldown resets if her bomb gets full charges and explodes early
Twisted Fate
(twisted fate top) you (theoretically) fundamentally counter him but twisted fate top is very strong, and people without dashes cant really catch up to him when he does the swifties cancer. More or less out of lane unless he is wildly out of position you just split and take towers around demolish cd
annoying with a lulu but generally he is more oriented to abunch of consistent raw dps that deletes squishies, but no actual tank killer potential (like kogmaw). The whole stealth thing also doesnt really matter for you. If everyone else is distracted you can eat the polymorph with your passive and easily kill twitch. Without lulu twitch is just ass against you
walk through his cage with passive and kill him. Make an attempt to dodge his w it'll nuke you regardless of how much mr you have
unfortunate that you dont have cc to stop his reset thing but beyond that you can just demolish him
a mage who is a little harder to kill than most but its still free
he outranges your cleaver so its hard to ever actually approach him but his poke is meaningless against you
Xin Zhao
just kill him
makes it harder to kill whoever she is on, as she relies on making them unkillable rather than peeling for them. Regardless not nearly as strong as a real enchanter like lulu for your gameplan, but still a pain in the ass especially on zeri
champ is utter bullshit, idc how much tank stuff you have a good zed will 1v1 you if fed. If he doesnt have a lead though you can just kill him in a sidelane
it is very hard to land anything on her or get into melee range. Against her if she is in full run-around not die mode I would ignore her and go for whoever else is squishy on their team (usually mid laner).
make sure to build swifties, dont kill whoever he puts the revive on unless they are already 2 health
eat the slow for teammates
(aurora top) I need more testing. I've never gone against it in ranked, although I've had to deal with the champion a lot generally from aurora mids. Champion seems fine outside of lane albeit very annoying, they just need to tweak her numbers cos right now they are definitely too high, and there is no way that ult utility isn't getting significantly nerfed in a few patches max. Anyways yeah not too bad out of lane but from what I understand aurora top just does the fleet sustain cancer poke ungankable wittle you down under your own tower strat like kennen or twisted fate, so id assume it'd be around akshan level top
you become more unkillable and she gives you the movement speed you need. Problem is your support will have actually no help or peel if your support goes yuumi since you also have no cc, so carry or lose
an adc that doesnt get fucked over by your lack of cc/peel
an adc that doesnt get fucked over by your lack of cc/peel
malphite mid is surprisingly good with mundo since you both want to run the backline down. Only issue is your team will have no poke
I honestly don't really know how to explain it but it feels really good to play with draven's as mundo. Draven players general playstyle just pairs well with late game mundo
Oddly enough she is incredibly strong with mundo as she more or less forces front-to-back fights assuming she has a competent enchanter support. And front-to-back is mundo's best situation as it implies the enemy adc is gonna focus you until you die which doesnt happen til your ult expires past 16. This is unique to Jinx though, other front-to-back hyper carry adcs like kogmaw are just too vulnerable to assassins
samira doesn't need any peel. Second best adc you could have probably
the best adc you could have, A) because she's just broken as fuck but also B) because is imo the most independant adc in the game outside of lane, its basically a glorified mid laner. I also might be wrong but im pretty sure mundo's ulti health regeneration procs on her passive
for whatever reason whenever I have a galio on my team they ult me because it knocks the most people up, the problem being our adc just gets obliterated because no one is helping them. Also his whole thing is chain cc'ing with his team but you provide no cc to chain from
he has enough cancer in his kit to keep your adc alive while you do your thing
the ult is fucking useless on mundo and mundo/taric on the same team will ruin your comp due to lack of engage/poke
personally don't really like it as you cant chain his cc but it's still solid. You have the opportunity to walk up for a lot of dumb cleavers because of how tanky you are + passive late game, and if you land one it basically gives him a free hook
you both have the playstyle of turn off your brains and run in to 5 people. You help distribute damage taken so he can carry better
I don't think its possible to pull off in soloque the coordination needed is just too much, but if you are on comms with a friend nasus mid mundo top is incredibly strong. 1-3-1 strats when executed well are really broken
Jarvan IV
the cage has massive anti-synergy with you. If you are outside the caged adc you cant hit them and if you are inside with the caged adc you cant move. Furthermore his engages are way too fast-paced so your lack of mobility starts to show
veigar cage is really solid cc for you (and every other immobile juggernaut)
once you are both 16 i dont think its possible to lose teamfights as long as he waits for you to go in first and blow all of the enemies abilities. Problem is your team becomes way too scale-focused, so your jungler wont be able to play the game unless they literally vertical jungle bot in high elo
a hypercarry with her own incredibly strong peel. Same issue as kassadin though, your team becomes way too scale-focused. IMO unless you are in 5-man comms your team can really only afford to have one hyper-scaler outside of adc
Master Yi
he's kind of a combination of kassadin and olaf in terms of how it plays with you. He is a really good janitor so just go in and make the enemy use all of their shit on you, and then watch him 1v5. Problem is you are both melee beatsticks with no utility so your adc is gonna have a bad time
baiting fights in a side lane by taking a dumb 1v3 and then hard winning them with an ally fiddle ult is really strong and easy to do in solo que. This is unique to mundo as if a different top laner tried to do this they would probably die before fiddle ult goes off
graves hates ganking outside of tower dives, and you hate ganks outside of tower diving. I think this is the only champion pairing with mundo where you can have two hyper-scaling champs outside of adc and its still good
you don't have any knockups and you cant keep up with his mobility/fast all-ins. So he'll probably die before you can even help him
you can't peel him, but karthus is kind of designed to not be peeled properly anyway. Not a 5/5 because cc is still really valuable for karthus which you have none of
zilean is very strong with immobile juggernauts
way too fast-paced of an engager for you to meaningfully help, although you can bait a fight by walking into 5 people and tanking with rank 3 ult and THEN he engages with ult.
you are both basically hero champs, and you both dont even do it together, unlike something like olaf/mundo. He is just way too fast for you to meaningfully follow
Twisted Fate
gold card is a really solid tool for you. Twisted Fate players, atleast in high elo, will never believe that though and completely ignore you
you both pretty much want to be hit, and unlike someone like ornn, both of you have time-gated periods where you want to be hit. Anti-synergy imo
similar to hecarim except I think kayns a way better champion, and rhaast is basically a peel drain tank for your adc anyway
your team will probably lack cc
contrary to most immobile-juggernauts, I dont think this pairing is good. The shield is barely noticeable on late game mundo and your team is going to seriously lack dps if your adc/mid arent both hyper carries
her ult is really strong on immobile-juggernauts and the spellshield/really long range helps her with the lack of peel. IMO the best adc you could have besides samira/nilah who arent real marksmen
incredible peel for your adc so you can go nuts
IMO its just too much scaling in one team, and hyper late you arent even particularly compatible anyway so if he gets picked by an assassin the scaling didnt even do anything
Aurelion Sol
I usually don't like two hyper-scaling champs outside of adc, but it works well with a sol cos his wave clear is really safe and strong
there are a lot of situations where you will just straight up lose the 1v2 or get 1f1d if he ganks you early, and shaco is extremely hard to play around if you dont have a shit ton of mobility. You also cant really follow him into the jungle to help an invade even if he gave you lane priority beforehand due to how absolutely dogshit mundo is in early-skirmishes
completely incompatible playstyles, he wants to get in and get out very quickly while you want to hard-engage an actual fight
completely incompatible playstyles, he wants to get in and get out very quickly while you want to hard-engage an actual fight
shyvana literally never ganks, and usually gives grubs for dragons anyway, both of which are good for you who usually has to give first grubs anyway due to weak early game and loses a lot of 1v2s early
cc shield does nothing on you and you have no cc for her to chain her root off of
on one-hand, she can self-peel very well, on the other hand she is much better as a zone champion who wants people to walk into her little area, which is the opposite of what mundo wants (which is to run in when the enemy isnt expecting it, you arent that good in prepared 5v5s due to the lack of cc)
your lack of meaningful aoe damage means you cant get that much value out of her ult, which is most of her power budget
kindred ult and mundo ult are good together, although you now have two adcs that you cant properly peel
(in adc) has self-peel and a shit ton of range, and usually dominates lane so the enemy jungler is gonna be focused on making sure their bot lane doesnt get shit on, rather than trying to tower dive you. Basically a draven that scales better
when singed mid is viable (which is generally tied to the viability of predator rune) singed mundo is usually good. You have no poke but your engage is really strong so it doesnt really matter unless the enemy is a complete disengage comp
usually her wall hurts you more than it helps
a hero champ with cc, although, like akali, a lot of power budget is in the grass camo thing where she wants to wait out abilities, which is the opposite of you
she generally wants to wait shit out, and what ends up happening is your ult is wasted tanking people while akali sits there in shroud. Also your team will have a fundamental lack of cc so if the enemy has a yi or something you are fucked
Renata Glasc
the ambrosia thing is really strong on you and compliments your playstyle really really well, although due to it being a single-target thing, its 9/10 times just used on your adc, and everything else in her kit is meh with you (especially her ult you dgaf about being attacked)
its a lot easier to run people down in 5v5s with an ashe adc. It's hard to get meaningful use out of her ult though and ashe support is bad with you (two adc-like champs now that you cant peel)
similar to nasus, illaoi mid mundo top is really strong as 1-3-1 strats are imo overpowered, although this is probably not achievable in solo que (you need to be qued with the illaoi)
a mage with self-peel/protection that strong is nice, but her engages are too fast-paced for you to meaningfully follow up on
you already purposefully face-tank every skillshot for your adc, you dont need two people doing that
its extremely niche but kled mid is really strong with mundo. Kleds playstyle and ult is perfect for you
(ornn jungle) is kind of anti-synergy with mundo, he's a hard-cc peel tank which is utterly useless for you, and he will almost always upgrade heartsteel, which is probably the worst ornn item in the game
you both are somewhat unique in being champions that want to engage but whose engages are very slow. So engaging together feels naturally and strong. WIth that being said you are both hyper-scaling champs which is a major composition flaw and your team will have no poke/cc outside of your cleavers assuming you dont have a mage support
kha'zix more or less wants to flank and create his own little 1v1 in teamfights which is antithetical to mundo's gameplan. It takes a lot of control out of your lategame plan as now you just kind of have to hope your khazix wins the 1v1 on top of you winning the 4v4 (which you can actually influence)
too much healing makes antiheal valuable for enemy team. You also both want teammates with cc. The one redeeming factor is aatrox is one of the few bruisers who doesnt really want to split push
charm is helpful for you, she doesnt care about your lack of peel
champs just busted ngl
depends on the rest of your comp, he has good peel but if he is used as engage its pretty shit with you
new autistic bunny girl is really solid with mundo, its a mid lane poke mage that actually has good enough self-peel that you can completely ignore her and expect her to still flourish in teamfights. Her ultimate is also great utility for you in teamfights although there is no way that shit isn't getting giga nerfed lmao. Only downside is aurora players at least in my experience can be crowned with the most copious player base, its pretty annoying hearing them whine on that bullshit when they die to a Ryze
giga chad ryze champ is pretty much better aurelion sol in terms of playing with mundo. Hyper-scaling champ with the niche of also having top tier wave clear, but unlike aurelion once teamfights roll around he pretty much becomes a hero champ that you don't have to help. It's a beautiful amalgamation of kassadin and aurelion. Only sad part is champs dogshit half the time cos of pro play and there are very few ryze mains that arent either top ladder chall or hardstuck silver coping that ryze is the reason they cant climb, so i assume the vast majority of serious mundo players will never get to experience the beauty that is a ryze mid on their team
you become more unkillable and she gives you the movement speed you need. Problem is your support will have actually no help or peel if your support goes yuumi since you also have no cc, so carry or lose
an adc that doesnt get fucked over by your lack of cc/peel
an adc that doesnt get fucked over by your lack of cc/peel
malphite mid is surprisingly good with mundo since you both want to run the backline down. Only issue is your team will have no poke
I honestly don't really know how to explain it but it feels really good to play with draven's as mundo. Draven players general playstyle just pairs well with late game mundo
Oddly enough she is incredibly strong with mundo as she more or less forces front-to-back fights assuming she has a competent enchanter support. And front-to-back is mundo's best situation as it implies the enemy adc is gonna focus you until you die which doesnt happen til your ult expires past 16. This is unique to Jinx though, other front-to-back hyper carry adcs like kogmaw are just too vulnerable to assassins
samira doesn't need any peel. Second best adc you could have probably
the best adc you could have, A) because she's just broken as fuck but also B) because is imo the most independant adc in the game outside of lane, its basically a glorified mid laner. I also might be wrong but im pretty sure mundo's ulti health regeneration procs on her passive
for whatever reason whenever I have a galio on my team they ult me because it knocks the most people up, the problem being our adc just gets obliterated because no one is helping them. Also his whole thing is chain cc'ing with his team but you provide no cc to chain from
he has enough cancer in his kit to keep your adc alive while you do your thing
the ult is fucking useless on mundo and mundo/taric on the same team will ruin your comp due to lack of engage/poke
personally don't really like it as you cant chain his cc but it's still solid. You have the opportunity to walk up for a lot of dumb cleavers because of how tanky you are + passive late game, and if you land one it basically gives him a free hook
you both have the playstyle of turn off your brains and run in to 5 people. You help distribute damage taken so he can carry better
I don't think its possible to pull off in soloque the coordination needed is just too much, but if you are on comms with a friend nasus mid mundo top is incredibly strong. 1-3-1 strats when executed well are really broken
Jarvan IV
the cage has massive anti-synergy with you. If you are outside the caged adc you cant hit them and if you are inside with the caged adc you cant move. Furthermore his engages are way too fast-paced so your lack of mobility starts to show
veigar cage is really solid cc for you (and every other immobile juggernaut)
once you are both 16 i dont think its possible to lose teamfights as long as he waits for you to go in first and blow all of the enemies abilities. Problem is your team becomes way too scale-focused, so your jungler wont be able to play the game unless they literally vertical jungle bot in high elo
a hypercarry with her own incredibly strong peel. Same issue as kassadin though, your team becomes way too scale-focused. IMO unless you are in 5-man comms your team can really only afford to have one hyper-scaler outside of adc
Master Yi
he's kind of a combination of kassadin and olaf in terms of how it plays with you. He is a really good janitor so just go in and make the enemy use all of their shit on you, and then watch him 1v5. Problem is you are both melee beatsticks with no utility so your adc is gonna have a bad time
baiting fights in a side lane by taking a dumb 1v3 and then hard winning them with an ally fiddle ult is really strong and easy to do in solo que. This is unique to mundo as if a different top laner tried to do this they would probably die before fiddle ult goes off
graves hates ganking outside of tower dives, and you hate ganks outside of tower diving. I think this is the only champion pairing with mundo where you can have two hyper-scaling champs outside of adc and its still good
you don't have any knockups and you cant keep up with his mobility/fast all-ins. So he'll probably die before you can even help him
you can't peel him, but karthus is kind of designed to not be peeled properly anyway. Not a 5/5 because cc is still really valuable for karthus which you have none of
zilean is very strong with immobile juggernauts
way too fast-paced of an engager for you to meaningfully help, although you can bait a fight by walking into 5 people and tanking with rank 3 ult and THEN he engages with ult.
you are both basically hero champs, and you both dont even do it together, unlike something like olaf/mundo. He is just way too fast for you to meaningfully follow
Twisted Fate
gold card is a really solid tool for you. Twisted Fate players, atleast in high elo, will never believe that though and completely ignore you
you both pretty much want to be hit, and unlike someone like ornn, both of you have time-gated periods where you want to be hit. Anti-synergy imo
similar to hecarim except I think kayns a way better champion, and rhaast is basically a peel drain tank for your adc anyway
your team will probably lack cc
contrary to most immobile-juggernauts, I dont think this pairing is good. The shield is barely noticeable on late game mundo and your team is going to seriously lack dps if your adc/mid arent both hyper carries
her ult is really strong on immobile-juggernauts and the spellshield/really long range helps her with the lack of peel. IMO the best adc you could have besides samira/nilah who arent real marksmen
incredible peel for your adc so you can go nuts
IMO its just too much scaling in one team, and hyper late you arent even particularly compatible anyway so if he gets picked by an assassin the scaling didnt even do anything
Aurelion Sol
I usually don't like two hyper-scaling champs outside of adc, but it works well with a sol cos his wave clear is really safe and strong
there are a lot of situations where you will just straight up lose the 1v2 or get 1f1d if he ganks you early, and shaco is extremely hard to play around if you dont have a shit ton of mobility. You also cant really follow him into the jungle to help an invade even if he gave you lane priority beforehand due to how absolutely dogshit mundo is in early-skirmishes
completely incompatible playstyles, he wants to get in and get out very quickly while you want to hard-engage an actual fight
completely incompatible playstyles, he wants to get in and get out very quickly while you want to hard-engage an actual fight
shyvana literally never ganks, and usually gives grubs for dragons anyway, both of which are good for you who usually has to give first grubs anyway due to weak early game and loses a lot of 1v2s early
cc shield does nothing on you and you have no cc for her to chain her root off of
on one-hand, she can self-peel very well, on the other hand she is much better as a zone champion who wants people to walk into her little area, which is the opposite of what mundo wants (which is to run in when the enemy isnt expecting it, you arent that good in prepared 5v5s due to the lack of cc)
your lack of meaningful aoe damage means you cant get that much value out of her ult, which is most of her power budget
kindred ult and mundo ult are good together, although you now have two adcs that you cant properly peel
(in adc) has self-peel and a shit ton of range, and usually dominates lane so the enemy jungler is gonna be focused on making sure their bot lane doesnt get shit on, rather than trying to tower dive you. Basically a draven that scales better
when singed mid is viable (which is generally tied to the viability of predator rune) singed mundo is usually good. You have no poke but your engage is really strong so it doesnt really matter unless the enemy is a complete disengage comp
usually her wall hurts you more than it helps
a hero champ with cc, although, like akali, a lot of power budget is in the grass camo thing where she wants to wait out abilities, which is the opposite of you
she generally wants to wait shit out, and what ends up happening is your ult is wasted tanking people while akali sits there in shroud. Also your team will have a fundamental lack of cc so if the enemy has a yi or something you are fucked
Renata Glasc
the ambrosia thing is really strong on you and compliments your playstyle really really well, although due to it being a single-target thing, its 9/10 times just used on your adc, and everything else in her kit is meh with you (especially her ult you dgaf about being attacked)
its a lot easier to run people down in 5v5s with an ashe adc. It's hard to get meaningful use out of her ult though and ashe support is bad with you (two adc-like champs now that you cant peel)
similar to nasus, illaoi mid mundo top is really strong as 1-3-1 strats are imo overpowered, although this is probably not achievable in solo que (you need to be qued with the illaoi)
a mage with self-peel/protection that strong is nice, but her engages are too fast-paced for you to meaningfully follow up on
you already purposefully face-tank every skillshot for your adc, you dont need two people doing that
its extremely niche but kled mid is really strong with mundo. Kleds playstyle and ult is perfect for you
(ornn jungle) is kind of anti-synergy with mundo, he's a hard-cc peel tank which is utterly useless for you, and he will almost always upgrade heartsteel, which is probably the worst ornn item in the game
you both are somewhat unique in being champions that want to engage but whose engages are very slow. So engaging together feels naturally and strong. WIth that being said you are both hyper-scaling champs which is a major composition flaw and your team will have no poke/cc outside of your cleavers assuming you dont have a mage support
kha'zix more or less wants to flank and create his own little 1v1 in teamfights which is antithetical to mundo's gameplan. It takes a lot of control out of your lategame plan as now you just kind of have to hope your khazix wins the 1v1 on top of you winning the 4v4 (which you can actually influence)
too much healing makes antiheal valuable for enemy team. You also both want teammates with cc. The one redeeming factor is aatrox is one of the few bruisers who doesnt really want to split push
charm is helpful for you, she doesnt care about your lack of peel
champs just busted ngl
depends on the rest of your comp, he has good peel but if he is used as engage its pretty shit with you
new autistic bunny girl is really solid with mundo, its a mid lane poke mage that actually has good enough self-peel that you can completely ignore her and expect her to still flourish in teamfights. Her ultimate is also great utility for you in teamfights although there is no way that shit isn't getting giga nerfed lmao. Only downside is aurora players at least in my experience can be crowned with the most copious player base, its pretty annoying hearing them whine on that bullshit when they die to a Ryze
giga chad ryze champ is pretty much better aurelion sol in terms of playing with mundo. Hyper-scaling champ with the niche of also having top tier wave clear, but unlike aurelion once teamfights roll around he pretty much becomes a hero champ that you don't have to help. It's a beautiful amalgamation of kassadin and aurelion. Only sad part is champs dogshit half the time cos of pro play and there are very few ryze mains that arent either top ladder chall or hardstuck silver coping that ryze is the reason they cant climb, so i assume the vast majority of serious mundo players will never get to experience the beauty that is a ryze mid on their team
Thank you for taking the time to check out my guide! I am a masters/GM NA 1.3mil Darius main who also plays a lot of nasus, mundo, sett and mordekaiser: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BiliBiliBD-Alpha For the last two seasons/splits I have shifted pretty much completely from only playing darius to only playing mundo.
this screenshot is from august 13 2024
I initially fell in love with mundo because A) his business skin voice lines hype me up so much, something about him screaming TOO BIG TO FAIL and then tanking an entire team for 20 seconds is pretty funny, and B) similarly to darius, if you play laning phase well (although unlike darius where this means obliterating your opponent, with mundo it just means not losing lane) you will make bat**** insane plays that look blatantly overpowered. But overtime, I have discovered he actually fits a very interesting niche of being a juggernaut that loses into most of the matchups other juggernauts win, and then wins most of the matchups most juggernauts completely faceplant into. If you like a character with some depth that doesnt take itself too seriously (aatrox/kayn mains WILL have 20 e-girls on standby, if that's what you want mundo is not for you) with really strong stats instead of flashy plays and the potential to completely carry a game if played well, Mundo's a great choice. I am a 19 y/old in university, It's been an adjustment from highschool so I haven't had much time to stream for a while, but I'm starting to stream again, so if you could check that out and give me a follow if this all sounds interesting to you, I'd definitely appreciate it: https://www.twitch.tv/bilibilibd
I've also made a Darius guide on here and will probably make more in the future as they are a lot of fun so check that out if that sounds interesting.
Lastly, if anything seems wrong, you disagree or there's something I should improve upon, I'd love to hear about it! I'm still learning, and want to put out the best guide possible. If you could quickly rate it as well so I know just in general how the guides looking, it'd mean a lot to me.
FYI i permaban gwen but I could see any of the level 5 threats (besides lulu) being fine bans its generally preference
NOTE: You may be wondering how it is possible for mundo to have so many "good matchups" in the matchup section. This is because I am ranking non-top champions based on your ability to fight them once you actually encounter them in-game, which is usually after laning phase. Since mundo is a hyper-scaling champ, most champions arent much of a problem for him at that point. For example ahri is a level 1 threat on my matchup sheet as, assuming you lock mundo top into whoever and get out of lane ok an ahri mid will have a very hard time matching your split. But if you locked mundo mid into an ahri mid it'd probably be a level 4 or 5 threat (mostly because mundo mid is awful).
Also for anyone wondering, I've really tried to make him work, but he is unfortunately pretty awful in arena if you dont highroll a tailored pris/gold augment. Everything is so inflated and there isnt a tower to use pressure with, so mundo's main gameplan early of good movement and poking with cleavers goes out the window. He IS strong in the end rounds but you need an insane duo or broken augment to get you there, and if you are playing for an insane highroll or pure late game there are much better options his late is just good, nothing super special. If you do want to play him in arena go titanic he is unplayable in arena without it
14.14 UPDATE: warmogs mundo is pretty considerably nerfed. The main strength warmogs rush had was it pretty much guaranteed 5 plates, which is a lot harder to do now since the passive only procs when you have an extra ruby crystal. Still a decent build you can go if you want to perma split but honestly I was already kind of on the fence with it since it makes your teamfight so awful. If you are gonna go warmogs still go it first, anything other than first item its just bad
+ incredibly tanky + strongest split push in the game for a tank + is probably the tankiest champion in the game and still pops squishies like weasels + really unique form of tenacity that, along with his durability makes him the premier face tanker + kayle levels of scaling + strong blind pick for a top laner + generally, mundo does well into most of the champions most juggernauts fail into (champions like jayce, kennen, vayne, teemo), so he's a great pocket pick for juggernaut mains who need a counter-last pick. + has unarguably the best skin in all of league
Mundo is an incredible fighter tank that wants to hunker down in lane to scale to a godlike late game where you are arguably the hardest to kill champion in the game, while also having more AD than your adc. His teamfights late game are very strong, but his split push is also the strongest in his class. While his lane is definitely weak, if you play lanes very well you can still come out on top in most matchups. Definitely a great pick for tank/bruiser players looking for a split push champion that isnt just pure damage, and can actually somewhat deal with ranged champions. Also a great blind pick comparatively to other top champions as in most lanes you can just safely farm with cleaver.
- arguably one of, if not the worst laning phase in top - if you fall behind you are useless unless your team can carry your 500lb corpse to 25+ mins - scaling, independent champion that isnt a hyper carry is awkward in higher elos where people are used to more traditional comps - in higher elo if you do poorly you will be relentlessly flamed for going mundo - no hard cc on a tank - his passive IS his tenacity. Which means if the enemy doesnt use hard cc, but instead heavy slows or silences or terrain or something, mundo CANNOT go where he pleases - has a few completely unplayable matchups when the meta shifts to tank killers unless he goes the warmogs AD build which is a build I cannot seriously recommend anyone in high elo unless they are very very comfortable on mundo and know his limits/playstyle well - similarly to how mundo wins a lot of matchups that most juggernauts fail into, he also LOSES a lot of matchups that most juggernauts would destroy (for example kled or riven)
Mundo's main two downfalls are the problems any stat stick falls into, and the fact he has zero hard cc while being a tank. Any stat stick will be very hard to play while behind, as your main way of winning fights isnt to outplay but just to stat check people. So if you have less stats you more or less just have to avoid fighting anyone. Mundo is different, however, in that, while most stat sticks understand this and thus have a very strong early game where you have to actively throw to become behind, Mundo STARTS THE GAME BEHIND, having one of the worst laning phases in top. His sustain early is actually worse than most top champs, and his cleavers cost a disgusting amount of base health in lane, severely punishing any misses. With that being said, in return if you manage to come out of laning phase on top or even just not too far behind, you start stat checking entire teams by yourself later on. He also has the obvious pitfall of being a tank with no hard cc which has zero place in any high-elo composition, although it's arguable if mundo is even a tank, or if he is just a juggernaut that happens to build tank items. To end on a positive note, while the cons section is longer, This is just because mundo's pro's are very simple and thus dont really need to be talked about. I think most of mundo's cons can ultimately be played around, there have been countless lanes I won or got out ahead in because of good movement + cleavers, the guys got a lot more agency than the average stat stick he just ultimately is one. For every 1-2 playable cons, he has a pro that goes well beyond most champions. For example, Ornn is tanky. Zac is tanky. Mundo is easily 3x tankier than either of them if he pops rank 3 ult and built around teamfights.
Goes Where He Pleasespassive healing and CC denial. Your passive gives you bonus health regeneration at all times based on your max health, with the percent increasing per level. He can also periodically tank the next CC effect without getting immobilized, instead losing 4% current hp and dropping a canister nearby. Walking over the canister restores 4% max hp and reduces the cd of this part of the passive by 15 seconds, with the cooldown reducing based on level, starting at a weak 60 seconds going down all the way to 15 seconds at level 15 where picking up the canister resets the cd completely. Once you are level 15 you can go for much riskier canister grabs as it is difficult for enemies to pick you out when you can deny another cc ability walking away. Keep in mind both parts of Dr. Mundo passive are incredibly weak early due to the extreme scaling per level. Infected BonesawProjectile slowing & damaging first enemy hit. Dr. Mundo throws a bonesaw in the target direction, dealing a portion of the targets current HP as magic damage and slowing by 40% for 2 seconds. Notably this ability costs flat health to cast instead of mana, which makes it very spammable late but an ability you should be careful with in lane. You will use this to safely last hit minions and poke in a lot of matchups, and later on becomes a good form of poke into frontliners in teamfights as well as a catch tool to chase with the slow + approach velocity. If the bonesaw hits a champion or large monster he heals for 100% of the cast cost, whilst if it hits anything else (like a minion) it heals 50% of the cast cost. While this is mundo's bread and butter iconic ability, it is matchup dependant on if you should max it first or max Blunt Force Trauma instead, as into certain matchups you will barely see a change in damage while the ability costs almost double the amount of health at rank 5 compared to rank 1. Heart Zapperaoe damage over time and burst mitigation. Dr. Mundo starts dealing magic damage every 0.25 seconds to nearby enemies for up to 3 seconds. a portion of damage taken while this ability is active is stored as grey health. After 3 seconds or recasting the ability, all units around mundo take substantially more magic damage and mundo heals for 50% of his grey health stored. If the recast deals damage to an enemy champion or large monster he instead heals for 100%. Generally you want to start the ability when the enemy is about to use their main damage move/burst on you, as for the first 0.75 seconds of the ability mundo stores almost all damage taken as grey health, while for the remaining duration he only stores 25% of damage taken. This amazing first 0.75 seconds is generally wasted if you cast it at the very beginning of a fight. Ideally, It is used very similarly to Courage Blunt Force TraumaEmpowered auto attack and passively gain bonus AD based on max hp. On cast, the next auto attack will deal significantly more damage, increasing based on missing hp, and if this attack kills, will fling a medical bag outward dealing damage to everything it collides with. This ability also resets mundo's basic attack timer. The ability also passively gives mundo bonus attack damage based on his max hp, increasing with rank. Due to mundo having no ad scalings, he can get away with getting an atrocious amount of AD from this ability. Late game it is common to see him have more ad than his adc! The projectile part of the active is very strong and is the main thing you will use to poke into more experienced players, as people who know how to play against mundo will make it very hard to land cleavers. This is the main reason you will max this ability first in many matchups. Maximum DosageMundo gains bonus HP, movement speed and health regen for 10 seconds. The bonus hp gained is based off his missing health, so it is optimal to wait until you are as low as possible to ult. His ult is very weak if activated at high health. I would generally wait until you are atleast 1/5 of your health to ult unless you are about to die to big burst. A common trick is keeping Heart Zapper turned on with a massive amount of grey health, ulting while low and then immediately reactivating w to survive any incoming burst. This gives you the maximum amount of bonus hp possible from ult without risking death from strong burst. At rank 3, the ultimates effectiveness is increased for every nearby enemy champion. The way this scaling works, the amount of hp he can gain is massively increased rank 3, making him almost 2x as powerful during teamfights. This is why most mundo playstyles main win con is reaching level 16. Note, at rank 1 the amount of health and regen it gives is negligible, and barely a powerspike beyond helping against tower dives. Rank 2 doubles the health regenerated, and is where you can generally start using it offensively.
by far Mundo's weakest part of the game is his laning phase. Mundo has one of, if not the weakest laning phase in top lane. You can win a lot of lanes if you play them perfectly and land every cleaver, but rarely is that possible. Just keep in mind you outscale almost every matchup, and dont be afraid to give up some farm as long as you are in xp range. When the enemy is slow pushing a wave, try to thin it a bit with cleavers and possible e'ing a minion into the wave, if a big wave crashes into your tower you are vulnerable to a tower dive with the enemy jungle. If you get 1f1'd in a tower dive but multiple waves are lost to your turret, its still very bad for you.
Unlike most top champions with bad laning phases, at almost every opportunity you can, unless you want to set up your own freeze, shove the lane. It is nearly impossible to freeze into a Mundo, as to do so you won't have the cover of your minions to hide behind, so its free game for Mundo to poke you out with cleavers. If needed farm with q, but if possible try to just farm with autos as you still lose health (25 health at rank 1). There is no downside to throwing out cleavers if you hit an enemy champion as the full health is refunded, but if you even miss a rank 1 cleaver you lose 50 health. That's a third of a health potion! This is why, even though the cooldown is low, you want to be very smart about when to cleaver. Just look to scale, and if the enemy gets overconfident you can poke them out of lane with cleavers. If the enemy has a poor back and you ever have access to enemy turret, go for demolish, autoing + e. You should be able to get 2 platings if this is past 5 minutes.
Your 6 is worst than most champions, as rank 1 r is very weak, but its still a helpful power spike as it makes it significantly harder for the enemy to tower dive you. Keep in mind with your w, you want to activate it right before the enemy uses their main damage move. It stores more grey health in the first 0.25 seconds. You want to reactivate w on the enemy champ at almost any cost, as it restores double the health if you land it. It's like a healing version of garen w. NOTE: do not ult in lane purely for sustain! I see some people do it (and it was a viable thing to do pre-rework) but post-rework the ult cd is way too long to do that and a lot of the power budget is now in the max-health increase rather than the heal, so it barely heals you anyway. If you are that low just back or try to bait a tower dive where you then ult, but dont just ult out of combat to heal at most like 30% of your hp
malpractice make malperfect!
- Dr. Mundo.
I would consider mid game to be when you reach heartsteel + full boots or level 11, whatever comes first. Heartsteel is a major powerspike as now you have enough health regeneration that you can start just spamming cleavers, and trade pattern of poking with cleavers at a range until heartsteel is up to run in and proc it with e, rinse and repeat, is really strong especially considering your sustain. At level 11, your champion has officially scaled up, with your ult now being pretty much 2x as strong, and you can start playing aggressively and confidently into almost any matchup assuming you arent significantly behind. You can even 2v1 the enemy top and jungler most of the time assuming neither of them directly counter your kit. Look to split push to gather resources as quickly as possible such as turret gold and xp from waves and camps, as this is by far the most reliable way to get ahead on mundo. Your wave clear is disgusting, your tower damage is the highest out of any tank, and your e does so much bonus damage to monsters that you clear enemy camps pretty easily. This is to accelerate you to your god-like status of late game ASAP. Keep in mind you want to ult at as low as possible without being in kill range, as you gain bonus health for the duration based off missing health. A great way to capitalize on this without dieing to being so low is by activating w, waiting til near the end of w or if you are about to die, with abunch of grey health stored up, then ult while low and right after reactivate w to get the healing off. You are now immediately half health with the max amount of bonus health possible!
You now have 3+ items and are level 16. Your rank 3 r is one of the strongest ultimates in the game, and you are now at your strongest with spirit visage finally being done in tandom with the strong ultimate. If you split pushed well and have 9-10 cs per minute, assuming you are lvl 16 while everyone else but the enemy top laner is level 13-14, you can actually stat check entire teams by yourself, tanking everyones damage with ult while killing the adc and leisurely walking away. Past level 15, you want to pick up your canister every time, as the cooldown will fully reset, which lets you get away with building no tenacity on a tank.
If you struggled until now and are behind, even being the last to hit level 16 in the game besides supports, don't worry! You will still be incredibly tanky, and have *enough* damage to make the enemy team not able to just ignore you. You do NOT have the same options as if you were doing well when you hit 16 (like above), so running into the enemy team alone to try to kill the adc will just result in you running around for 10 seconds until your ult runs out and then you die. But your teamfights are still really solid, forcing the enemy to kill you first which will still take at least 4-5 seconds even if the enemy is full of tank shredders (besides kogmaw that champion actually just obliterates you with no way to kite his damage) even if you dont try to survive at all and instead just run at their adc the entire time (which you need to do to make the enemy focus you). If you still dont win the teamfight with your team having 4+ seconds to wreak havoc the game was over from the start. Make sure to pick the right time to be a freakazoid and run in though, since your champ has very poor disengage and pretty bad healing out of combat so when you decide to walk up at all thats generally the time to go in, assuming both teams are grouped. So make sure the 4-5 seconds isnt wasted! Note, when mundo is this behind, it still depends on matchup but most of the time he just can't 1v1 the enemy laner. You aren't garen trynd or trundle, so you arent gonna out-tempo the enemy in a split contest by running away when the enemy shows up. You are an illaoi sion type split pusher who just contests their split by killing whoever shows up to stop them. If you cant do this, group and teamfight! The exception to this is if there is a giga-fed sett or something who you need to keep away from teamfights to pray your team wins the 4v4, but if they have any form of catchup/sticking potential its a bad idea to "split to keep the monster away from teamfights." Generally this is more a strategy for a feeding garen or trynd something because their disengage is so strong. Yours isnt! Remember, on mundo, if you dont know what to do just group. It isnt always the best option but its very rarely a bad choice. Splitting is often a flat out bad choice. For any champion that isnt a 1000apm assassin, outside of laning phase, what seperates a bad player from a good player is mechanics. What seperates a good player from a great player is good macro! It's important!
Everyone but supports are now level 18 full build. Your scaling starts to slow down at this point unless you manage your heartsteel stacks really well, and you can no longer stat check entire teams by yourself, as the adc will now start to shred you if you arent careful. You are still incredibly strong, but you need to play with your team backing you up, or commit fully to split pushing, but not be as cocky as you could be at 3 items level 16 where you can ignore multiple enemies and just slaughter towers. Be patient and play smart even when very far ahead, this late in the game if your team gets wiped its likely gg regardless of how far behind the enemy team was.
NOTE: Dr. Mundo has ONE flaw late game. When your ult is up you can go absolutely god mode, but if it isn't up you aren't tanky enough to completely frontline and therefore can't really teamfight. This wouldn't be that big of an issue if mundo ult cd didn't remain at 120 seconds at every rank, which is worsened by the fact he barely builds ability haste. If you are going to ult late game, MAKE SURE ITS WORTH IT! At the very least, if you get caught in a split push or something and are going to die no matter what, don't copium ult just save it so that when you spawn you can make some impact.
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